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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. He is working that pump fake well - is he also looking off the safety too? If so this is a great development for him.
  2. Bosa pulled up there. Josh he read this thread and took your advice.
  3. Yeah he did seem to be pouring the haterade liberally there.
  4. 17 point swing since missed FG - I wish we would have just have gone for it rather than trying the FG Attempt
  5. Ole miss beat Alabama and then lost to Florida, who barely beat Tennessee. So Alabama is about as good as Tennesee. Congrats.
  6. Agreed Griffin George Troy smith Braxton ...
  7. Agreed Where does he rank in terms of all term Buckeyes?
  8. Glen Mason is such an Ohio state homer and it's awesome
  9. Our D is like AI: we adapt once inputs are received and become more difficult to handle with time. Ohio State Skynets
  10. You can be satisfied with stupid wasted Braxton miller draw plays if you want. I'll reserve my right to be sane and dissatisfied.
  11. Might as well take a knee twice and then just throw in on third and long
  12. How is this team ranked #1? *groan*
  13. This is not that kind of pole.
  14. PS - where the rep go? (When you read that, please read it like you are TI saying "where dey at tho'?")
  15. Also, forgot to mention: CB is almost always active, and there's definitely stuff that goes on there a lot. I think it's so active because CB mirrors the evolution of social media: we really are all about getting our responses out there immediately and getting immediate feedback. Not sure what implications any of this has, but, if I had to offer something, then maybe I'd suggest looking into making CB a more prominent feature of CR. Meaning, CB seems to work well, and the site should capitalize on that and enhance it's profile, if possible.
  16. Seriously, whoa. I guess CR.com is a no-go.
  17. That's all? Can I pay in cash or do you need a cashier's check?
  18. The law analogy was spectacular. Orion, you get an A. Mojoe, you've been on point recently, and definitely in this thread. 10/10 Drewhop, you summarized in about 25 words what DJ needed three pages to say. You get one Adriana Lima and a Charlotte McKinney Geeto67, you have got to lighten up dude. We get it, you're smart and shit. But the internet is about memes of cats, not your wisdom. I'm sure you're very wise. We don't care when you're trying to tell us how wise you are. Getting beat up on by DJ and Eli isn't such a bad thing; you now share something in common with yours truly. CR loves a good comeback story; some back as the more humble, less pompous, new and improved Geeto67 and I bet you'll eventually be welcomed with open arms. In the meantime, I am awarding you 5 Mr. Schnauzies. Sorry, you deserve them.
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