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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. What the hell dude? Price just went up on that ST! Sounds like she needs to just buy a $500 car, junk them when she kills them, and repeat.
  2. Haven't seen too much resistance here. One of our guys got a 19 year old with a credit score of ZERO financed on a $16,000 Veloster Turbo the other night. He had a couple grand to put down, but still. Everyone was shocked.
  3. This year so far has sucked as far as tax return customers. They've been super slow to trickle in up here. This time last year we ran out of sub-$10,000 cars.
  4. 2015 GT with the Performance Package (stiffer front springs, larger rear sway bars, additional bracing, Brembo brakes, etc.) 5.0 V8 under the hood.
  5. Delivered this today to its new owner. I had ordered this back in November while the customer was deployed to Kuwait for 8 months. He finally got back in the country a few days ago and drove straight through from Mississippi to get it. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/naborgia/4C3C390D-E13F-4AE6-BFA8-1C56E2868434.jpg
  6. I have Progressive Insurance right now. I've had them for about four years now. Haven't had a problem with them except my premium has gone up significantly the past two years. For 2015, it's up to $1290. I'm considering switching to Allstate as it's only $702 for the year through work. I can set you up with my friend at Allstate if you want a quote.
  7. It would be a great way to break it in.
  8. If anyone is looking to get into this, but has never done it before, I highly recommend the Beginner's School on 4/12. I did it about 4 years ago and it was a tremendous help. There's no pressure and you'll get a ton of one-on-one teaching.
  9. When would you like to pick it up?
  10. Derek or Andy @ TireDiscounters are both good choices.
  11. If you saw my thread from yesterday, I got a big TV for my basement, and I moved my smaller TV from down there to my main room. Now I've got this: 27" Sony Wega Trinitron TV. Works great, clear picture and good sound. Comes with remote. Would be nice for your garage or for the kids' room. $25 http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/naborgia/2B65C14C-523B-4102-9132-59C152E6E6FE.jpg
  12. Hell yeah. My brother sent it to me last night. He's beyond excited. He's a big Cube and Dre fan.
  13. I ended up agreeing to $200 and she's delivering it from Westerville. I can live with that and she gets some cash in her pocket. The only plasmas I've found for $500-600 are all refurbished.
  14. A family friend is offering my her Hitachi P50H401 50-inch Plasma TV for $325. Everything works and it's a really nice TV, but it is 6 years old. Is that a fair price? I have no idea how to price out used electronics. Plus I don't want to be an asshole to this person and low-ball her. Advice?
  15. I've had run-ins with officers over the years that have been very professional, and I have respect for most LEOs, but he just thought he could be a big man by trying to scare a 22 year old kid with out of town tags. I just let him get his rocks off, signed the ticket and drove off without saying one word.
  16. OHP outside of Zanesville. 100% legit. I remember exactly what he said too. "Maybe you east coasters drive like this, but here in my state Mr. Pennsylvania, we have respect for the law! Who do you think you are passing me like that? Maybe there was a reason I was driving slow. I just knew you were going to pass me too!"
  17. Years ago, I passed an Highway patrol car who was going 64 in the right lane. I was going 65. He pulled me over, reamed me out for ten minutes and still give me a ticket.
  18. I've had Time Warner for about 6 years now. It's been good service overall. I haven't had too many problems with their CS. The guys I had who rerouted our cable lines when we did our patio were terrific though. They spent two days getting it situated which was a total shock. They are raising my rates again and it's annoying to have to call in every year to negotiate it down. I don't know how long it will last (4th time I'll have to). Other than that, they're as good as you can get. I will say this though: Once the merger happens with Comcast, I am out. Fuck Comcast.
  19. Fiji ST

    Lunch at work

    This is what I do as well. My wife and I use our crock pot on a regular basis and it allows us to have leftovers for at least one night and allows me to take some in to work as well. My usual staple though is lunch meat sandwich on multi-grain bread, some fruit (apple, peaches, clemetines), a yogurt and some pretzels or tortilla chips. Sometimes I'll do PB&J or make a tuna salad as well.
  20. I, for one, am super excited for this. It looks awesome from every angle, the AWD system sounds fantastic, and I can't wait to try one out. It will look awesome on the showroom sitting next to the GT350.
  21. True minus the wheels. I did go through a gray phase with my Mazda though. Came full circle I suppose.
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