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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Aaron


    Noob, you will soon learn that ANY and EVERY mistake will be brought to light, and blown to pieces here. You also need to learn not to get bent out of shape when people ride your ass over said WRONG comments. Finally, you need to learn that there are people on here that know more than you could ever hope to know about cars. So don't talk like you know everything, because you don't As stated, most here are very nice and helpful, but if you act like a douche bag, you wont be making many friends here.
  2. All those empty spaces and you park in the isle? wow Nice car.
  3. Whichever I could get the most money out of. Then sell it/them and get a B7 RS4, 997 S and a Q7 4.2. :bangbang:
  4. Same thing happened to me when I looked at the 05. It was at the dealer on Sawmill rd off 270 right there. Said 15,900 was the lowest they could go. I walked out. 2 months later, same car for 12,900 lol. Douch bags. I was considering buying it, and had they offered me it for 13k, probably would have taken it. So glad they were douche bags because I would have HATED that car after the 300hp was old news. You would hate that, you dash stroker.................. wait a second
  5. Aaron

    credit cards?

    I think we are all saying the same thing in different ways.
  6. Aaron

    credit cards?

    I never said it was recommended to carry a balance. I did say that to build credit, carrying a balance is better than lump sum payments. I understand that what I said might have been misunderstood though. We are digging ourself out of a giant hole we put ourselves in over the last 4 years. For the last 6 months we haven't put anything on our credit cards, only used cash, and have been averaging 1k/month debt payment. Agreed, it is a very simplistic explanation and way to build credit. This is kind of like finance/credit card 101 type info. Not to be taken as all you need to know, but it is true when taken by itself.
  7. Aaron

    credit cards?

    x2 Our rate increased on a card we have a balance on. Something like 18% sounds right. I am going to call all of our cards to see if they will lower the rate, not expecting them too, but its possible. Like you said, the common practices don't seem to apply anymore.
  8. Aaron

    credit cards?

    Agreed Lenders want to see that you can routinely pay off debt; $100 per month for 10 months on a 1k balance. That is how you build credit. It isn't as beneficial to you and might even hurt you if you carry a 1k balance for 9 months and pay it off in month 10. They also don't like the balance to be greater than 50% of the credit limit. If you think you have the restraint (I don't yet) put everything you spend on a credit card and pay it off before interest is charged. That way you get points and bonuses depending on the card of choice.
  9. Aaron

    credit cards?

    X2 Open it up, and keep it forever. Freeze it in a bag of water if you have to. Thats what we did for 2 months, then thawed them out and put them in our filing cabinet. Haven't put a dime on them in over 4 months.
  10. Aaron

    credit cards?

    Find a promotional 0% card and sign up. Be very careful though, it can pile up fast. Ask me how I know.
  11. Agreed. Especially with Mercedes blue tinted windows.
  12. Damn, thats high as shit. The one I looked at was an 05 with 35k for around 13k. That price is what the 2008's are going for. There is a 2008 Certified GXP with 20k miles for 18,900. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/searchresults.jsp?lastStartYear=1981&num_records=25&search_lang=en&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&search_type=both&distance=200&address=43082&marketZipError=false&style_flag=1&make=PONT&model=GP&make2=&start_year=1981&end_year=2010&min_price=&max_price=&seller_type=b&transmission=&engine=8+Cylinder&drive=&doors=&fuel=&max_mileage=&color=&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&keywords_display=&sort_type=mileageASC&body_code=0&certified=&advanced=y&highlightFirstMakeModel=&showZipError=y&default_sort=mileageASC&awsp=false&systime=&rdm=1256603971907 That car is crazy overpriced.
  13. I test drove one last year. By far the best of the GPs. What do they have it priced at?
  14. My brother did it in 9 minutes. Said it wasn't bad at all.
  15. Exercise the dog. They are model pets after an hour at the dog park.
  16. welcome Get coilovers, not just springs. Springs wear out new factory struts fast, let alone 7+ year old struts/shocks. Cup kit or coilovers.
  17. Accroding to this, Red is high spot and should be put on dimple for steel wheels, or valve stem for wheels without dimple. Yellow is light spot and should be put on heavy spot (valve stem) of wheel. Red dot has precidence over yellow dot. http://www.bridgestonetrucktires.com/us_eng/real/magazines/97V1Issue2/Doctor.asp
  18. why did you pick the ruger? You haven't exactly made a case for it besides the money. You said it yourself that you are unfamiliar with handguns. You have to go shoot these. Looking on the internet will only get you so far.
  19. Anyone that thinks they will look awesome in an entry level luxury car is retarded. Also, you can't tell EVER if the owner of ANY car bought it new unless you know them personally. A S4 or 335 driving down the road by a stranger is just that, you have no idea if they wasted 10k and got a worse warranty by looking at the car. And just because its a used car doesn't mean it has issues.
  20. I just got my RC car out of the basement. Needs some work to get it running. Looks like that will do to kill some of my down time for a while. Cheap to play with since I have everything, just need a few parts to get it working again. We aren't having babies for a good 2 years. Graduation, pay off debt, then house.
  21. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=11101&storeId=10001&categoryId=15711&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=15708&top_category=15708 Military and Police Great guns, lighter than my 5906 and has less kickback. I really enjoyed shooting the one I rented at NASR. My wife liked it too, and like I said, I will be buying her one next year.
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