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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Dr. Pomade

    Osu Wins!!!!

    A great game, and an instant classic. Rematch? On one hand, it's incredibly unfair to OSU. UM had their shot and missed. End of very short story. Do the Colts get to cry foul when they lose to the Patriots on the road during the playoffs? Uh, no. Higher seeded teams get homefield advantage. That's kind of what happened here. Making OSU beat UM twice to win the championship, and allowing UM a chance to win a piece of the championship by beating a team that JUST BEAT THEM THE LAST GAME THEY PLAYED, is simply unfair. All that being said, I wouldn't be terribly afraid to see a rematch, being an OSU fan. OSU had three turnovers, which gave UM some gift-wrapped points. We play again, chances are the turnover margin isn't so extremely skewed in UM's direction. So, maybe Hart is dead on when he says a rematch would result in a far different outcome: it's likely that OSU could just up and smoke UM badly in a second game. BTW, I just made my reservations for Glendale today: (2) tickets, charter non-stop flight, hotel reservations, etc. Phoenix/Glendale = Columbus West.
  2. The call is coming from inside the house!
  3. "The Dead Schembechlers" indicated that they will perform tonite and then dissolve as a band. They also released a press statement saying as much and expressing sorrow for Bo's passing. Additionally, they covered up their sign at the concert site that says "The Dead Schembechlers" with a sign that reads "God Bless Bo." Very classy of them. Yup, it's a sad day - Bo was unarguably one of the greatest college football coaches of all time. A huge, huge loss.
  4. No one wants Jon banned. Instead, everyone wants to see you get hit in the face with a shovel.
  5. There are so many fucking retards in this thread that I feel like I've wandered on to an MRDD unit.
  6. I like your posts better when they begin with some mystery and end with an anti-climatic wimper. Then again, I'm just a young stunna, stunnin like my daddah.
  7. I just realized we're all fairly proficient at bench racing the OSU and UM football teams.
  8. Once a 42-year old man felt an odd tingling in his hand. Nearly 1600 miles away, his twin brother felt the same tingling sensation in his hand. Coincidence? I don't think so.
  9. This thread makes me want to bitch about stuff and so not contribute positively.
  10. Yeah, I now go to the east side God, which is more colloquially known as the Eastland Mall. Only for a little bit, though, since I'm going to move again soon. Then, it will be the downtown God, or, as you probably know him, the YMCA. Amen.
  11. You're officially fired from all further discussions on OSU for the remainder of the year. Unless, of course, you can show me where exactly allowing only 7.8 points per game is "average" for this year in Division I-A and being tied for first (with Western Michigan, I believe) for the most takeaways is also just "average." When you've come to the conclusion you can't, smack yourself in the face with a water bong and revisit this thread in 2007.
  12. I tried to pray for you, but God said that you're a douche and told me to quit, so I did. Sorry, but it seems like God hates you.
  13. You know, that's one hell of a thought - if the loser of the OSU/UM still gets in to the national championship game and then wins, then you'd have a great case for a split national championship. Of course, by contract, the one poll (USA Today, I think) has to crown the winner of the BCS title game the national champion, but the AP is under no such obligation and could make the loser of the championship game (i.e., the winner of the original OSU/UM game) their national champion, thus producing a split national championship. And how fucking wild would that be to have not only two teams from the same conference - the Big Ten - split the national championship, but those two teams be UM and OSU? Purists may scoff at that (and, honestly, I'm not quite sure how, ultimately, I'd feel about it), but it's still an interesting scenario to ponder.
  14. Wow. Yeah, fucked up for more than just a few reasons.
  15. Dr. Pomade

    LS1 owns me

    Worst post ever. You're fired.
  16. Ben, I'm inclined to agree with your argument that UM, even with a loss to OSU, would still be the 2nd best team in the nation. However, traditionally, when you lose, you drop at least one spot in the polls, and usually more than that. So, even if UM is the 2nd best team, tradition would dictate that they fall out of that #2 spot in the polls, which then, in all likelihood, would remove them from the #2 spot in the BCS. Not to say that it's fair, it's just the way it usually is. Again, like I said, I'm inclined to agree with you - UM even with a loss is probably more impressive as a team than the other teams with one loss that are front-runners for the second slot in the championship game - ND (who they destroyed), USC (who's looked relatively average this year), and Florida (who has been fairly unimpressive). Also, I'll reiterate, it just wouldn't be fair for the loser of the UM/OSU game to turn around and win the national championship after being beaten just a few weeks before by the same team. Personally, I'd love to play ND, USC, or Florida. I'd like to play ND six or seven times a year if we could - they're so fucking overrated it's priceless. ND's defense could actually be WORSE this year, if that's possible. USC is a shell of their former selves, and I'd like nothing more that to hand them a beat down. And Florida, well, I'd love to show what a very fast, very athletic BIG TEN team is capable of doing to the best of the high-and-mighty SEC.
  17. This is a great post.
  18. Agreed, OSU will in all likelihood be unable to move the ball effectively on the ground against UM. Michigan's defense this year is much like OSU's defenses in the past five or so years: a very athletic front four that do a great job of plugging the run, allowing the linebackers free roam. Yes, if OSU wins, then Smith wins the Heisman. Here's to hoping Smith scores on a run in the fourth quarter to seal the win and does the Heisman pose, ala Desmond Howard. Oh, how would the Big Blue Nation take that role reversal? Probably won't happen, but oh how I wish it would. Having a rematch of OSU and UM in the national championship game is dumb for several reasons. First, and foremost, it actually penalizes the team for winning the first time. Are you telling me that it would be okay for, say, OSU to lose the first time against UM, then turn around and beat them to be the national champs? How does that make any sense? Second, I think it dilutes the significance of The Game. No, OSU and UM should play only once, and that once should mean everything. This time, it just happens to be kind of like the national championship before the national championship.
  19. Cool video, nice tricks. Did you hear the song playing, though? I'm no lyrical expert, but, um, that sounded fairly racist to me. Might want to consider putting an NWS on it or something.
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