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Everything posted by 93toNV

  1. Alright guys! Im on it! Thanks for the input
  2. Car runs excellent, doesn't leak, knock or smoke, (unless you want the tires to... ) Interior is in good shape and is black, car is red. I do not have pics of it, he just works with me.
  3. I have a buddy who said he would sell me his 94 Mustang GT with small mods (pulleys, exhaust etc...) for $2500 and for another $200 he'd kick in a set of 03 Cobra Rims. The car has a new 5spd tranny put in, clutch and flywheel. The motor and car have 155k on them. Body is in decent shape, a little bit of surface rust and some clearcoat peel. Would you jump on this?
  4. 93toNV

    Looking for...

    That is an awesome thread! Thanks man :thumbup:
  5. 93toNV

    Looking for...

    Will do that. Thanks for giving me some other options. Ebay is pretty bare right now for what im looking for..."nothing close to home" if anyone else has anything go ahead an post'em up here!
  6. Hey, I sold my 97 Cobra probably about a year ago and now im starting to get the fever for something quick again. Im looking mainly for mustangs, camaros/firebirds, Taurus SHOs, Thunderbirds....etc. anything fast and preferably 5spd. I have about $2500-$3000 to spend. Let me know!
  7. Thats awesome, congrats on the mountaineer! I love those SUVs. My favorite part is the awd. Its on all the time so no worries if the road is just a little slick, its still got ya covered! Good buy. Enjoy
  8. I dont really care for either driver myself...im a Jimmie Johnson fan, but y r u ripping on busch when stewart was the instigator of the whole thing?
  9. In no particular order... Ford GT GT500 KR 1970 SS 396 Nova 1972 Dodge Demon I dunno but exotic cars never really thrilled me much...I'll stick to the American Muscle!!
  10. Sorry man, I had a few in me when I came home and read your post last night. LOL I have just seen how quick Lincolns lose value once they are used and thought that may be the most truck for his money as long as he bought it used. What do you think about the 02'+ Mountaineers?
  11. Um, if you lol'd you have no clue about used car prices. Lincoln's price drops like a stone once they are used. Ever notice that new Lincoln towncars are like 50k new and one that is only a couple years old can be had for around 18k? They are priced high new, but dont hold that price long. Lincolns are loaded and can be had cheap once they are used. Hence bang for the buck. Next time please actually know what you are talking about before opening your mouth. mmmkay?
  12. Ok, I am a Mustang fan for sure, but something about this car just doesnt seem right...is it the fact that its an auto v6 with Cobra badges, or is it the god aweful rims....oh gawd just look for yourself..... :barf: :gay2: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/clone-GT-COBRA-01_W0QQitemZ110220046977QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item110220046977
  13. He'll only get IRS if he gets a 99+ The 96-98 still had the solid rear axle which I personally like better. IRS is good for the twisties, but I like straight line and the IRS ****s your launch up. Thunderbird SCs are awesome cars. Ive had 2 of them and they will kill that stock 98' stang you looked at.
  14. Typical answer from someone that has apparently been beaten by too many cars with that emblem on them!
  15. Bang for the buck if its used, id say Navigator or Denali. Have you guys took one of the newer Mountaineers for a spin yet? I would place them in the mid-large SUV category. They are loaded up like a Lincoln, and my fav. part about them is they are AWD. That way you or you wife dont have to worry about trying to decide if the road is bad enough to use 4x4 or not, it ALWAYS on and it still has the same fuel economy of any other SUV that is in 2wd. Those are within you price range for sure!
  16. Cummin' STROKE THIS! My vote goes to the Ford or Chevy as far as a truck. I would stay away from the dodges if you can help it. Out of the big 3 we see more dodges coming into the shop for tranny repairs and ball joints that need replaced more than we do the Ford or Chevys COMBINED! Ball joints getting replaced on Dodges with 30k on them! WTF!?
  17. 93toNV

    LT1 vs. LS1

    Fine if nobody else is gonna say it, i will. GET THE MUSTANG. 5.0>>LSx "puts on flame suit and hides"
  18. Lived in the city for 3 years. Sold my house in town. Paid the same amount for a house that is only 10minutes out of town that is 3times bigger than my city house and it sits on 3 acres. Country FTMFW!
  19. 5spd or auto? Ne rust? Anything that is wrong with it now or that will need replaced soon? Pics?
  20. I know this might sound stupid, but...go to Autozone and get a can or 2 of brake cleaner. It'll come right off. I use it for lots of stuff like this. Best 2bucks you'll spend!
  21. I believe you are correct. The 92' and older 5.0s were forged. 93' on up used those weaker pistons.
  22. Well I went and test drove it today, and guess what! Runs very good, feels really tight and handles excellent. You hit the nail on the head though! Guess what leaks!? The oil cooler lines. Im assuming thats what they are. I can see them when I open the little plastic flap where you change the oil filter at. You also called another one right on. When I was done driving it I smelled fuel on the drivers side. Could this be a leaky fuel pump/line? FWIW it has 121xxx on it.
  23. LOL. Ok Thanks for the advice! It does have a hitch reciever on the back of it. Is that stock or did someone add that? If its an addon, then some has been pulling with it and I need to get the tranny checked.
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