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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. FAIL!!!!! I knew there must have been a reason it wasn't mentioned already. Sorry about that.
  2. So far..........I am the winner. Seats 6, manual transmission available, van/wagon shape, should be decent to drive as well.
  3. And I think the early X5's had a stick shift (I6 only) and 3rd row option as well, but not sure.
  4. Not sure if the Audi Allroad has a third seat...........2.7T and 6 speed available though.
  5. That much testosterone in one garage would create a black hole ending the world.
  6. Good luck man.......always liked them. Care to spill the beans on the new car?
  7. where the hell did you find a GT Ranger? I have wanted to build a ranger SHO.........but that damn GT kit is impossible to find!
  8. haha It was a pleasure gents.........off to work.
  9. Understood. I felt that my questions needed to be asked simply for informative purposes. I have another question: Did you feel the same way BEFORE you had kids? I wonder if it has something to do with having kids or not. I don't know how I will deal with it when I have kids. definitely not going into this.....though I want to.
  10. I bought ASXs for my GTI. I agree with Jones. Not awesome at all.
  11. Why would you want someone to be unhappy? Why do you care if being gay makes someone ELSE happy? Why do you care if there are commercials letting people know it is ok to be gay? Why are you so threatened by their way of life? If one of your children is gay, will you love them? Will you dis-own(sp?) them? Tolerate them? Hate them? Does watching will and grace or seeing a gay dating site commercial persuade kids to become gay? Who cares. You live your life, let them live theirs.
  12. Call it what you want, you don't like them being gay.
  13. I am with you and LJ, but sadly, we are in the minority. Crazies on either side still rule. Until it reverses, nothing will change. haha
  14. I guess I never read any of the political threads with that much detail to know this. Sorry...Aaron will be better. x2
  15. remember remember the fifth of November.....
  16. X2.. Honestly........all of your posts..........wow. PS. I am NOT a liberal.
  17. I personally HATED the Goodyear LS2's on my 06 A4........and I currently have continental A/S's on my GTI and they are about the same (not good) as the goodyears. I like the dunlop SP Sport 01 A/S I had on my 06 GTI the best of the factory tires I have had my VAG cars. The 3 goodyear idea is a good one to save money on a decent tire, but I feel they are VERY overpriced for their mega mediocre performance.
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