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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Thanks for letting us know it will be in Columbus, Ohio. Many of us probably would have went to the Polaris Hooters in Columbus, Indiana by mistake.
  2. My g/f's car - a 2003 Eclipse GST - was wrecked (not horribly, but enough) and now the hood won't open. I need someone to do just enough autobody repair so that (1) the hood will open and (2) it will shut again without any major issues. Will pay for time/labor and whatever materials are needed. Would like to take care of this ASAP. Post here if you are interested or have questions, or call me on my cell phone: 614.325.5970.
  3. Yeah, but weren't 30-some of those wins by Michigan accumulated back in like the 12th Century? What's the record over the past 50 years? Isn't almost dead even? A great rivalry, I would think. UM fucking owned OSU in the 1990's. I know, I hate to say it, but it's the truth. OSU has turned the tide in the past several years, which has brought, IMO, a lot back to the rivarly. Here's to hoping both teams are undefeated coming into their matchup in November. Seriously, as a college football fan, can you ask for anything more?
  4. I watched it again, and I this time I think I have it. The two guys at the beginning are pharmaceutical reps who work with Eli Lilly. They've just finished up a presentation at the park, and it didn't go well. They're meeting to discuss what went wrong. One of the rep points, and I think you can hear him say, "If we had set up over there with the pamphlets on Prozac it would have went a lot better." The camera person is actually the two reps' supervisor, who has had mounting concerns about their presentation style and on-job effectiveness. So, in secret, the supervisor has decided to videotape them and later submit it to human resources. One of the reps is afflicted with Tourette's sydrome. As the couple passes, he manifests (characteristically) a reflective tic, causing his arm to swing out and hit the woman. The boxer guy - who is a massive homophobe - interprets the slap as actually an act of homosexual groping, and reacts aggressively, beating the two men as a means of releasing his hatred for all things gay. Satisfied with his handywork, he leaves. The two reps, fearing that boxer guy is off to tear down their Prozac kiosk, gather themselves to hurry after him and save their materials. There, that baby's been put to bed.
  5. Okay, I'll quote you in order to make this point, but I'm not intending to single you out; instead, this is in reaction to everyone who's said something to the effect of "you can't like a team if you didn't go to school there." How then can anyone be passionate about an NFL team? I mean, by the warped reasoning that's being used, you'd have to have played for that NFL team before you could lay any claim to being a fan. Seriously, people, give me a break. Like whoever you like for whatever reason - there aren't any fucking rules on who can root for who and why.
  6. Sorry, didn't mean to come across all serious. Truth be told, I laughed hard when he fell, but then my reaction turned to amazement as it focused on the aftermath.
  7. With all due respect, I think you're incredibly wrong. His gesture was, IMO, an intentional slap, not an act of pointing out directions. I'm starting to lean toward the theory that these two guys were trying to start a fight just to start a fight and simply, like the title of the video implies, messed with the wrong guy. Person filming it is in on it - maybe it's a girl, maybe it's not. They film themselves wailing on people and put it on the Internet, just like a bunch of other adolescents/idiots have done recently. (I've seen a few news stories lately featuring adolescents engaging in "random beatings" of people and recording it on their camera phones.) They whack girl, guy goes nuts on them, their caught off guard and get their asses beat. They go after guy because, well, their pride is hurt, and they know they just got a beat down that was filmed on camera. I'm trying to make use of Ockam's razor, here - the simplest explanation for a given event is usually the correct explanation.
  8. No one ever gave me shit about that to my face. In fact, the first time I was ever informed that there may be anything wrong with then was when Mensan and I got into a flame war on here after I posted some pics of the car and Jessica - some of you may remember those pics/those flame wars that I had with Mensan, DJ, and some of the other heavy hitters here. That, BTW, was my first CR meet. I could go on and on about that, but I don't want to hijack this guy's thread, which is going pretty good. Back on topic, not sure if this qualifies as rice, but in my Typhoon I had a box with a single 10" speaker hooked to a 150-watt Hermosa amp. As if the Typhoon didn't weigh enough already.
  9. Whoa, that kid may have a broken neck/paralysis. Notice the stiffness in the limbs and the seemingly reflexive gasping? "Not a good sign," says Doctor Obvious.
  10. Also, besides all the fucking forensics going on here, isn't it great to see how many great shots that guy landed on the other two? The guy in the dark jacket was super wobly - watch him after he gets wailed on the first time - and the guy in the white jacket got it worse - notice the last punch that catches him really flush and puts him down. All in all, it's an entertaining little piece of video.
  11. Just watched it again. I disagree with the assertion that the two guys are preparing to fight one another. Neither's body language seems to suggest that there is any real animosity between the two. I would think two guys preparing to fight - or at least one preparing to beat on another - would assume much different postures in such close proximity to each other. Also, it sounds to me like a woman is filming - admittedly, I am judging that only on what the camera-person's breathing sounds like. (It sounds, well, kind of feminine.) The woman shouting doesn't shout until after the one guy has wailed on the other two. Also, I don't think the woman shouting is the same woman filming. Though, it could be. Further, I don't the theory that these two were looking to fight the guy holds much water. Look at the reaction of the one guy that doesn't slap the girl - he's completely taken aback by the aggression of the guy, like he's completely caught off guard. Don't you think that if these two were looking to jump someone that they would have been a little more prepared for aggression on the part of the other guy? The theory that the one guy was going to beat the other guy up and then in a display of machismo slaps the passer-by doesn't make much sense to me. Again, they didn't look like there was any animosity between the two before the boxer guy came on the scene. So, I can't buy that there was about to be a fight between them before the fight broke out with boxer guy. Also, them "teaming up" at the end doesn't make sense either if it's accepted that they were just about to fight before boxer guy happened on the scene. I'm with whoever said that the boxer guy and/or girl may have said something to the two guys as they were passing. Maybe the two guys had just roughed up some other people in the park or were causing trouble before the vid starts. Then, here comes socially conscious couple, and they say something like, "Hey, quit being jerks." Well, being a jerk, the one guy instinctively backhands girl, and then all hell broke loose.
  12. Wow, it has me a little perplexed too. It doesn't seem staged, or, more specifically, their reactions don't appear staged - the boxing guy definitely seemed pissed, and the guys getting worked over definitely seemed to be getting worked over legitimately. Here's a theory: the two guys are thugs/drug dealers. They know girl in some manner. They are hot-shit in the neighborhood, the kind of thugs that don't mind backhanding a girl in public with another guy just to show how cool they are. So, they're talking about whatever. They cause trouble in the neighborhood, maybe even trouble that day with the girl/couple that we see enter the vid. Maybe the neighbor upstairs knows that the thugs are always up to no good and gets out the video camera to record stuff. Girl comes walking by, she gets whacked in the chops by thugs acting cool, then tough guy with them reacts and beats their ass. Notice that it didn't seem over even after the beat down - both guys seemed intent on pursuing the couple even after getting beat up, like two thugs would after someone got the jump on them. So, they go after them, and who knows what went on behind the obscured view of the trees. That's just a theory. Not sure why I felt they were thugs - maybe because it's foreign (Russian or whatever), or maybe it was just the body language of the two guys. However, overall, I didn't get that knee-jerk reaction that it was staged - which I usually do when it is.
  13. Alteezas on my 03 Cobra. My g/f had them installed as a suprise gift. I wasn't aware at that time that they were perceived as "ricey" or "cheap." It was a nice gift/gesture, though, and I don't fault my g/f for it.
  14. I think that's where me and Jessica went last year for Halloween. They had some crazy fucking costume party/contest - people went all out (i.e., they actually had some cool/neat costumes). Anyway, the club was off the hook - a bunch of levels, lots of space, etc.
  15. 2) Sears Tower. Completely badass and worth the trip. 3) Wrigley Field. Sure, the Cubs suck, but it's arguably the best ballpark in America. 4) Any jazz club on the pier. Jazz is huge in Chicago. Not even my kind of music, but the clubs there are ultra pimp.
  16. Dr. Pomade

    What do you do?

    Sure - you can call me anytime. However, if you expect me to listen, then it'll be $250/hr with a retainer of $2500.
  17. Dr. Pomade

    What do you do?

    I'm a Clinical/Forensic Psychologist and Chief Clinical Officer of Behavioral Science Specialists, LLC. My practice is entirely assessment based and the preponderance of my work is in forensics (e.g., competency to stand trial, mental state at the time of the offense, employability, guardianship, involuntary committment, and sexual offender evaluations). Additionally, I am an adjunct faculty member at Capital University. My curriculum vitae can be made available upon request.
  18. This thread makes the real Kitchen cry. Get on AIM you fucking losers and send me a check for the 15 minutes of my life you just wasted. TIA, douches.
  19. Dr. Pomade

    IPS Events

    LOL. GN vs. 03 Cobra. 4am. Dig racing. 270 northbound. Granted, you got me more than a few times that night.
  20. Great post, Jesse. I despise Brent Musburger for lots of reasons, some of which you've highlighted. I went to the OSU game yesterday. We looked lethargic in the first half. Yet, even hitting on 6 of 8 cylinders is good enough for good teams at times. Fortunately, it was Cincinnati, and not, say, Iowa, that we played yesterday. (Though, as an aside, I have this developing notion that the OSU teams of late have a tendency to play to the level of intensity/importance of a game. Hence, we jack up the Notre Dame's and Texas' and Michigan's, but squeak by the Cincy's.)
  21. I am now laughing so hard I am crying. Seriously, some of my favs are ghost cat, the invisible bike cat, and the "im in your yard stealing your catz" pic. LOL.
  22. Dr. Pomade

    IPS Events

    I know of a certain 03 Cobra that was faster than at least two of the f-bodies that have posted previous to me in this thread. OH SNAPS OH SNAPS OH SNIZZIE MOTHERFUCKIN SNAPS!!!1!!
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