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Posts posted by Aaron

  1. IMO this is almost as ugly as the Pontiac Aztec. Wheels and brakes are nice but thats about it. That sensor right in the middle of the grill looks so out of place. I'm sure its a blast to drive but would rather have a Rover SVR.


    I'm with you, these are horrifically ugly. Saw the one at mag and these pictures, while great, don't hide the fugly. Seriously gross.

  2. Done




    And fine 20. Ill take action from both of your




    Actually, the way Alabama is playing, the seeding is pointless:


    1 - Alabama

    2 - someone who might win and then lose to Alabama in following game

    3 - someone who might win and then lose to Alabama in following game

    4 - someone who will lose to Alabama in the next game


    5- team lucky enough to avoid Alabama

    6 - team lucky enough to avoid Alabama


    Fair point.

  3. :lol:


    In all seriousness, 1-7 would curbstomp Ohio State right now.


    While I'm inclined to agree that Michigan is playing better than Notre Dame right now, I probably don't seed them higher than ND. Though, they are both in my top 4 right now (Bama, Clemson, ND, Michigan), so really all we are talking about is seeding.


    Seeding determines the championship game so while right now it's irrelevant, it certainly will matter, unless the thought is that Clemson would and could beat either nd or michigan.


    Aide note, Anyone wanna bet on the Michigan game?

  4. Whats your budget?


    Do you prefer lux options like the premium package (big screen, leather, cooled and heated seats etc) over performance options like the performance package (3.73 torsen, upgraded suspension , 6 piston brakes, braces and radiator, etc)?


    That 17 convertible is optioned with both packages, good color, etc. That's not a cheap car new. I'd try to get it for 30k and think that'd be a good price for that car.


    I'm assuming you aren't concerned with outright performance looking at convertibles, so a 17 vs 18 is less of an issue. I think the 15 to 17 look better too.


    Performance wise the 18 is a big improvement though. It might be worth spending a bit more for one.

  5. Cliff notes, everything is better on the 18. New motor puts out more power, gets optional 10 speed auto I'd that's your thing (auto lol) and the manual was refreshed with different gearing.


    Absolutely get the performance package, worth it for brakes alone.


    Mag ride is an option on the 18 and not available on 15 to 17. Can also get adjustable exhaust in 18 which is very cool. Standard GT exhaust is much better sounding than 15 to 17.


    Ask specific questions if you have them.

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