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I Eat Rice

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Everything posted by I Eat Rice

  1. You made a thread about a drug that people are useing that is heavily messing with their minds and causing them to commit hanis acts of violence. This thread is not about zombies... If drugs were not illegal in the first place people would not be looking for a legal buzz from every substance they can put into their bodies. What is worse is that these over the counter substances that people turn to hurt their bodies more and mess them up far more than the drugs that are illegal do. And for the illegal comment, its also illegal to speed, roll a stop sign, run a red light, street race, even drink and drive. I can promise you are guility of doing a few of these if not all and each of these has the potential to effect just as many if not more lives than drug use does. So should we also inact a country wide war on these actions as well?
  2. Its so good to see that some people get it...
  3. I can understand this. But the dogs are getting a chance to do what they were breed to do and I like that. Trackers tracking and pits tearing shit up. People think pits were made for rap videos and to look hard and they were not. They were breed to be family protectors and to rip shit up that is why they have such a strong bite and the tendency to go even harder if they are experiancing pain.
  4. I am not so sure about that. In 2009 a survey was done and roughly 16.7 million people over the age of 12 use marry jane in the United States alone. Times that by the cost to get a sack of medical weed which is 50 bucks. If my math is right that is 83.5 million dollars that would be made off the first bag that every user buys. That is just the first sack that every user gets imagine what could be made in a years time...
  5. The end result of that money spent on rehabilitation will then make a better, happier America. Like I said this would be for the greater good of our country as a whole. More happier people and a safer country where are inner cities will be a little less poluted by the skum that is poluting it in this day in age. I am happy that you know that funding was cut for rehabilitation centers in prisions. Also with the drugs being monitered and controled by our Government the use of drugs WILL go down I have privided a small amount of info on this already. Lesser drugs on the streets mean lesser drugs that can make their way into prisions. Also by sending these lesser fourtunate individuals that have lost their way to a rehab clinic instead of prision they will not be confronted with the extreamly high temtation to use because they will not have the ability to get their hands on the drug like they would if they were in prision. Dont get me wrong the adict mind in them will still make them crave the drug but it will be far less because they will know that they can not get their hands on it as soon as they go out for rec in the yard because they are at a clinic not a prision. It is pretty obvious to me that you are set in stone with this idea that government control of drugs to you is not the answer. So what is your answer then I am just curious? You have spent this entire time just trying to refute what I have said, however, have not given your idea on how to solve this. Do you really think the current way our country is handleing the situation is how it should be? If so I have already proved that it is not working at all and drug useage among teens is riseing day by day, and we have more drug addicts then ever before. Not only this but kids are now going at what ever means necessary to get high ie snorting salts like in your link, or doing whipits, or huffing gas bla bla bla, and that shit destroies your brain far far faster than coke, weed, or any of our normal street drugs ever will. This current idea of prohibiton is failing on epic proportions and the only reason it is in place is because to many cops, judges, and polticians are making money off of the black market drug trade in one way shape or form.
  6. This does happen at the bar it is called a cut off point where by law if a bartender sees that someone is too inebriated then they have to cut the person off and call them a cab. If they do not do this and the person keeps drinking and then gets in the car and leaves and then kills someone the bar will get sued... Also how many people are going to voluntarly go to rehab while in prision? None, and I will promise you this the quality of care will not be there plus there is smack in prision too so chances are the person will not stay clean. Most generally people are not sent to these clinics also because it costs the state money to put them through that and that money is more than what it costs to shack them up in a cell and forget about them. Only the Lindsey Lohan's get that special treatment or the business profeshionals, now the average crack head off of High street will not get that kind of treatment.
  7. I am essencially pushing your point as well. That is why I brought up all the stats from the Neatherlands where decrimalization has taken place
  8. Poor people that are on hard drugs are poor because the drugs cost so much and they waste all of their money to get their fix. Like I said in a past post with the decrimilazion we can monitor the people with major drug problems ie crack heads and people on other hard drugs. Then we can take these people with a problem and send them to get the proper help they need in a clinic to find out why little Samantha seems to feel that she needs the drugs and the dick in her mouth in the first place instead of just pushing her away from society and makeing her feel even more like an outcast. Sending her to prision does nothing to help the addict brain inside her it just insures that once she is out she will be back on the street doing what she did before she went in, in the first place. How can you not see this? Prison does not solve the problem but rehab will and the only way to do this is find out who the hard core users are in the first place. Then once we find them help them and guess what as a nation we will be a much better place for it. By doing what we are doing now we are mearly ignoring the problem instead of fixing it for the greater good of our country and humanity in general...
  9. Nixon actually started the war on drugs. Reagan just used that as leverage to get old people to vote for him during the era of returen to conservatism... If you knew me you would know that I am far from a hippie. Actually I am about as un hippie as you will get, I like to shower and I wear nice clothes and my hair is short and I am clean cut... Again your word vomit makes me:D
  10. Here is somethnig else for you guys this was orginally published in 1984 and this is to the point of what I am saying and please do not disregard this link and not watch it. If you want to disagree with me that is fine but after watching this it is going to be very very hard to refute what I am saying because these are extreamly educated people here far more educated than anyone on this forum and it is worth it to give this man 4 minutes of your time to hear him out.
  11. I will throw some facts out there for you guys now lets start with watching this little program Now some stats 1988-1999 - The Netherlands) "The National Youth Health Surveys (in 1988, 1992, 1996, 1999) among pupils (12-18 years) showed that the increase in cannabis use since 1988 stabilised between 1996 and 1999 (De Zwart et al. 2000). According to the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, this trend continued in 2001 (Ter Bogt et al. 2003). Use of other drugs showed a similar trend or slightly drecreased (LTP of ecstasy and amphetamine)." Source: Trimbos Institute, "Report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point, The Netherlands Drug Situation 2003" (Lisboa, Portugal: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Dec. 2003), p. 19. http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_34350_EN_NR2003Netherla... (1997-1999) "The figures for cannabis use among the general population reveal the same pictures. The Netherlands does not differ greatly from other European countries. In contrast, a comparison with the US shows a striking difference in this area: 32.9% of Americans aged 12 and above have experience with cannabis and 5.1% have used in the past month. These figures are twice as high as those in the Netherlands." Source: Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Drug Policy in the Netherlands: Progress Report September 1997-September 1999, (The Hague: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, November 1999), pp. 7-8. Also young adults in the United States age 18-25, about 5% of them uses cocaine and the number is on the rise. Now in the Neatherlands where it is essencially decrimalized only about 1% of the people of the same age use the drug and it is steady and not riseing. Im sorry the stats do not lie if I need to get more I will but it is a proven fact that prohibition does nothing to stop drug useage it actually increases it. It never worked with boze why the hell do we think it will now work with drugs. We as a country also imprision the most percentage of our population when compared to any other country. Humm I wonder why this is..... ?
  12. Duh I just smoked a fatty about an hour ago thus proving my point that I can not spell nor will I be useing proper grammar while I am on here... Instead of trying to pick apart my post with basic errors in my typing try to actually come at the message that I am delivering if you can not do this then do not comment becaue your comment is worthless to the debate at hand and you are mearly taking the thread off topic...
  13. Ill break it down for you. Point one people will use no matter what like I said but once everything is legal first time users will drop dramatically because the rush isnt there from doing something outside of cultural norms. Slowly but surely it will only be the people that are hooked on the drug that are using and then once you find out who that is get them the help they need to get off the drug and live a solid life instead of just locking them up away from society and doing nothing to actually help them and forcing them to countinue their suffering. I am talking about a total decrimalization of all drugs not just weed.... There will be no market so they will have to do somethng else and whatever that is, it will be far less detrimential to society than what they are currently doing. People sell drugs cause its easy money. You take that away they will have to find something else more legit to do... Maybe work for a dispensary or shop that sells the product that they are knowlegable with would be an example... Once its legal in Ohio I will be growing for the government and will defently open my own dispensary and I will make Millions... Again I am talking about all drugs not just weed and the people that will be producing the drugs will be the same people producing it now so the product will be just as stong as it was before. Look at the weed being grown in California for example. That medical stuff is off the charts and better than what you will usually find on the streets in Ohio unless you got the hook up like myself Mexican cartels ship nothing more than brick dirt weed known as midds. The product is terrible this is just one organisation that will be shut down because they can not compete with the quality that will be grown in house... No sir it is a side effect of intellegence and the ability to see things outside of the box as oposed to just living inside it being a sheep and just doing what you are told because you are told to do it without ever questioning the reasoning why in the first place... Spelling, and grammer errors are more what your looking for there because you generally will not proffread anything while you are high.
  14. I am posting this for a co worker of mine. He is in need of a front driveshaft and tranny for a 92 chevy 2500. He has the 4 speed tranny with granny gear, that origionaly came on the truck when it was a 454 but that motar is swapped out for a 350 now and the tranny is just on its way out. He wants to keep it a manual so if anyone has this tranny laying around let me know. Also he needs a front driveshaft like I said so he can run his 4wd. Any help would be apricated.
  15. Here is reason why I do agree with this. People are going to get high no matter what. They do not care that a drug is not legal. I smoke weed all the time and could care less that its not legal and millions of people do the same thing daily as well. Also when I was living in my party years if I wanted to go off one night and do some blow, or tripp my balls off on some lsd or some shrooms again I didnt care that it was not legal I simply made a phone call and got what I wanted at a moments notice and partied my ass off. The fact that its a controled substance is the last thing you think about. If anything the rush is even that much greater because you are abtaining and doing a substance that could in fact get you in trouble if you are caught. If all drugs were decriminalized and controled by the government there would be alot of benfits to come out of it. 1. The taboo of doing something that is not legal would no longer be there so many people would not be chaseing that rush of doing the drug plus the rush of being outside of the cutural norm wouldnt be there so chances are most people wouldnt try it for the first time because it wouldnt be the same now that it is ok to get. 2. The government could moniter the strength and what is actually in the drug. No more od's from someone taking some bad ex that is cut with the wrong shit and no more coke cut down with baking soda or anything else so alot of the negative side effects from everything else that isn't suppost to be in the drug wont be there anymore. 3. The government can moniter who is useing what and how often thus being able to get people help more easily when their life comes consumed with crack, perscription pills, herion which is the same thing as perscription pills, ect ect. This will insure that there will be far less bums living under the bridge because it could be prevented by sending them to get the proper help that they need. 4. The government can tax everything thus creating a positive revinew for our country beyond what we could ever imagine. No more excessive debt and it would defently stimulate the economey creating much more jobs. 5. The crime rate will drop dramatically because no more thugs will be dope boys standing on the corner flipping their shit. The government will essencially put them out of business, no more cartels, no more gansters, this all will mean alot less crime this is proven to work over in Europe where everything is legal in some areas, and crime rate has dropped up to 50% in a matter of a couple of years. I could go on and on about this but Im not going to throw all my ammo out there right now just a few points, I have many more as well.
  16. I am printing out this article and giving it to my dad. He says this stuff will never happen but with all of the tree huggers out there and people that generaly have no clue you never know. I love how the people that are against guns are family members who have suffered through gun crimes. You dont hear of family members of people involved in car fatalities trying to ban cars do you? Of course not because they can see the bigger picture that it was not the car that killed their family member just like it is not the gun that kills the person. Its a human that kills a fellow human not a gun, knife, car ect ect.
  17. Was reading about some of this in my American Hunter mag that they send out to NRA members. I did not know all of this though. They can try as hard as they want but the NRA has our backs and more and more people are for the 2nd Amendment than ever before and they show up in numbers to the polls. The president of the NRA stated in the recent mag that if things get bad they will give us the steps to organise as one and prevent this from happening. I will say this if Obama wants civil war in our country a national form of gun control will give a good probability in this happening and he will lose because the army will not back him and kill our own people. And to the man stating that he wants to move to another country forget that it is our job as citizens in a demorcratic government to fight and make a stand for our rights granted to us in the constitution to insure that big government will not take over us as a nation. Do not leave just wait and when the time is right join the cause...
  18. There you go that is what your first post should have been instead of trying to attack and dis-credit what I want to do. As a fellow hunter you should have given me any advice that you had to help me along my way and wish me luck not try to make me sound stupid... I am no way shape or form trying to make myself sound like a better hunter I just mearly see more in it than just the kill and the meat. There is also something very spirtual that comes with taking an animal that makes you at one with nature. Also the knowledge that with the sacrifice that the animal had to take with giving its life it is your responsibility to insure that you will use everything you can from the animal so that it does not go to waste thus that sacrifice was worth while. This is an idea that alot of people have a hard time wrapping their heads around because there are meanings in this world that are far bigger than us and are hard for us to even explain in words. Im having a tough time with it right now. Yes it also takes a great bit of skill to pattern a large whitetail, my father has taken many Ohio Big Bucks in his day of deer hunting with a recurve bow one scoreing 183 and some change non typ. and has passed many of his tactics down to me. The experence of this hunt will be very different and up close and personal that is what I am wanting because like I have said besides getting doubles on a few types of grouse, shooting an elk, a big horn sheep, and a wolf I have accomplished just about all of my hunting goals thus hunting means more to me now because Im not so much in it for the blood, more the experiance of being at one with nature and looking into the eyes of the animal, touching the animal and the risk that comes with that while you are taking its life is about as close as your going to get. And yes the animal is pinned down but it would be me pinning it down and no one else that is where the closeness that I talked about a few lines ago comes into play. It will be an experance that I will never forget I have to assume and will also be an experiance that is so much bigger than me and will be the ultimate feeling of living truely in the moment.
  19. Yes I have witnessed what a dog with stamina can do. My dad raises English Setters, I go hunting with him in Michigan and Kansas every year as stated before in a previous post. Aparently you must have over looked this. Have also witnessed dog fighting because for a short time I was helping a local animal shelter with investigations of local dog fighting rings and had to witness a few with the person I was working with to get the necessary evidence to have the people taken down. I will promise you this the hog may be tired but there is plunty of fight left in it when you get there because these pigs can easily take out a few of your dogs if you are to slow to get there and help them out. Doing this to feel manily is not the main reason why I want to do this aparently reading comprenshion baffles you because I have 3 reasons in my opening post as to why I want to do this and none of them mention feeling manily that was my 4th reason, and something tells me you wouldnt have the nutts to do it...Yes I have also seen how bad the hog problem is in the United States anyone with cable and the National Geographic channel can see that duh... Going around in trucks and mowing them down just to kill them is not sporting, also it does not give the animal the respect that it disserves when you have taken its life nor does it make you a hunter and a person practicing proper conservation. Doing that should be a last resort to solving a problem and that is it. Sorry I was not aware that he actually went down there to do that and I will assume it was for last resort reasons and maybe he enjoyed it but I am a hunter not a killer so that shit is not for me. Aparently that got your panties in a bunch I am sorry for that. Also sorry I do not go through everything I type on here and proofread it like it is a term paper and I will fix that spelling error that you seemed compelled to point out to some way shape or form discredit my education but before I do that I must give you a lesson in proper punctuation and writing because you had to critizise me and aparently you didnt make it past 9th grade english. There you go that is better and there is your english lesson for the day just compare what I have done for you in the quote above with your original post and you will see the difference because I am to lazy to make all the corrections in bold face and that would have taken far to much time.
  20. Ahha hopefully you will be another faithful follower in the cultural cleansing of the United States. Now I just have to get my word out there to the masses and generate enough following for my plan to start taking shape. The fear that would be injected into the minds of want a be gansters will be enough of a deterant to keep them from wanting to join the set groups that I will be after. And I mean every gang here, every last one of them. If they want to act like the uneducated and barbarians that they are it is time for them to be treated like that. I promise you this that 18 year old that would normaly be drawn to the bloods and will pick up that gun will instead stay in school and live a civil lifestyle not dependent on our tax payers dollars to put food in his mouth and keep a roof over his head while he kicks it with his homies behind bars.
  21. Bambi is a pussy and only weighs about 150lbs. Like I said an animal that can take on multiple pit bulls and still have the fight to try and kill you is what I am after here not a wussy ass deer. Plus those are pets in my mind. I even refuse to hunt pen raised upland game birds because there is no challenge in that. That is why I go to Michigan and Kansas with my dad and his dogs every year on wild birds. That is what I was thinking too. Sometimes you can get more than one in a day. You end up getting 2 300lb boars in a day and you will be giving them alot of money but they pretty much tell you that you come down here and you will get to stab some shit. They have pictures on their site of a guy that got 3 300lb+ boars in one day of hunting. There is no sport in that sorry, rifles are not even legal to use in ohio on most game besides groundhogs and a few other things... and I like Austin and all but actions like that is what gives hunters a bad name in this day in age and I would like to hope that he would not actually inguage in activity that is that disrespectiful to the quary that you are after... Again I am in this for the up close and personal experiance you are going to get. Like I said any pussy can pull the trigger of a gun and shoot something from far away and think they are a bad ass hunter.
  22. That is what I am thinking about here is an example too. This shit seems like it would be a rush for sure. These guys have gotten many 300+ lb boars on there ranch. They charge like 100 bucks a person and like $1.50 per pound of the animal killed but I would rather find some hill jack back in the woods not looking for so much money. Thats why I posted on here because I didnt know if anyone may know people that do this thus getting my foot in the door.
  23. Oh this I can defently understand as well. It seems you have used that amazing education that you recieved at the same fine institute that I graduated from to look outside the box to look for answers. Now let me clarify that when I say bottom feeders I am not going after the ones that need help from or government and what not. I am more speaking about the bloods, MS13's, ect ect that promote violence and are nothing more than bringing down our inner cities. Usually these are the people that also commit these hanis acts of violence on the innocent just so they can feel like they are a bad ass gangster. These are the people that I have problems with and wish to elimate. These people are nothing more than pure evil. Also the people you stated above are exceptions to the norm. Basic stats show that for every Mr Disney, there will be hundreds actually thousands that achieve nothing and will continue to waste tax payers dollars being shacked up in our over crowded prision system getting a free ride on us. I say f that. Its time to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh because what we are doing now is not working.
  24. So last night I was watching the man on the travel channel show Into The Wild or whatever it is called and saw something I am very interested in and was curious if anyone had info on this. I have been hunting for around 15 years and have nearly hunted and killed every animal I have wanted to with an exception of a few. Toward the end of the show he went traditional style wild boar hunting with tracking dogs, a few biter dogs aka pit bulls and a buck knife and that was it. The feeling one must get from being face to face with an animal a few hundred pounds more than you and the want to kill you as bad as you want to kill it has to be insane. Plus it has to be a rush harder than that you will ever get from shooting a big whitetail, or a phesant double ect ect. Also the sensation of being one with the wild and your game that your in prusuit of has to also be the strongest one would ever feel, because any pussy can pull the trigger of a gun and bag an animal and call themselves a bad ass hunter. I want to go do this but dont know where to start on being able to accomplish this dream that I have now. Does anyone know anything about this and good areas to go to do this. I am assuming down south would be a good start considering thats where all the big pigs are ie Georgia, Tenn ect ect. I just have no idea how to go about this and any info would be greatly apricated because I am set on doing this before this year is up so I want to start planning and saving up the necessary funds to accomplish this new goal.
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