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Dr. Apex

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Everything posted by Dr. Apex

  1. I see nothing wrong with this, brakes are for sissies anyway.:fuckyeah:
  2. In what way?? Acceleration...nope. Speed.....nope. Handling.....nope. Braking.....nope. Shifting.....nope.
  3. I still don't like the looks, I don't like the interior as well, but hot damn what a spec sheet. This is the package I've been waiting on Ford to do to the Mustang. The track rat in me says I may have to convert to Chevy for this car.....
  4. If you were a good looking woman the cost would be at most to flash your tits, for a dude who knows. Yes it hurts, ever had a shot?? Your skin is being dug into thousands of times with a needle. Not the worst pain by any means but it doesn't feel good. Location can make a big diff on pain, the one on my calf I didn't think was that bad. That is a wicked looking tattoo, would like to see it in person to really gauge how good it looks but in the pic it makes my skin crawl.
  5. Perfect here this weekend, near 80, nice breeze and ZERO humidity!! Enjoying it while it lasts as the oven will be in high gear soon enough.
  6. Vote em out, most down here are gone now as people took it to the ballots on the speed cameras and some of the red light cameras. Or do like I just saw the other day and run over the red light camera with your car, if I could have I would of shaken the guys hand!!
  7. Congrats man, and I hate you because I want that bike!!!
  8. Texas and Utah are the only states I've seen 80mph limits. I traverse I-17 every day usually at least up to Camp Verde or Flagstaff once a week, it's 75 for about half of it. There was another fatal wreck today in Mesa, people can't handle the speeds here at all and U.S.60(Superstition Fwy) in the valley here has been rated one of the most dangerous highways in the country almost continually. Like it's been said, people already average 5 above the current limit so raising it will just add to the problems.
  9. Eh?? Where? I've been on every inch of interstate in AZ here and most every other main road and never seen anything above 75mph. People do drive at 80-85 all the time though they can't handle these speeds.
  10. I really liked this bike as well when I looked at it, can't go wrong with Yamaha!!
  11. I won't catch it live, they going to re-air it sometime during the day tomorrow??
  12. Seeing the wrecks I do down here it's pointless to raise the speed limit as most people are already going 70+ in Ohio and the drivers here certainly can't handle the speeds that are allowed(75mph), will be the same in Ohio. There have been at least 4-5 people killed in Phoenix this week alone in car accidents and that is pretty much the norm. If it rains here.......
  13. Doesn't really matter to the driver, you and I pay for it in higher prices for everything.:dumb:
  14. This dude is my hero!!! You have no idea how many times I've wanted to do this in my truck when people cut me off like that, if this happened more often people would give these vehicles far more space as they're just doing their jobs and get treated like they're supposed to just make way for everybody else.
  15. The flamethrower to the crotch, the fireworks in the pan in bed and the guy with the chainsaw and mask in the bedroom were the best!! Full of win!!
  16. It would be neat if it turned out it were modeled after that track, wonder if they had been milling about on google maps and stumbled onto it and decided since it was long closed and abandoned they could just copy the layout?
  17. Uh, I've been to Iowa many times and theres nothing but corn there......I call BS!!
  18. Lol, yeah pretty much. Isn't the take rate on Vettes w/autos like 70% almost?? It's a shame, I don't think manuals will die out for a while yet, but so many great cars while might be a bit faster are just being watered down for the driver, no fun at all in a car YOU don't drive, basically video games on wheels.
  19. TRUTH!!! No manual then it's not a real GT3. There's no point to a "Sports car" without a transmission controlled by a foot and hand, PERIOD. There's nothing to gain from beating someone with technology, because you didn't beat them, the technology did. Yes a lot of us are about to extinct like the dinosaur like that tshirt says, and I'm fine with that, but I will will always know you didn't beat me without the help, and so will you. That car looks tits though.
  20. 80 degrees here today, headed out to some shenanigans in a few mins. No winter FTW!!!
  21. This can happen when people HAVE to get ahead of a truck, good to hear your ok and he's lucky to tangle with you and not the truck.......idiot.
  22. Greatest safety video evar!!:lolguy: I did the last one years back though on a small rack only 2 tiers high knocking over 5 pallets of stuff.
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