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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. All Columbus' not located in Ohio are automatically obligated to be followed by the state in which they are located; Columbus' located in Ohio can be cited as simply "Columbus," as the "Ohio" is implied. The dude on SVTPerformance obviously didn't know these rules. Hey, by the way, are you the same guy in a Lightning that refused to race me a few years ago in an 03 Cobra? I so hope you're that same clown.
  2. http://catalog.hollywoodheroes.com/images/IMG_4354.JPG
  3. Really? I wasn't sure of what the majority of people thought about the stripe. I don't really care one way or the other, but the girl thinks it needs to be there. Should she think differently? So, people, weigh in - stripe or no stripe across the windshield? Gay or no?
  4. LOL - there's no such thing as as a bad image of that car, regardless of the angle. It's sex on fucking wheels. Yeah, I'm thinking 50% may not be enough and she'll want to go with something more along the lines of the 35%. Thanks again for the offer to come by - we may end up doing that. I'll give you a call beforehand if we decide to head that way.
  5. From a roll, the contenders on here are the IPS EVO, Tinman, Matt (w/ the KB Cobra), Sam, and Linn. I was in the mix on my old set-up, though, on it, I doubt that I could have beat the IPS EVO or Sam as their cars sit now. On my new set-up, well, I'm not sure, but I hope to find out soon... Also, like Clark mentioned, you can put any of the liter bikes rolling around town in the mix. David Putty (i.e., Charles), R1 John, and Rigsby all come to mind. Their probably all faster than all of the aforementioned cars. Oh, another guy in the roll mix is Keith with the 93 Cobra, or at least he was when his car was running. Very fast car from a roll - it's taken out a fair share of members from this site. Additionally, like Clark said, Mario is at the top of the list when it comes to dig racing. As for who fills in the rest of the four slots after him, toss a coin, I guess. Notably, Gearhead talks a lot of shit about being one of the faster guys from a dig, but I've never heard of him outrunning anyone. Anthony comes to mind though in terms of being fast from a dig.
  6. Thanks for all of the replies. I made an appointment to have it done at Quality Window Tint this Friday. Andy, on the M3, does it have a strip of tint across the top of the windshield? Either way, do you have any shots of the M3 from the front? I'm trying to decide if we should get that strip put across the windshield or not. And, Bryan (aka [ i v i ]), that's seriously jacked up about Accurate Tint - thanks for the warning about them, and sorry to hear that you had that experience. Eli - no problem, homie. We're all busy.
  7. OSU's offense is built on speed, precision, and a fair amount of passing - all of which, IMO, was considerably affected by the weather. So, in the case of Penn State, I think it was less of us playing down to their level and more of the elements that caused the outcome to be what it was.
  8. You must have forgotten that flaming is more effective when you're coherent.
  9. Yeah, you could almost see your bottle emptying with each run. BTW, the run where you walked me badly we were both N/A. Not sure if you remembered that or not.
  10. Andy, awesome. Thanks. What percent is the tint on the M3? It's funny you posted; Jessica asked specifically about your M3 when we were discussing tint for the Benz, which is a pearl white color. This thread could be over in four posts.
  11. Great points - and I agree completely. Leak was someone I missed but shouldn't have in my earlier posts. And I'm totally with you with respect to their strength of schedule - should they get through it unscathed, I'm not sure how you'd argue for them to NOT be number one.
  12. I need to get the windows on a car tinted. Of course, I want it to be done right, so high quality is a must. I'm not concerned too much about the price. Who do you recommend and why? Thanks in advance.
  13. Linking to OT, SVTPerformance.com, and MySpace.com now...
  14. Stats don't win Heismans - ask any RB or QB from the MAC or Conference USA or any other non-BCS conference that. So, just because Brady has better stats doesn't mean he's more deserving of the Heisman. Michigan is right now playing better than just about everyone, with the exception of probably OSU. However, Michigan wasn't playing that well in week two - so, no, they weren't better than Texas when OSU played Texas. And, no, you don't get to discredit Texas or OSU - the rankings were credible and valid enough at the time when they played.
  15. Put down the lighter and step away from the bong, Rane. The extent to which Brady Quinn "stat whores" against shitty teams has absolutely nothing to do with any other team, Troy Smith, the atomic weight of potassium, or, in others words, anything else. So, if I predict that Quinn will "stat whore," then you can either agree or disagree, but trying to counter with the "fact" that OSU "plays just as many shitty teams" just doesn't make much sense. It's also hard to take you seriously when you say thing like, "And look at the quality of teams you've played so far." Rane, OSU had probably one of, if not THE most, difficult September schedules in the county. Let me repeat this and put it in all bold so you see it: THEY PLAYED TEXAS AT TEXAS WHEN TEXAS WAS NUMBER FUCKING TWO IN THE NATION. Would you instead have preferred to see OSU play, oh, I don't know, the Dallas Cowboys when they made the trip to Texas? I mean, since Texas at Texas with the number two ranking wasn't "quality" enough for you. Notre Dame has had a difficult schedule as well. Difference is, Notre Dame got manhandled by Michigan, barely got past Georgia Tech, and needed a gift-wrapped present from Michigan State in order to win. Ohio State has been much more dominant in their wins, and, here's the biggest difference, THEY HAVENT LOST.
  16. Completely agree. The last time I was at Brothers I got into a fight. And the reasons for it completely justify Jesse's previous statements. Here's how the fight went down: I'm leaving Brothers, walking out by myself. I'm over by some booths. A group of four guys is at one of the booths - three of them are sitting, one standing. As I pass them, and I am not kidding, the one standing up acts like he's going to throw a punch at me, which makes me instinctively flinch. The guy who did it then turns and starts laughing to his friends, who are laughing too, like that was the intent - to flex on people as they pass to watch them flinch. I'm like, "No fucking way..." and without hesitation, I punch the guy (who flexed on me) in the back of the head, knocking him into the booth with his friends. I jump on him, wailing, waiting to get jumped by his friends. (I'm thinking - "Fuck, if I'm going to get beat down, then I'm going to hit this guy as many times as I can before I get worked over.) Surprisingly, they don't jump me, but break it up, well, sort of, since it then turned into me having my hands around that guys collar and him clasping my shirt, kind of like a stalemate of sorts. A bunch of shouting then ensued, and I'm thinking two things: (1) why aren't his friends beating the fuck out of me? and (2) where in the fuck is security at? since I'm now fully expecting to get manhandled by the bouncers. Oddly, no security came, the guy who flexed on me ends up apologizing for being a complete douche, and all of them want me to stay and drink with them. On the way out, a couple of people came up to me to congratulate me, saying, "Thanks for doing that - those guys have been fucking with people the whole night," and so forth. Brothers is complete trash - fuck that place. Jesse, in fact, that was the same night I ran into you outside the club. Remember? Anyway, don't go to Brothers, unless, of course, you want to grind up against other guys and get into stupid ass fights.
  17. Agreed, Ginn won't win it. He's not even on the Heisman radar even more. Even if he catches a bunch of TD passes, it will only bolster Smith's campaign, since, well, Smith will be the one throwing the TD passes. Also, while I'm thinking of it, what the hell happened to Ginn's returning skills? He seems content to catch a punt, walk forward three steps, pause, and then fall over. It's like someone said to him, "Ginn, listen, you need to focus more on getting up the field quickly," which he interpreted to mean, "Ginn, never take off running as fast as your 4.3X feet will take you to the left or the right and then try to make something happen by building up a bunch of momentum." Certainly, I'm sure the opposition has something to do with it (e.g., less kicking to him, more emphasis on coverage), but I can't help but wonder why he just looks so much different now on his returns. Smith is the consensus front-runner for the Heisman. No, Verse, that's just not the opinion in the metro Columbus area, but across the entire nation. And why wouldn't he be? He's the star player on the No. 1 team in the nation that has, in their past seven games, only beaten these teams: Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas, Penn State, and Iowa, all of whom were ranked at the time, and three of which (not counting ND in the Fiesta Bowl) were ON THE ROAD. Seriously, what more would you like Smith to do in order to assert himself for the Heisman? Here's the answer: "Uh, nothing - seems like he's doing enough for sure." If Smith continues to put up numbers like he has - lots of TDs, comparatively few INTs - and, more importantly, if OSU continues to win, then, IMO, the Heisman will be his. Garrett Wolfe is a nice darkhorse choice. Unfortunately, he plays in a league that's perceived across the nation to be about as tough as the OCC here in the Columbus area. I mean, getting 353 rushing yards is great, but when it's against a team that's about as good as the Groveport Madison Cruisers, then, well, you can only give it so much weight. Remember when that running back out of Memphis ran for all those yards last year (or the year before that)? By numbers alone, he should have won, but didn't even get real consideration because of the conference he played in. So, no, Garrett Wolfe won't win, and he shouldn't. Peterson is probably the biggest threat to Smith. He plays for OU and will play plenty of high profile games (e.g., against Texas next week). So, if he racks up big numbers, his candidacy will start to pick up a lot of steam quickly. Also, I think that an advantage that a running back has over a QB in a Heisman race is that a QB is much more likely to make high profile mistakes that will hurt their candidacy (e.g., throwing an INT) as opposed to a RB. So, over the rest of the season, it would seem like Peterson has a smoother road as opposed to Smith. So, if I'm rooting for Smith, then I'm constantly worrying about Peterson. Brady's still in the mix, as much as I'd like him not to be and as much as he shouldn't be. Face it, he choked in the big games where he could have cemented his Heisman candidacy. Now, he's got a string of cup-cake games ahead on the way to a showdown with USC. The good for him: he'll get a billion passing yards and a half-billion TD passes in the next several games against the retards they'll play. The bad for him: he's playing a bunch of retards and everyone will keep bringing that up. Yet, I can't help but get the notion that, should he put up a bunch of stats in the next few games, the ND publicity train will start to pick up momentum and people will less and less care about them playing retards.
  18. Repost, fake, and not even entertaining. Someone call the firing squad.
  19. Okay, problem solved: I ditched the Eclipse today and bought the girl a Benz. Scott, got your message today - thanks. I didn't call you back because I had an inkling I was going to get rid of the car today; as it turns out, I was right. Also, thanks to everyone else that PMed/called me to offer assistance. It was appreciated.
  20. Keith, remember this? http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=AFFCB8C2-B420-445F-B9D5-2E7A7D82B109
  21. I called the 506 number and left a message, but haven't heard anything back. Clark, completely understandable - no worries. Just give me a ring when you have an opening; if the car still needs fixed by then, then it's all yours.
  22. Clark, no, the car's not going to Norwalk. No, I don't want it fully repaired - I'm just wanting the hood to open and close for now. I anticipate getting rid of it soon. No, I don't need it repainted.
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