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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yes, a terrible day. I keep trying to talk sense into Tim but he just won't listen to me. It's almost like he's doing this on purpose just to antagonize me. I have very fragile nerves and don't do well with confrontation.
  2. I think the Lambo was also the blackest, flattest, and most expensive car on the street. Your point?
  3. Do you proofread what you write? Here's what you're saying: 1. If someone goes airborne in a crash and doesn't brake until it's too late, then that person is driving like an ass-hat. By your logic, anyone who goes airborne and doesn't brake soon enough in a crash is driving like an ass-hat. So if I run a red light, plow into you, and cause your car to be raised off the ground - and you didn't brake because you didn't see me coming - then I'm at fault, but you're still an ass-hat. This is what a lot of people like to call faulty logic. I think it's what you call thinking you make sense. 2. You have deduced the Lambo driver never drives defensively and have determined what his "driving habits" are based on a short video. This one might be the better of the two gems you've bestowed upon us. Tell us, Dr. Tim, how exactly did you determine that he never drives defensively and what his driving habits are just from this short video clip? The jury would love to know how you arrived at your expert opinion. Wait, what's that - you mean you're just making an assumption about his driving habits? Oh, I see. And that assumption is based on a brief video that shows an accident in which it can't clearly be determined at what speed the Lambo driver is traveling or if he's even at fault? Excellent work, doctor. No further questions.
  4. So because he hits two cars he is speeding? Thanks for that physics lesson. And because he got in a wreck he wasn't driving defensively? Thanks for that tautological explanation. Yes, we know you don't hate him, Lady Macbeth.
  5. No, that's not fair to say. We don't know the speed of the car and to act like we do with any certainty is a stretch at best. Again, maybe he didn't have time to act defensively. Everything looks like it happened very quickly. Maybe you could just admit you hate the Lambo driver and we can wrap up this discussion.
  6. She is very blonde and we all know blondes are gold diggers. 10 detective points for Duff
  7. I'm not so certain the Lambo was speeding. Speed is notoriously difficult to judge by onlookers and estimates of speed can be affected by a lot of things, including our expectations. Oh, look it's a Lambo, it's fast, people drive them fast, so it must have been going fast. I'm not saying that I'm sure he wasn't speeding, I'm just saying that I don't think we can be certain he was, at least not by what I've seen in the video. How exactly can you just the speed of a car based on it's sound? Kind of a serious question. Again, I don't think it's clear that he's speeding. Also, maybe he didn't hit his brakes because he didn't have time or maybe he didn't see the other car. I don't mean to sound like the Lambo driver's apologist, but you're kind of coming across as a hater without just cause. The Lambo driver doesn't pick up a piece of his car, the good Samaritan in the red sweatshirt did.
  8. Im seriously losing it right now :lol:
  9. It was in the 1980s when the comics came out? Damn, now I feel even older
  10. That's nuts. What's up with the Avus track? Just looks like two really long straight-aways?
  11. I don't even know how to pronounce that. I'm sure I would sound like a convincing buyer on the phone. HEY THERE FELLA HOW MUCH FOR THAT ONE WHITE CAR MISSING THE ROOF WITH THE COOL LITTLE HORSE THING ON IT?
  12. Sorry, my sarcasm went MIA on that post. I've never been to Comfest and have no desire to go. That Mercedes is straight pimp. I'd call that the Cocaine trim - white on white.
  13. It's pretty much the only reason why I wanted to relocate to the area.
  14. 10/10 - you just summed up VV with one, marvelous car post
  15. @ GTFO, EAD, DIAF Also, for the record, I don't hate on anyone for what they chose to spend their money on. Want to be a $30K millionaire? That's cool - it's your $30K to spend as you so choose.
  17. Yeah, the comics were pretty dark. They came out back in the 1990s when a lot of comics took a turn toward the more gritty, dark, etc. (Think the Dark Knight series for Batman and the emergence of Spawn.) Shit was awesome. Raphael was like this anger-management problem with berserker rage fits that wouldn't listen to anyone. Leonardo was this tortured, over-achieving, control freak that could never live up to Splinter's expectations and always wanted to punch Raphael in the face for being such an oppositional defiant disordered douchebag. They were complex characters with a lot of vulnerabilities and foibles.
  18. *groan* Seriously, it's all been downhill since the comics. Anyone who read those was basically annoyed by any movie that's been made. KOWABUNGDA DUDE
  19. Dr. Pomade

    Walking Dead

    Just wanted to chime in that I just finished Season 1 last night. I know, STFU n00b. (I started watching it over the weekend.) I've been hearing about this show for months now and finally the wife and I decided to watch it. I'm usually a fan of most things zombies/survival/post-apocalypse and so far this series isn't disappointing. I'd really like to read the thread and join in on the discussion, but I know there will be all kinds of spoilers and I don't want to ruin the fun for later. I'll try to get through the rest of the seasons as quickly as possible so that I'm fully up to speed.
  20. I'm inclined to agree. But I have very fond memories of RWD V8's. The C6Z for me would be a distant third in the rankings going in to the comparison. Where it would get the most points would be price and maintenance.
  21. Thanks. *posted from my iPhone at Bodega enjoying mead in a Hello Kitty mug.
  23. Victorian Village. Hopefully not. And no.
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