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Everything posted by Buteo

  1. looks fake to me... and why would you film your friends talking about fishing anyways?
  2. Buteo

    DSM for sale

    is that a walbro pump?...interested in selling?
  3. gun... pretty cool http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=526655&in_page_id=177
  4. Buteo

    Rating Beer

    http://www.beeradvocate.com is good too Ive been trying to get the top 100 beers or so in the usa. I have had like 10 so far
  5. Buteo

    Vote Today

    going tonight after class... If your IN LINE by 7 you still have the right to vote correct?
  6. Buteo

    Apartment Search

    Grandview area would be ok. I guess anything relatively close to downtown is good. First priority is safety for me, gf, and car. I am trying to stay out of the bad areas, a modded wrx parked on the street tends to draw some attention.
  7. Buteo

    Apartment Search

    I can live in a place the size of a closet. I am mostly looking at studio apartments...so size isnt really an issue.
  8. I am moving to Columbus after I graduate from school this May. I have a job lined up for a year, then I am attending med school. I have been searching using google and I cant seem to find an area I want. I am trying to be as cheap as possible, but I want to live in decent area ( arena, grandview, sn) etc... I know that cheap and a good area generally dont go well together, but I am going to try. Shoot me a pm or post if you know of anyplace that is under 600 a month in or near these areas. Also, if there are any other places you recommend feel free to let me know.
  9. Work in the ER and there have been a TON of these cases. A plus from this exposure is that my immune system is kicking some ass :burn: I rarely get sick anymore
  10. Id say talk him into going stage 2... I remember that jump in power for me was bit of an awakening. I had never had a fast car before and my 14.4 car was now running 13.5s. Plus kids are stupid, ive done some stupid things in my car that if I had more power I would most likely not be here.
  11. Buteo

    Mead Engineering

    I have a few months to decide what I want to do. I planned on upgrading the turbo (vf23 w/ 20g compressor) but now I am thinking about trading the car in on an sti... or a cheap dd and keeping the wrx.
  12. good numbers, who did the tune?
  13. and dont forget have al-jazeera or what not brag/support it
  14. Is this a joke? I experienced worse hazing than that as a frosh on the football team. They will get no pity from me as I've had a close friend lose his life in Afganistan.
  15. Buteo

    Mead Engineering

    just sent slowmotion an email as well.
  16. Buteo

    Mead Engineering

    Are they still in business? I have called a few times the past few days and get no answer. I emailed on Sunday/Monday and have gotten no response. Any info would be great!
  17. I suppose this must be said as well... My gf recently went there this past fall for the removal of her wisdom teeth. She went their mostly because of the price. She has had an awful experience. The students did not suture her mouth right, and she suffered an infection. She returned to the clinic to receive further treatment and they decided to open up the infection and "look around". They only gave her laughing gas and novacaine. The students ended up removing some of the gum that was infected which did nothing but cause more pain. She finally ended up having to go to a dentist in Marysville that I recommended to her. He took great care of her and told her to "let the kids practice on someone else". I suppose some of them could be good, but your gonna get some bad ones as well. oh and just for comparison, I had mine out a couple of weeks after her and I was fine within 2 weeks. Her ordeal lasted around 2-3 months.
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