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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Not sure , but they have no tech at this track. You can run whatever in shorts in a wife beater whatever. Ive never seen any car or bike be turned away for any T&T. Things might be different during this grudge racing.
  2. 4 people on your plan ?or are you still on mommy and daddys phone plan?
  3. prolly the normal 10$ to race or 10$ to watch.
  4. Just on our way back from california ATT service stopped at barsow california and was on and off untill middle of new mexico, then went off again. Then it went off back again at joplin MO. and went off for another 3-4 hours until IL. Sprit is ok for the people that never leave a 75 mile area from columbus and thats it. From a business trip to california my phone was not in service more then it was back to ohio. I was with ATT for 10 years, I still have one as a work phone and the service just sucks when we have to travel. Everyone at my work knows how much the phones suck that in 2011 business phones will all be verizon. ATT coverage nationwide service reminds me of my old verizon internet card 8-10 years ago only worked when your in a big city or near a tower.
  5. I switched from ATT to verizon just this year, im willing to pay a bit more not always ending calls or not being able to get on the internet. My verizon air card also is so much better then anything ATT had to offer. When traveling I could not get signal across most parts of new mexico, arizona, parts of california I was in and many places in ohio, kentucky, TN, GA it sucked . Never had any issues with customer services from ATT , they both seem to be the same in my opinion.
  6. I dont know how many times ive been sick from natty, no joke its the only time I get a hang over and puke up yellow nasty orange juice looking stuff. After I get that all out, and eat some food always seem to feel better. That shit is horrible lol
  7. My friends cummins came from texas auto liquidators , I will not comment on anything I will let him post if he wants to do that. Either way its simple, pay for title, take truck to any dealer have inspected, then trans the title to ohio. ive bought over 7 cars now out of state, never had any issues.
  8. LOl 5 or 6k for a timing job on a 20k car? , someone has to be a fucking retard.
  9. Welcome to the site, car looks clean!
  10. Yeah man its bullshit that people have it inside them to steal from people like that. Not only does it suck losing something like money ect, but it effects you in others ways. I am always paranoid at night now. I always think when is it going to happen again. Just be greatful that no one was hurt . I will bet money that the guys or guy has been in the house before, or knows someone that has been before. Someone is not going to risk robbing you for nothing, they knew something was in the house.
  11. This is what you need someone who is good with the judge not the dick prosecutor
  12. My buddys lived in a home in Bexley few years back and was also robbed at gun point , one guy tried to stand his ground and ended up in the hospital, the guy pistol whipped him bad, ended up having to get metal in his face and plastic surgery.
  13. Wow that really sucks to hear, my family know how this feels, we had some guy last year try and break our back door down when just my girlfriend was in the home. Anymore it does not matter were you live , criminals are not all stupid people, they just did not decide to come rob your place, there is always a why and when. Id warn all the people around you, and really watch who you let come into your home. A survey at my work for central ohio burglary's say that in 2005-2009 85% of the people who was robbed knew the person or persons or had some type of connection to the criminal. A firearm is not always the way, can maybe lead to bigger issues. ( To me id rather just give the person 400$ and a cell phone then get into a huge fire fight with two guys ) For starts I would get good locks all around the home.
  14. You are not paying the laywer to fight the case, you are pretty much already guilty of it, now its find a good laywer who can kiss ass or know the people, and plead guilty to something less. Trust me laywers can get things worked out for you, just how the world works. You was charged with wreckless op but in reality it will be dropped to a less offense, whith less fines ect.
  15. The day you go in plea not guilty and get a laywer if you can not afford one get a worthless public defender, better then nothing. You prolly have a court day coming up soon. Just remember all the public defenders are friends with all the court buddys and are usually just doing this job to wait for an opening . I work around all of the people everyday good luck.
  16. Thanks for letting all of CR not to come to some lame rice fest.
  17. I hope to god ur not an asian dude in a vette lol. Reminds me of the starburst commerical with the korean kid with the kilt
  18. If the cly walls are that bad, why not just have the block re sleeved?
  19. Yup thats me, I am going to try and visit him next sunday, if your not busy you should also.
  20. Yeah evo's and sti's do not handle well.........
  21. How can you make fun of peoples car? You always bragged about how JDM FRUSH your wheels where when the car sat with a sorry ass GOLD motor that prolly never even ran. You should tell people about style points, coming from a guy who rivit's fucking plastic wodebody parts on the side of a car, and paints stock parts gold yup thats style.
  22. Ask lj about that....... left with bloody jeans ..lol fucking yuck
  23. Awsome job jeff, is this the same long block as last year or was compression raised?
  24. Welcome to CR, anyone friends with corey is a friend of mine. enjoy the site!
  25. Yeah man, I have the 240 and a new car
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