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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. Thanks for looking into for me. My MIL bought my wife a speaker for Christmas and didn't tell me until the other day. Hope you sell them quickly.
  2. Do you know if these are waterproof or water-resistant?
  3. He's got a little bit of nerd/dork humor to him which I can relate to. Plus anyone that takes suggestions on what ridiculous car to buy AND actually buys them with his own money is reason enough to follow him.
  4. Got it marked on the calendar.
  5. Is anyone on here an insurance broker, or can recommend someone for me? Wife quit her job with health insurance to pursue going back to school and the plan we picked up as a last-minute thing sucks. Been looking at plans for a week now and my eyes hurt. Could use some guidance/help to make sure I don't screw it up again. Thanks.
  6. If my parents don't come into town this weekend, I should be able to make it.
  7. :lolguy: This is why I hate talking sports in Ohio. Enjoy this short-lived success while it lasts.
  8. Unless I watched a different game than you and was given incorrect end of game stats from ESPN, I'm pretty sure there was no chance of any blowouts. There's your blowout.
  9. That was a crap game. Both offenses were terrible. Thank your lucky stars the Bengals D played as well as they did.
  10. Am I the only one that thinks it's pretty sad that kids don't Trick Or Treat on The 31st anymore?
  11. Sorry to see someone else get burned by them.
  12. Got mine done at Professional Eclipse in Whitehall. It's easy to get to and the guy is super nice.
  13. People say that, but I had them on my Mazda for 5 years and they barely left any residue. And I ran those things pretty hard.
  14. Over 40 miles a day will do that to you. It's been a fun 34k though. I haven't decided yet. I'm thinking about doing the Hawk HPS but I ran into some issues with them when I had them on my old Mazda. I've been seeing a lot of positive reviews for the Stoptech PosiQuiet ceramics. They seem to be able to take some moderate abuse, but are quiet and no brake dust.
  15. Good to know. What I wanted to hear and to make sure it was worth it as I didn't want to cut down the life of the rotors for no reason. I don't have the exact number, but was told they have enough on there to be turned if I wanted to do it.
  16. I have no vibrations at all. There's only 34k on the rotors and they're still plenty of life left on them according to the inspection report. The rear pads are down to 3/32nd so I'm going to replace all four corners to keep the same pads all around and to hopefully get rid of the awful brake dust produced by the stock pads.
  17. I'm about to replace the pads on the ST here shortly and the techs at work are telling me I need to have my rotors turned before I put the new pads on. On my old car, I would just put the new pads on and go on with life. Am I okay to continue to do that or do I really need to have the rotors resurfaced?
  18. I opened this thread thinking it was going to be a joke thread. Holy crap! Car did it's job and protected her. That's all that matters.
  19. Every other November is when I replace them. That's usually the point where they start to get streaky and don't clear as well. It's cheap insurance to make sure you can see when it's crappy outside.
  20. Wow. Oh, you might want to make this a NWS as there was some nudity.
  21. I will second this. I've had several members on here help me both personally and professionally over the past 6 years. I'll always be grateful to this site and its members no matter what happens to it or how it changes.
  22. I personally like forums, although I don't post all that much. I find it's a much better way to post and find specific things when you need them. Besides, the forum seems to be a lot busier than the Facebook group lately. Couple ideas to keep things flowing is to maybe have dedicated moderators for specific sections. For example, have people that do a lot of autocross/track/strip events run it and keep people up to date on events that are coming up. We've got some good BSers on here. Maybe have them run the off-topic section? On bringing people back, maybe send out an email to those who used to be active, but have fallen off, to invite them back. Might drum up some more log-ins. Slow day at work. Figured I could use some of my skills from there and transpose them to here since they're being wasted anyway.
  23. Lowered the prices. They'll make some great winter wheels for someone.
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