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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. True story. And, to add to it, maggot therapy (i.e., putting live maggots on a target area to allow the larvae to each the rotten flesh) is utilized in the United States for burn victims and individuals with diabetes (that are prone to infection/poor circulation/gangerous conditions). Like DJ implied, maggots won't eat healthy flesh, so they are useful for cleaning out infections and other nasty stuff that, if left there, could warrant amputation or even result in death. (Extra sidebar: some time ago I heard of a case of a homeless guy that came into an ER and his entire face was infected with maggots. So, the ER doc painstakingly removed every maggot from the guy's face, patched him up, and sent him on his way. Homeless guy died about 12 hours later. Why? Because the infection in his face - what the maggots were eating on - spread to his bloodstream/other organs and killed him; when the ER doc took out the maggots, the guy's only defense against the infection was also taken away. So, essentially, the maggots were the only thing keeping the homeless guy alive.)
  2. Unfortunately, no. *slitting wrists*
  3. It's about a 30 minute drive (at the speed limit) from QS&L (which is in Polaris, north of the Outerbelt) to Hooters (which is on the east side - E. Main Street - just outside the Outerbelt). In terms of distance, I would guess it's about 20 miles or so.
  4. Yes and no. You guys will be coming down - i.e., traveling south on - I-71 and getting off at the Gemini Place exit, which will then direct you to Polaris Parkway (and the initial meeting spot at QS&L). The place I referenced on the freeway being six wide actually happens as you are traveling north on I-71 up from the 270 and toward the Polaris Parkway (and Gemini Place) exit. So, yes, it's around where you'll be coming, but, in order to drive on it, we'd have to jump on 71, go south for a bit, then come back up 71 toward Polaris again to hit the area where it goes six wide. Also, there is a Hooters near the Polaris area, but it's not where we're meeting, and it's not where the big annual meet for all the car stuff goes down. That Hooters is out on the east side off of 270. (We have a few Hooters here; "the" Hooters that everyone talks about is out east - the Hooters @ Polaris is relatively new and not much car stuff goes on there.) I'll plan to post up in the next day or so a revised thread about the meet to discuss directions, anticipated participants, and so forth. I got your VM message. Lost your number though. Call me back or PM your number.
  5. Jamie needs to ditch the BFG's - way too much sidewall, and way too squirrely.
  6. Doable - the new Polaris exit is now six wide for a stretch of about a mile.
  7. I'm an intelligent guy, but, even after re-reading that post three times, I have no fucking clue what's going on. I feel like someone just slipped me a roofie.
  8. LOL - am I the only one excited for the release of the DVD in September?
  9. Here's a separate thread to publically thank IPS and post up some highlights from their first meet last night. The meet went awesome, IMO. Some very nice cars there (e.g., a 427 C5 Z06, a supposedly 1000+ rwhp Supra), and everyone was civil. ( ) Powers did a great job of crowd control and with, as always, setting up races. And some other tidbits: -Thorne w/ the SS lost me money. -Hal w/ the 03 Cobra made me money. -GC police have an appreciation for powersliding in a G35. -The IPS EVO is running strong. So, thanks to IPS. Next week is the big meet with Cleveland - maybe we can organize a "cruise" from QS&L to the IPS lot.
  10. Dr. Pomade

    An open spot

    Yes, tonight, 10:30ish.
  11. Pat, you and I are cool, so I'll try to be diplomatic about this. You are starting to skate out on very thin ice with some of your comments. First you went after Vinny, and now you're making smartass comments to TJ, both of whom have been around a while are very well respected around here. A great way to make yourself the victim of an e-beating. What's worse is that, well, it seems like they're right - from what I can gather, you were shitting in those threads, and no amount of "hey, I said I was an interested buyer so I can say whatever I want" will justify it. Dude, you don't start a thread in The Kitchen, flame someone publically, and then just take your metaphorical ball and go home. Come on, what did you expect was going to happen? EDIT: Alex beat me to the "ball and going home" reference. Great minds must think alike (or maybe morons just have a tendency to gravitate together).
  12. Holy fucking Christ, settle the fuck down people (READ: Desperado, you fucking retard). This guy isn't saying his g/f isn't guilty of DUI or whatever, he's asking for feedback/opinions on what the cop purportedly mentioned and how to address the situation from here. So save the fucking "you're a jerk and she's a jerk and anyone who drinks is a jerk" shit - I don't feel like reading MADD pep rally material every time I refresh this thread. yotaman, I'm not sure what to make of what the cop said. From what I know of the legal process, the cop himself would have very little to do with the charge being reduced or "dropped." Instead, once he's issued the citation, it's in the hands of the prosecuting attorney (and the presiding judge). Sure, I guess that, if the cop was called to testify, he could indirectly affect the outcome by not showing up or testifying that he didn't do the test properly or whatever, but that seems unrealistic to me for several reasons (e.g., if I were a cop, I wouldn't perjure myself, or risk looking unprofessional on the stand, to simply help - no offense - some broad get out of a DUI). So, in sum, it's my opinion that, at this point, the cop can't be expected to have much impact on the outcome of the case. Besides, given the zeitgeist, we know that DUI's rank right up there with, say, armed robbery, so, again, IMO, it's not the easiest thing to get them reduced, tossed out, or whatever. The best advice I can offer is for your g/f to contact an attorney. I can give you the name of the attorney I have used for traffic stuff in the past; PM for that information if you are interested. Attorneys that specialize in this area of law know what maneuvering (e.g., plea bargaining) can occur, and I think, with something as potentially damning as a DUI on your record, they are worth the money. Good luck with it.
  13. Attention R1 John, this is Johnny Z06, call me later to discuss going to Skye Bar tonight. Over and out.
  14. My understanding of the interpretation of that law is that the officer performing a traffic stop/issuing a citation must be in uniform OR in a marked police vehicle. So, he can be in an unmarked can, but he'd need to be in uniform, OR, he can be out of uniform, but he'd need to be in a marked car. Said somewhat differently, I don't think it means, "To get a ticket, the cop has to be in uniform AND in a marked police vehicle."
  15. Holy homophobic Freudian slip, Batman.
  16. Neither Chuck Norris nor the semi are actually moving in that case; it's just an optical illusion. Instead, it's the Earth that is moving - being spun by Chuck Norris' feet - as though it is a large roller.
  17. No, I speed, and quite regularly. The tickets that I receive - and, quite rightly, deserve/earn - are what I like to consider a periodic fee for the privilege of driving over the speed limit. I know it's against the law, I chose to disobey it, and I am comfortable with the penalties that I receive because of my disobediance.
  18. Public library? If they didn't have a hard copy that you could utilize, then use one of their computers to print of the online sections that you want/need. (Caveat: I haven't been in a public library in several years.)
  19. I'm seriously, this is getting out of control. Can't we all just didn't you there?
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