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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I just hope he stops wearing that stupid sweatshirt under his uniform.
  2. OP, if it was me, then I'd take this option - a private shoot with Joe - over every other option listed and not think twice about it. You get to be outdoors, you don't have to deal with the chaos of a range, and it would be a much more informative, non-threatening, and fun environment, I'd think. And I'd much prefer to give some cash to him as opposed to a random range.
  3. Damn that's about the fastest I've heard a LB run?
  4. I'm a member at AimHi. They have plenty of rentals, which include firearms more tailored to women. I've also found the staff to be fairly cordial, knowledgeable, and laid back (i.e., not pushy). I also like that they make all first-timers watch the safety video before entering the range. One thing to consider is that it gets fairly busy and a little chaotic on weekends. If you can swing it, I'd try to go during the afternoon on a weekday. Another thing to consider is that their ranges are indoors and it can get loud in there - especially for people (like maybe your new friend) who has never fired a gun and doesn't have much experience being around them. I took my wife - who also had never fired a gun before - and she was a little spooked by all the gunfire. It probably would have been less harrowing for her had it not been as busy - and thus not a bunch of people all firing in the range at once. So, that's another reason why I'd suggest trying to go at off-peak hours.
  5. Was considering switching to something other than an iPhone until I read this thread...
  6. 5/10 mustache-and-scowl combinations
  7. The Orthodox have a different way of looking at these things.
  8. They opted to covert their FB page to 56K to enhance internet traffic flow and ever since then it hasn't worked right.
  9. Yes: - white - coupe - manual - moderate mileage No: - convertible - tips/autos
  10. Dear Japan, Please send more GT-R's and sushi. We really enjoy both here in the U.S.A. In return, we'll send you our greatest asset, the_buster. This is a serious letter. I'm seriously writing it from the Oval Office. I capitalized that, so you know it has to be legit correct. Write back and let me know what you think of this exchange. Sincerely, President B. Obama
  11. BTW, when do world leaders start writing open letters to countries? I think a bunch of people are clamoring over a fake letter.
  12. I bet Jones won't disagree with me all that much, if at all. I don't think Jones bought a GTR because he thinks it's the most aesthetically pleasing car at that price point. I think he bought it because he knows it's the best performing car at that price point with a ton of potential for almost exponentially greater performance.
  13. Multiple Analogies Achievement Unlocked
  14. Too much Farkas going on in that one for my tastes. And I'm not a fan of black wheels on a white car. I know, racist.
  15. I've debated both as well. (Specifically, about two years ago.) For me, this is how it shook out: - the GTR > Porsche when it comes to brute performance, especially when you consider bang for buck - the Porsche > GTR when it comes to aesthetics IMHO, the GTR is not an amazing looking car. Quite frankly, if I didn't produce godzillion tons of HP, etc., I'd think it would look kind of silly. It's big, it's bulky, the lines don't flow well for me, and there aren't many angles of it that look good to me. Of course, the only angle you usually see of them is from the rear from a distance, so that helps to compensate for the lack of aesthetics to a certain extent. I can see myself taking the wife out to dinner in a Porsche. I can't see taking her out to dinner in a GTR. I get there is a lot more to a car than where you can valet it and how your wife looks in it. But, to me, that example helps to illustrate the subtle, but perhaps important, differences I see in the two. One is more glamorous and classy, the other is more brute strength and parking lot domination. Picking a 997TT over a GTR or a vice versa is a great dilemma to have. It's like deciding on having sex with two supermodels or three supermodels.
  16. Alex L. posted this exact thing in another thread recently. It rekindled my interest in Porsches. Before I bought the S5, I was seriously considering a 997TT. I ultimately decided against it because I went in the daily driver direction. Looking back, I kind of regret it. The difference now is that this Porsche won't be daily driven, so I won't really care about missing any of the creature comforts.
  17. I think I'm a terrible appraiser of interiors. I was perfectly fine with the interior on my C5Z and my Cobra, LOL. So, I guess this bodes well for my interest in the 996?
  18. True, it will be difficult for me to race with all of the women draped over my car.
  19. These kinds of insults will no longer be tolerated once I acquire a chariot of the gods known as a Porsche.
  20. Unfortunately, the white one I posted wasn't for sale; it was just a picture of a white 996. Rather, I posted up a silver 996TT, which had all the upgrades. The silver is my second choice, but still pretty far behind white. I knew you'd chime in. (But what's up with the thumb down on the post?) Yeah, I'm manual all the way; no PDK. And the lack of white is making me want to shoot myself in the face.
  21. I'm thinking of getting a 996TT. My goals are, I think, fairly modest: I'd like the car to make in the area of 550 awhp, but retain streetability. Something that is respectability quick on the street, but not going to fume out my wife when I'm taking her to dinner. Am I able to accomplish that with minimal modifications? This will be mostly a street car. Meaning, I don't see myself tracking it all that often. If I do, then it will be few and far between. Rather, this is just going to be a fun weekend/summer car. In doing research, I see that there's an x50 upgrade package for the 996TT. Is it worth it to pursue cars with this upgrade, or would it be easier/cheaper to just upgrade everything on a standard 996TT? Also, in doing research, I came across some interesting discussion on a forum (rennlist, I believe), in which some of the members were advocating for purchasing a 996TT with moderate (or more) miles than one with few (or less) miles. The reasoning (if I understood them correctly) is that the cars with few miles on them haven't had a chance to "fail," whereas the others with more miles - like 30k to 50k - have had that opportunity. So, they say, if you aren't a car collector, then the prudent move is to go with the engine that has proven reliability. I like that reasoning, insofar as it translates into money saved for me. So, do I care how many miles the car has? My understanding that the platform is great and generally reliable, but that's about the extent of my understanding. I'm not opposed to 997TT. I just figured it will be a whole lot easier/cheaper to get into a 996TT. I'm not concerned about bells and whistles (e.g., navigation, back up cameras, etc.) on this car. Because racecar. However, if there's a compelling reason why I should be looking at the 997TT (e.g., major engine advances, significant performance upgrades), then let me know. Lastly, please let me know if you come across any white 996 TT coupes. I've been searching for the past few days and have come across like one for sale. However, I usually suck at finding things on the internet and I'm always impressed at how good you guys are at finding relevant cars in the far reaches of the interwebz. So, if you find one, then let me know.
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