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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Sorry, I misread your initial post (and was originally under the impression that you already owned the car and were contemplating paying it off). Now that I've decided to actually use my brain and read correctly, I more appropriately understand what you're asking. I think cars are horrible investments overall. If you're looking at an investment, then I'd advise looking into something else. I'd purchase a car because I like it and want to drive it. I'd advise you doing the same. If, somehow, it ends up turning you a profit down the road (and thus ends up being an "investment" of sorts), then that's just bonus. But, I wouldn't buy the car thinking that it's primary purpose is to make me money.
  2. Yeah, knowing what it is would help, I guess. Also, what's the alternative? Not paying it off and selling it?
  3. If she showed up looking like that I'd probably tell her I couldn't have sex with her because she doesn't always look like that. It would be just like when I divorced my wife when she caught a cold and looked stupid with a tissue in her face. DUMB SNEEZY IDIOT GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
  4. Whoa, sucks - sorry to hear of this. Of course, best thing is that no one was hurt. Second best thing is that your interior got an upgrade. Who doesn't like the new coffee smell for a car fragrance? Not sure if anyone mentioned this or not, but were you late? Because your license plate says you never are and wouldn't it be ironic and funny if you were late because of this? LOL haha anyway c u l8 buddie k hang up now
  5. Oh gotcha. That makes sense. But then again if they are just going for highest trap, then why two at a time? Just to cut the time it takes to get the day over in half?
  6. These races seem shorter in duration relative to previous years. Is that because they've shortened the length of racing distance moving to the track or because the cars are increasing in HP (or both)? Also, I couldn't quite tell how the start works. There looks like there is a stoplight or something followed by some cones - are that last grouping of cones the "starting line?" Just wondering how this goes down - you come around the curve, there's the cones, and you basically want to be at WOT right when you hit that last group of cones? How does someone not get the hit?
  7. I almost included in my last post something to the effect "Was the GT-R running the same boost, etc. in all the races?"
  8. It shouldn't be chump change for anyone. And if they act like it is, then they're probably chumps themselves. Good luck with things - I hope it turns out well.
  9. Watched the race with the Supra though, "Fuck, that GT-R moves out." Then watched in dismay as the MR2 walked out on the GT-R. Never seen that fast of an MR2. Was speechless by the time the S2K made the GT-R look like it was towing a boat. Good vid, fast cars.
  10. I'd be willing to pay for several PPIs, considering the risks involved: it's a high-dollar vehicle, it has been heavily modified, it has a history of mechanical failure, and you're purchasing it from a friend. I'd shell out the extra cash for the additional PPIs just to make sure.
  11. Okay, fair enough. Not really disputing the outcome of the race, just thought the vid ended prematurely. More importantly, what is this rolling anti-lag you speak of...?
  12. I thought the same thing. The Lambo lurching forward doesn't seem to be taking the bit - rather that looked like a downshift. Then the GTR takes off - early? - and the Lambo chased. Then vid cuts out way early; they didn't even get through a full gear it seemed. Verdict: Far from compelling evidence
  13. Dr. Pomade

    Bee Keepers?

    Can I get a fact-check on nomenclature? Honeybees = the ones we like. They buzz around nicely, going to flowers and stuff, and they make honey. They stay close to the ground mostly. You accidentally stepped on some as a kid without shoes, and it stung, but then you felt sad because the honeybee died. Honeybees die with honor. Universally liked. Yellow Jackets = fucking assholes. Are smaller and are yellow and black. These are the little jerks that are always hovering around outdoor trashcans and basically make fall a living nightmare. Want to go apple picking with your wife and kids? Yeah, right, not with these fucks anywhere in the vicinity. Fuckers will just attack you and your family relentlessly. They have a knack of flying into your car; if one does while you are driving, a horrendous crash follows. These little flying fucks also have a knack for just swarming your head as if they know it freaks you the fuck out. Bumblebees = large, predominantly black, slow moving drones of impending doom. I've heard some people call them carpenter bees. They make nests in the ground. They always buzz your tower and make you duck dramatically and look like a fucking spastasitc moron in front of your friends. "Yes but they are harmless," said the zoologist hippy. They can fuck off, too. Wasps - these are the fuckers that build the combed nests in the outdoor corners of your house and usually right around a high traffic area, like your garage or front door. They are skinnier than hornets. I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't insist on trying to take over my shit. Hornets - fuck these things. These are like the apex predators of the buzzing insect kingdom. These are bigger than wasps and build those big ass brown/dirt nests. I think you die if you get stung by more than one at once. I don't see these as often. I also don't run across many psychopaths or great white sharks, either. Fuck hornets.
  14. How hard did he launch the car after he spotted you taking a picture of him? I bet he brake boosted for a solid 90 seconds.
  15. I have a Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 38 for sale. It's brand new. It's never been fired. It has a laser sight thing on it. I got it for CCW, but then ended up not needing it. In addition to the gun, I have the box it came in and all the stuff that came in the box, like a lock with some keys (that are still in the plastic baggie) and some little manila envelope that has something in it (but what I don't know, because I haven't opened the envelope). I'm not sure if this matters, but here's some other stuff I took from the box: Model = BG38 Caliber = 38 SPL Barrel = 1 7/8 SKU = 103038 I did a quick search and found this, which looks a lot like the gun I have. Well, pretty much identical to it. But I'm like the exact opposite of a firearms expert so this gun could in actuality be completely different than the one I'm selling. Whatever, you get the idea: the gun looks like this and I don't know guns all that well. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/62622 Asking price is $450. I hope that's fair. If it's not, then I'm sure all of you will yell at me and tell me what it should cost. Let me know if there's anything else I need to add.
  16. Yup, I have thought about it a few times, actually. However, I'm concerned about the costs, especially considering how much the car costs anyway. Further, I'd be concerned about the resale value of the car. (I doubt I'd keep this car forever - I never keep any car forever, or for more than like three years.) Also, since I'm not in any rush to buy the car, I figure I can just wait it out and get the one I really want, as opposed to compromising.
  17. That thread on rennlist was very informative; Jones, thanks for posting that up. Too many red flags for me, so I think I'll pass on this one. However, I think I'm pretty much set on how it looks. Aesthetically, and outwardly, it's just what I want. I'm having a hard time finding a x50 996 TT in white. I might open up the search to include white 997 TTS.
  18. A few things I wondered and would appreciate your input about: 1. Has anyone heard of that shop that did the performance upgrades? 2. Are the claims of HP consistent with the noted upgrades? 3. What do you think of the smoked tail lights? (Believe me, I care about tail lights.) 4. Thoughts on price? Too high? I've done a lot of pricing on the 996's, but not so much on the 997's. 5. Anyone else concerned about the lack of interior pics? (I put an email into the dealership to ask about that.) http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=43085&endYear=2008&modelCode1=911&showcaseOwnerId=0&startYear=1998&makeCode1=POR&transmissionCode=MAN&transmissionCodes=MAN&searchRadius=0&extColorsSimple=WHITE&showcaseListingId=0&mmt=%5BPOR%5B911%5B911%257CTurbo%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&listingId=359273880&Log=0
  19. Sorry, didn't mean to come across as sour. I'm happy for OP. Just lamenting that I don't have a new TV.
  20. So you won a TV and then got to upgrade to a better one? What the fuck? I play the wrong raffles.
  21. Looks like he just kind of curbed the driver's side wheel - should buff out.* *obligatory comment
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