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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yup, I would have done as you did - tried to find the phone's owner. I had my cell phone stolen once at a club - a club called Casbah at Easton. Anyway, a day later some guy calls the people on my call list to track me down. Says he found my phone outside the club on the curb (WTF?) and just wanted to get it back to me. I tried to give him cash, but he wouldn't accept it. EDIT: BTW, I recently found a wallet in a parking lot at the Polaris Mall. Picked up, looked in it, noticed $$$. About the same time, I see a guy jogging through the parking lot, obviously looking for something. Putting to the two together, I knew it was his wallet, and that's what he was jogging around looking for. That's where the dilemma came in: keep the wallet and pocket the cash, or return it to jogging guy. So, after debating it for about a second, I stopped him, asked what he was looking for (and he confirmed that he was looking for his wallet), matched him with the ID in the wallet (so that I wasn't just handing over some other guy's wallet to some clown jogging through a parking lot), and handed over his wallet.
  2. LOL - if you think I'm an assistant to you in anything, then you're suffering from either delusions of grandiosity or mental retardation.
  3. Judge 1: "We haven't seen mastery of the introductory post like this in months." Judge 2: "I concur. This one has all the makings of brilliance: informative, well-written, creative, inspiring, and intriguing all at once." Judge 1: "Sticky?" Judge 2: "Pssah, isn't that a given?" Judge 1: "LOL." Judege 2: "LOL."
  4. Agreed, those numbers are nice; TT = the hotness. Linn was telling me last night how he's such a good driver that he'd wear out any Camaro with a TT set-up regardless of how much boost it was running. I tried to argue, but Linn was all like, "Shut up, Tilley, I am the greatest street racer on earth." Maybe Dyno Brian could pass that along to the owner of this TT Camaro and we could see a race come out of it?
  5. Eric, thanks for consideration. But, honestly, it's cool. I think people ask about the car mostly because they are genuinely curious/excited to see it on the road, and I can't complain about that at all. I mean, you know my style - I'm pretty open and vocal with most everything I do, so I'm prepared to field the questions since I'm, in part, the reason why they're being asked. Shawn, once the car is done, you'll hopefully see lots of videos of my car doing that. The car should be done in time for the meet on the 1st. We'll see.
  6. You'll be fine. Remember, legal IV drugs = a great innovation to be enjoyed.
  7. Not sure on the specs of either of the cars beyond that one is TT (and puts down in the area of 1000rwhp) and the other has a Magnusson supercharger. The vid is below. It's about 3:00 too long if you ask me - but, apparently, a lot of shit-talking went on before this, so the guy with the TT Z06 seemingly wanted to rub it in. Anyway, the point is this: a TT Z06 makes a s/c Z06 look slow. http://media.putfile.com/Boostmaster
  8. No streetable drive train will reliably hold the amount of HP I intend to crank out of it. So, I wholeheartedly agree with you: it's not a matter of if, it's simply a matter of when. And, when it does go, it's going in a blaze of fucking glory.
  9. Uh, he has a Prelude. If it has VTEC, you're done for Linn.
  10. Has anyone else notice how much sense Joe makes on a consistent basis? The guy is on point. Yes, Linn, enough with being soft. Bring the pain.
  11. G35 or the EVO. And, you're right, that white EVO - with those wheels - is sick. I'd rock that fucker all day long.
  12. I just rented and watched the movie tonight, largely on your recommendation, Austin. I thought is was great.
  13. I thought the movie was hilarious. The kids - and especially them laying into the grandpa, Chip - were the best. "Hey, Chip, I'm only 10 years old but I'll beat your ass!" "Hey, Chip, I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew!"
  14. Mike, terrible news about the car, great news that you're okay. Your FD was immaculate - sad that some fuck-up had to ruin it. Let me know if you need anything.
  15. I got the boom box and the card board right here. And right now I'm popping it and locking it. Uh huh. And now for a little kickworm action... Oh no team, we're out of moves! Ah yes, a fine example of the patented "Linn honk." Honnnnnnnnnnk...Honnnnnnnnnk - HONK!
  16. I think your Farenheit figure is off - isn't it more like -185F? (I think the Celcius figure is correct - the -85C, but, -85C doesn't translate into -120F, if I remember correctly.) Also, Eric, unless the mountaining you did was in Antartica, then I'd have to agree with Stillman - you didn't see nacreous clouds.
  17. Who said anything about having been asleep? You are the only person on this board that I have raced and not beat. Don't gay up my thread with every little fucking piece of Internet nonsense you happen to stumble across. Well, had you not opted to go 270 W when we went 270 E, we'd have a better assessment on the issue, huh? How about you and I have a breakdance battle to settle this?
  18. Every car in this video is: 1. Faster than you. 2. Now broken, sold, or disassembled. Discuss. This is the Kitchen, so make it good. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/fbed5639-f3fe-450e-8d3d-981300edc74d.htm
  19. Wow, this is incredible readable and coherent by Cold Air standards. Usually, it would look something like this: Parkave busted BMW 850's
  20. Fun. Probably could use a :nws: tag for safe measure.
  21. Welcome. Clean car. Nice opening post. From what it looks like, Houston has a great scene. Soon, I'm hoping Columbus will be put on the map in a similar fashion. Scene here is good, though I can't really attest for it during the last several weeks, since my car has been down and I haven't been out and about.
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