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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. that dude is nuts......but in some way looks fun.....
  2. my friends dad got one from russia back in 2001, she was pretty hot and aleast 30 years younger with a kid, it didnt last 6 months. i have no idea what happend, if she was just here for 6 months cuz of the visa or what, but she left.
  3. that would be cool to have one, and get to show it off to all your friends.
  4. i seen this shit like a month ago, shit is fucking funny
  5. i just got Sirius 3 weeks ago , and will never listen to the normal local radio ever again!!!
  6. weird last week this happen 2 times at my house, it was loud enough for me to hear it over the movie i was watching, but i also have weird things happen all the time, we thought the foundation cracked or did somthing, but there is no sign of anything stess related in the house.
  7. man........that would suck if you had to drive that car for one week.
  8. ken that car is so fucking gorgous.
  9. good luck on your search, hope you find it, because i can not stand someone who fucking steals from people.
  10. holy shit that caught me off guard........thanks for sharing this!!!!
  11. wow good luck! is it rebuilt or somthing?
  12. wow thats awsome, takes guts for sure.
  13. hahahhaha anyways i really do not have any imput on this, as long as they are not wearing makeup or girls jeans like in that video i think you will be fine.
  14. cops should just post up , you know hes dumb enough and is prolly going to try it again, hope this dude sits in jail soon.
  15. takes note- never poke anything mad with a stick.
  16. wow them donkeys were like "oh shit"
  17. found this too, so funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMzeiMJQrvk
  18. Vanderlei Silva's knee's did not work so well vs crocop, he looked like a little kid fighting a grown man......he looked horrible that fight. good vid tho! holy shit man kevin randlemans slam is the best.....ive seen that so many times but its so great.
  19. bot flys are so fucking gross. id hate to be that guy.
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