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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. That argument would be compelling if I cared about everyone else on the road.
  2. The white 997 turbo is top on my list. However, I'll probably test drive C6Z just to see how it compares. As well as a GTR. Those are the top three contenders for my next fun/weekend car.
  3. I would probably be on the phone with that dealer asking about that very car (though I probably wouldn't get it; [1] don't like the red stitching and [2] the rear end damage in carfax is a little concerning for resale value), but I'm currently in contract on a house. We are set to close 5/1. After that, I'll revisit the car search in earnest.
  4. More like this: http://mobile.dealercarsearch.com/VehicleDetail.aspx?InventoryId=3491669&Guid=258ce85c-1c14-49ce-84f1-22c6dbacab56
  5. Acura MDX? I'm not sure about the earlier models, but the newer ones have a third row of seats, can tow, have navigation, sunroof, etc. We have a 2011 and have had zero issues with it. Drives like a sedan. Again, can't vouch for earlier models (which I think would be more around your target price range).
  6. Correct: model, color, interior, year, transmission Incorrect: trim 9/10
  7. 75% no means 25% yes and that equals 100% green light on the 997. That's pretty much scientific math, which is undisputable. You know my affinity for the 997. And, you know my situation is much like yours - if I wasn't in contract on a house at this very moment I'd be posting up cheesy "I need my name changed to Dr. 997 or Johnny Porsche" or something like that. So, my kneejerk reaction is to scream "OMG 997 NOW AND 4EVER." However, when I start to mull it over and get past my own biases, I'm leaning toward the Cayenne. My reasoning here is that is it just far more useful than the other two. It will double for your tow-truck, so that's checked off the list. Also, you can actually put stuff in it, like groceries and other people. Further, it adds another Porsche to the stable. How fucking baller are you and your wife that you tow around one Porsche with another Porsche? Check the box labeled awesome. Call me sexist, but I like my wife behind the wheel of an SUV. Because when she goes all woman and drives through some shit I want her surrounded by as much metal and mass as possible. This is another reason why I lean toward the Cayenne. Of course, I think I speak for all of us heterosexual men when I say that I'd love to jock your wife at the gas station as she pulls up in a hot ass 997. I mean, let's just face facts. But, I doubt our ogling pleasure will factor into your decision here.
  8. Obviously, she wasn't in a turn lane the whole time, or that would have been the longest turn lane in the history of turn lanes. And I don't think she was in a turn lane at the end, either. Also, I like how at the end the semi-truck going in the opposite direction just keeps going despite the fact that a truck just careened across its lanes and wrecked. Zero fucks, good day.
  9. Sorry for perhaps inadvertently diverting attention away from the forest by calling attention to the trees. I'll reiterate: the redneck was in the wrong and karma wins, yay!
  10. I'm always on the record as saying that if you're in the left lane/fast lane and someone is encroaching on you from behind, then you're not going fast enough and you should get over. I recognize this is likely not the letter of the law. I also recognize that there is a lot of room for debate in this position. However, all things being equal, I think that people in the left lane should get over if someone is behind them. All that being said, redneck was at fault for everything. I don't care that she "should" or "could" have got over.
  11. She definitely should have moved. But her saying that's what he gets could not have been more accurate.
  12. LOL, that idiot had every bit of that coming to him. It looks like he caused himself to crash because he cut over into her lane aggressively. Fucking moron.
  13. Yeah, I don't think that's bad at all in terms of maintenance money. Also, I likely lack a discerning eye, but even though that car is nearly 10 years old, I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between that model and the models from the 10 years that surround it. Meaning, it still looks relatively new to me.
  14. I'm interested in knowing the answer to this as well.
  15. Was in white out conditions on West Outerbelt today around 3:45. Snow came on surprisingly fast.
  16. Two posts up says you didn't read the 6 page thread.
  17. I'm not capping my next car at $50K. This thread was more for entertainment value. But, you're absolutely right - I do have a very narrow scope for what I want.
  18. I have a soft spot for Mustangs/Cobras. My '03 Cobra took all kinds of punishment like a champ. But they are piggies. They need so much HP just to compensate for all that weight.
  19. Correct color on outside. Incorrect color on inside. Incorrect engine. Too much race car for this bro.
  20. Really like. When I get a car worthy of Wagner's camera, I'm sending him a PM and some cash.
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