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Everything posted by 93toNV

  1. 93toNV


    +1000 I hate humidity. This is also good camping and 4wheelin' weather!
  2. +1 on the Thunderbird :bangbang: This car should have enough room to squeeze it in. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/SHOtyme24v/TBirdSC010.jpg
  3. Well I'll be joining you. I lawled at this too...
  4. 93toNV


    Wow, welcome to Im sorry for posting a pic I've never seen before.... Not everyone spends countless hours a day 365 days a yr on the internet looking at pictures...
  5. 1294sq/ft house. Central AC and electric water heaters (2 of them) $70 a month. LP in the winter is the bill that kills me now
  6. 93toNV


    Well my friend just sent me this lol. Just a random funny pic for the day. Too bad its soo soo true... http://s169.photobucket.com/albums/u236/lil_inz/?action=view&current=pic03430.jpg
  7. a tumbleweed passes by and the crickets chirp...........
  8. Hey guys, up for sale or (preferrably trade) I have a 2006 Kawasaki Ninja 250R. This bike will do around 70mpg if you aren't in the throttle all the time. It has 3xxx miles on it. Starts right up the 1st time everytime. Never dropped. Visually there is absolutely nothing wrong with it either. I have a free and clear title in hand for it. Im really wanting to trade it for a 4-wheeler. Looking for a utility for wheeler that I could hook up a snow plow to or one that already comes with a plow. If not I will also consider trades for a sport quad. Lemme know what you have! Since I have to put a pricetag on it I will say $2500obo. I paid around $3100 for it I believe. I have one pic for now, but can possibly take more if anyone is interested. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/SHOtyme24v/0516081919.jpg
  9. ^^^Insert 2pac here^^^ Biggie was good, but Pac was waaay better.
  10. A/C works very well. I dont have ne service records, although I may be able to get them. Im only the 2nd owner.
  11. Thanks man! I appreciate it And yup, having another kid so im back in the towncar market!
  12. LOL why thank you! Yah guys, I wouldnt mind selling it, however if someone can get me a nice Lincoln Towncar I'd love that!
  13. All stock, was getting about 26mpg I put a CAI on it and it does around 28-30mpg as it is now.
  14. Hey guys i've got a 93 Ford Probe GT im thinking of selling/trading. It has 73,xxxmi. on it and it is a 5spd. Im mainly wanting to trade it for a mid 90s or older Lincoln Town car in good condition. This is a turnkey car and I would like to trade for something in the same condition. There is nothing wrong at all with this car. Heres a pic. If I get some interest I will post more. Since I guess I am supposed to put a price, we'll say...$2500 http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/SHOtyme24v/0605081941.jpg
  15. This man speaks the truth. I have lp a 500gallon tank heating a 5 bedroom/2100sq. ft. house and it costs me like $500 every 5-6 weeks. You house obviously isnt that large, so it should be pretty reasonable.
  16. Its a better flowing intake. That isnt a stock fox intake anyway, its the fox cobra intake. Better flow than the weak 94-95 5.0 intakes.
  17. My dumbass sold my truck about 2weeks ago. DOH! I have the money and do indeed want the machine. Lemme c if I can get a truck lined up and I'll PM you b4 I come to get it. (If its still available that is)
  18. I could seriously see me asking for one of these for my bday or xmas! Badass!
  19. 93toNV

    Need help!!

    Get some cans a Brake Cleaner and spray the shit outta it. Im serious, that stuff works for everything, oil, grease, overspray while painting, im sure it'll take that off too
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