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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Voting to close before start of game tonight. Keep - 0 Change - 1
  2. I vote he can change it. Then it will invite more avatar/sig bets, which will be more entertaining.
  3. Who did you make the bet with - Josh?
  4. Agreed. Spread those fuckers out, stretch the field, make them cover in space. Getting pumped for tomorrow.
  5. Total accidental, but can we both just play it off like I meant it?
  6. Other random thoughts: - Penn State, holy fuck you suck. Remember when people were saying, "Could Penn State be 6-0 when coming to Ohio Stadium???" LOL, idiots. New thread titles: "Could Penn State be 0-6 when coming to Ohio Stadium???" - Notre Dame has great uniforms. I hate that fucking team, but, man, those helmets and those cleats are fantastic. I don't even mind the mustard pants. Seriously. - Auburn barely beat the Fighting Ed Hardy's of the mighty ACC. - what the hell is up with Kansas? They can't even successfully throw a ball into the ground. Think about that for a second. This makes the guy who can't hit the broadside of a barn look like Aaron Rodgers. The Kansas QB was literally unable to spike the ball into the ground.
  7. Agreed with mostly all of this. So much for me picking Arizona State as a contender this year - they looked pretty terrible and will need to come a long way before they get into the mix. And, since I'm all about critiquing uniforms, wtf is up with theirs? Awful. How pissed are you that Bama abandoned running Henry against Ohio State in the playoff? Or was Ohio State's defense just that good that you had no choice? And no, Wisconsin wasn't predicted to win the B10 East. Mostly because they play in the B10 West. Agreed here, too. Seriously, the rankings - while fun and all - are just pointless before a certain time in the year. Can't wait for every SEC team to advance 10 spots in the rankings. Ole Miss will be declared the equivalent of the Seahawks, Tennessee will be in the mix for winning the Champions League, and Georgia just pulled off a successful land invasion of Russia in the winter.
  8. Yikes. From first round draft choice and savior of Christianity to not even good enough to back up the back up.
  9. I would love them if my team was in the SEC and was named Alabama, Florida, or Auburn. Those guys routinely give those teams on air fellatio. It was beyond obscene with Tebow in 2008.
  10. Demented Vern just referred to Petrino as "Bobby Trevino."
  11. Whaaaaaaat the fuuuuuck is up with these Ed Hardy edition Louisville uniforms?!? Everyone get to CBS stat.
  12. Good point. I don't know - we know some NFL scouts/teams will base decisions on just potential and how a guy does at his pro day versus how he looks on film. And, as we know, it only takes one team (read: Raiders) to fall in love with an unproven guy to get him drafted in the first round. So, I see what you're saying, but even if Cardale doesn't get a lot of starting time, then I'd fathom there's still a good chance he could go in the first round. QBs are just a limited commodity, and there are so many teams that are routinely desperate for talent: it makes for a recipe for someone like Cardale to get drafted very high.
  13. Damn, that's fantastic - hope that holds up. Two Ole Miss players in top 5. By my quick count, 11 players from B10 in first round versus 10 for SEC.
  14. We jinxed them. SMU had an opportunity to do some damage and build a lead with as slow and rusty as Baylor was playing. Oh well. It will be interesting to see how Baylor plays when they face someone with a good defense in the B12. Wait a minute...
  15. I love this SMU team. Zero fucks given on 4th down.
  16. LOL, when I saw the double post, I was like, "Uh, we started the new thread to avoid the double-posting glitch, not cause it."
  17. Sounds dynamic, athletic, and smart - I'll take that every time.
  18. Fantastic vid. A couple random thoughts: - I was watching a Bosa highlight video today and I was taken with just how strong and fast he is. I know, this is news to no one, but still it was weird seeing how easily he blows lineman up, how fast he goes around them, how quickly he closes on a runner, and just how easy he makes tackles look. It's no wonder everyone is gaga over his pro prospects, considering just how freakishly athletic he is. I'm really glad this dude plays for my team. - so the VT game is, I believe, our first time we have opened the season on the road since 1998, which is when we went to West Virginia and smacked them around (and I think they were ranked, too?). Of course, we entered that season as #1 and we on a roll until Michigan State came to Ohio Stadium in November. Sound familiar?
  19. Fantastic vid. A couple random thoughts: - I was watching a Bosa highlight video today and I was taken with just how strong and fast he is. I know, this is news to no one, but still it was weird seeing how easily he blows lineman up, how fast he goes around them, how quickly he closes on a runner, and just how easy he makes tackles look. It's no wonder everyone is gaga over his pro prospects, considering just how freakishly athletic he is. I'm really glad this dude plays for my team. - so the VT game is, I believe, our first time we have opened the season on the road since 1998, which is when we went to West Virginia and smacked them around (and I think they were ranked, too?). Of course, we entered that season as #1 and we on a roll until Michigan State came to Ohio Stadium in November. Sound familiar?
  20. I wish the level-headed, intelligent Florida fans like you would have put the idiot Florida fans in check a few years ago. And Ohio State probably has the most douchebag idiot fans from a numbers perspective. I cringe anytime I get into a random CFB conversation with an Ohio State fan randomly in like a Giant Eagle or something before game day. "OMFG WE ARE GOING TO BEAT INDIANA BY LIKE 871 POINTS BECAUSE OHIO STATE IS LIKE OHIO AND STATE AND SHIT BRO."
  21. Watching North Carolina v SCar. Love that both are wearing home jerseys. Pulling for Tarheels. SECspeeeeeed
  22. So you can use this anywhere you have wifi? I just want to make sure I understand. And then if I wanted to be able to LTE or 4G it or whatever I could just add it to my plan (Verizon)?
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