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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Its up to you, I will call it like I see it. Don't particularly want to get in the middle of this, because its not my place. I just get a kick out of the way guys act, cocky, arrogant, degrading. However I am more shocked that the women put up with the amounts of bull shit they usually do.
  2. lol, wow. You do understand that some guys just don't give a shit right? If he says stuff like that on a public forum, he obviously isn't the kind of guy you thought he was. I love my wife, and would never talk shit about her in public, in front of people, or on the internet. I will however talk shit to her face, yell, scream and get in arguments. We both are very emotional, and make sure we always talk out our fights right after they happen. Some men (and women) aren't capable of being vulnerable, or admitting that they are wrong. Good luck with this. Don't expect much though, most guys think they are gods gift to the world, and douche bags.
  3. Not at all. I didn't expect anything going into the movie. It was just different than I thought it would be (and that alone didn't have anything to do with me liking it or not, just a statement). It was a good movie, but not one I would watch a lot, or even more than once. I have seen many movies like this, good enough to watch once, interesting, engaging, but lacking something. I can't explain it, but it just wasn't great for me. No hype, or anything like that. Just didn't feel it was overly great. Your average movie for me is a 4-7/10..........
  4. Aaron

    Last day

    My 1 year anniversary is today, September 6th. Contrats and enjoy it. It goes by so fast.
  5. Very cool. Those aren't bad numbers at all for the VRT. Vans are sweet too.
  6. You saying Children of Men was good or bad? I just watched Children of Men because of the recommendations here, and I was not impressed. It was decent, but not what I was expecting. I give it a solid 5/10. I will probably never watch it again, but it was a cool movie to watch once. Glad I rented it, but thats where it ends for me.
  7. Just saw the other link to a GTI and Van racing. Is that your sons car? VRT?
  8. awesome. Any driving videos? Those would be fun to watch.
  9. I am going to pick up Children of Men at blockbuster. I really wanted to see it in theaters, but for some reason didn't. I am good about not getting over-hyped for movies. Looking forward to boondock saints 2 for sure.
  10. I thought he was gay, thanks for the confirmation. He must find the misty eyed Rodriguez dreamy. Fag.
  11. Aaron

    My New Car

    Cool car, but the body kit looks horrible. Great color too.
  12. Aaron

    tire plugs

    My friend used a tire plug kit from Meijer one time, he never had a problem with it leaking. I guess you will just have to wait and see. If your good after about a week, then I would say your good to go. Remind me never to lend you my car. It will surely have something horrible happen to the wheels or tires. lol. Sucks man.
  13. Price range might be a good idea to help narrow things down a bit.
  14. You are a complete fucking baby that can't take 1/2 the shit talking you dish out yourself. You are the biggest ass hole on the forum, and a complete fucking dick head to boot.
  15. so because I thought your truck was ugly in a for sale add thats not acceptable? But you can talk shit all day long in every thread you post in and thats fine because it isn't a for sale thread? Your a joke man. Bitch some more, thats all you ever do.
  16. Heard it before, pretty funny.
  17. Yeah, its from the 82-83 malibus. Looks much better I think.
  18. Also very much digging the wagons.
  19. It seems to have the 82-83 Malibu front end on it, which looks much better than the 78-81 front end.
  20. I agree. Can't say I have ever seen one, let alone one that looks that good. I am looking at cars that are a bit off the radar, and on the cheaper side. This is a very good candidate.
  21. lol thanks man. Mega fail for me. Didn't even think to read the error message. Thanks.
  22. its the red car in the small thumbnail picture in the top left. The link is broken when you click on the picture, and it isn't in the thread. Looks like some sort of Chevy. Looking to get more information on them, they look good from the tiny picture. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pro-touring.com/featured_cars/Malibu/robert_mccarter_79_malibu/Mvc-001f.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.car-forums.com/talk/showthread.php%3Ft%3D7224&usg=__v21hIC8P4Gvl6ceKfhIZj_N1Nos=&h=768&w=1024&sz=127&hl=en&start=26&um=1&tbnid=Pwps7Og7bn3UoM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drwd%2Bcars%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18%26um%3D1
  23. Aaron

    Tonight: 8/28

    the westerville one? thats better for me anyway. 10? anything before?
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