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Everything posted by Jonan1647545505

  1. have you ever updated the cd copier? you shouldnt...
  2. go to a thrift store, usually in decent shape and you can get them for like 30 bucks
  3. glad you were able to walk away. a buddy of mine totaled a 3000gt kinda like that, he went airborne though flew about 15-20ft, couple of flips, a complete barrel roll, and all he got was a couple stiches on the back of his head where his sub box smacked his head(i told him to bolt it down when we put it in), and a chipped tooth. the cabin of his car looked completely intact the front and rear end were bent to fuck. i think the freshly tilled field he landed in saved his ass. proper safety gear is always a must, but you obviously knew that. and like my papa always said, "if you wanna go fast, go fast, but keep it on the track"
  4. 86 Nissan 300zx Turbo 94,xxx original miles 5spd every option available: power locks, mirrors, heated mirrors, windows, seats, selectable air shocks: firm, soft or normal leather, its a two seater, also the driver seat has a couple seams missing so the seat needs to be stitched, easy fix with visit to upholstery shop new clutch less than 2k miles four new tires less than 500 miles new cap, rotor and wires, i was going to replace the plugs but has platinum plugs already and they look good, i do have 6 brand new ones if interested $10 for them i also have all new accessory belts that will go with car, i think there are three of them everything works except for a/c and radio, a/c should just need charged or converted t-tops digital dash (i fixed it, resodered all connections on power supply) original bra, i never put it on though doesnt smoke or consume any fluids i always let the car get to operating temp before i drove it and always let it cool down about 10 mins before i shut it off completely stock complete car minus 2 switches, drivers window and a heating/cooling button i was going to replace the water pump, timing belt, tensioner and a couple of seals behind all that junk this spring/summer but ive been able to get 50+ hrs every week so far and dont have time only problems with car is a slight miss on hard acceleration, fuel issue. someone was nice enough to do some custom body work on the passenger side front fender, and by custom i mean they backed into it, i searched the whole complex for a blue car with damage but to no avail. should be and easy fix, fender appears to have been bondoed before, and finally its 20 years old there is some rust on the passenger side. i'll get some pics with my phone of the damage and rust with my phone. this car is alot of fun to drive and a blast when its nice out. About 90% of the time i had the t-tops off. the heat is strong even when driving at night as long as your not going to fast im a 23yr old male and insurance as a secondary vehicle is $31 a month, my record is spotless though. when its empty it takes about $30-40 of ninety whatever octane to filler up. it gets about 15-25mpg depending on how heavy your foot is PRICE: $2000 I DONT HAVE ACCESS TO A DIGITAL CAMERA SO DONT ASK FOR PICS I HAVE PICS I TOOK WITH MY PHONE WHEN I FIRST GOT IT: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17267 the car is at my dads, which is out near Galena 43021 on gorsuch rd i check my email/pms about every other day. i prefer emails: elfboy98@juno.com thanks, John
  5. found this on ebay, price is around 6200 right now. soooo clean, ive never seen a cleaner crx. ive always wanted one this clean, but not at that price. this guys probably going to make a nice profit. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1989-Honda-CRX-Si-5-spd-original-show-quality-16Valve_W0QQitemZ4641218480QQcategoryZ6255QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. im with this guy. pics and info please! mileage, etc i have a friend in cinci where exactly is the car? zip code would be fine thanks, john
  7. dont have a camera and they are at my dads. he has a camera there, i should be going over there this weekend. i'll try and get pics then. no promises though. it is a good deal they are alot of fun but i dont have the time/someone to go with often enough, i feel bad leaving them to rot...so i figure i price it nice and someone will take them and give them a good home. ask any and all questions, they are at my dads and all the extra parts are at my moms...long story. but any way some one should buy them now and tinker with them and get familiar with checking everything before taking them out and they'll be all ready once the water warms up!!
  8. last year was pretty sweet, it rained a lil but if it hadent we prolly would have died in the Tennesse heat. If you havent been before check out the "rules" and follow them as much as possible. last year as they were directing cars they were also doing random checks for contriband, glass is a big no-no there was soooo much beer and liquor just on the side of the paths, so if you want beer bring cans or plastic bottles, however you cant bring metal cans into the concert areas. another good rule to follow to get through to the concert area faster is to have everything in you pockets (better yet dont have pockets!) in your hands or hat they'll belive all you have is in your hands/hat and let you right through, best way to get a pipe and some smoke in I would recomend Bonnaroo to anyone that likes music and being outside. Bonnaroo is the ultimate concert last year i went with about 10 or so people and together we saw about 27 different bands and Xavier Rudd was kickin ass!! i think the atmosphere alone is worth going all the people there are there for the exact same reason you are so it makes everything very serene(sp) and relaxing. if any one is alone on this and needs a group to camp with we are welcoming anyone. our only requests is dont be and ass, chip-in on gas and food and have fun!! also if anyone new to bonnaroo has any questions i would be more than happy to answer any that i can!! i can even sugest what you'll need to be as comfy as you can!! Hope anyone and everyone that goes has a great time, sees lots of bands and talks with as many random people as possible, ahh great times...I cant wait till July i already have it requested off at work and if youre not sure if you want to go or not buy a dvd from previous years, it will make you want to go that much more! go to their site and check out the band list, there is already 71 bands signed up!! bon-A-ROOOO!!!!!!!
  9. http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/7748/littlesnack2ug.th.png http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/812/ninjacat6jg.th.jpg http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/3909/catglow1ks.th.gif<----this one moves if you click http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/2307/gocats9ad.gif http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/7185/mmpussy7yk.th.png
  10. Has anyone been to/heard of Bonnaroo?
  11. 2002 Version of FrontPage and Visio Standard. 2 cds both are 30day trials. FREE!! must pick up, i live very close to Polaris and 23 they will get thrown away in 10 days Thanks, John
  12. i have a mobile office kit from verizon wireless that works with samsung a(310, 530, 530s, 610, 650, 670, 790) & N330 cell phones. comes complete in original box with software, manuals & usb cable. i paid $40, i want $15 for it. will deliver with in resonable distances 20-30 mins tops. Thanks, John
  13. sent you an email a while back. still intersted in the car. the email explains everything. thanks john
  14. "if you're gonna ride my ass like that, at least pull my hair!"
  15. a couple hotties, but seriously they are hockey players so they should be rougher/tougher which usually requires some testosterone, which in turn creates a manly looking woman...see above posts
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