I never posted anything unless I felt that my opinion would be appreciated. I have noticed that people mostly just put others down for having opinions, which is wrong (at least I think it's wrong). Everyone whether that person is a huge ass or someone that should be promoted to saint-hood, everyone deserves to have an opinion. Just because you don't agree with someone, don't tell them they're wrong or stupid or whatever ever. I was raised to repect the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have do to you" I'm sure that everyone has heard it in some form or another. I really enjoy reading what some people think, but I have to search through a lot of crap to find something interesting.
I dont know what caused all of this but please let there be something that will keep CR around. Everyone has learned at least something from someone else on here I'm sure of it. When ever I had a question at least two people offered valuable responses. I'm sure that was one of the reasons that CR was created, a place for people to go to disscuss things that they needed answered. I have always tried to be accepting of others, I recently posted something that I thought was neat/different and not one person had anything positive to say. All I got was alot of gays graemlins/gay.gif , one inparticular was "you have horrible tastes" how can you judge someone by an opinion they have?? It really brought me down for awhile.
Opinions are what they are, and everyone is intitled to one. Just be respectful to others and hopefully they will be respectful to you.
I truly hope that CR will be saved and that things will be sorted/fixed/etc. I would like to help any way that I can, even if that is by saying good bye to CR
I hope to be posting in the near future, and that everyone will be more civil. Good luck to the ones with power, make the right choice.
"You can tell the true character of a man by the way he treats someone who can do absolutely nothing for him"