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Everything posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. mmrmnhrm


    Do we have any around here, particularly ones with experience in immigration?
  2. Ok, if I understand things correctly, you've got: Cable/DSL+ wireless router >>> huge frackin' distance >>> XBox360 (which MSFT didn't put a wireless chip into) So you want to take an old p3 you have lying around, and turn it into wire/wireless converter for the XBox. Sounds reasonable. Assuming the wireless card is compatible, I could probably get it set up in about an hour or so using OpenBSD, and another guy I know here could probably do it in similar time with Linux.
  3. Added to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts http://www.b0g.com Now if I have the morbid curiosity to even click a link to that site, or don't realize what I'm clicking and mash it accidentally, my computer will just tell me "Site not responding"
  4. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/iloled-pam.jpg
  5. mmrmnhrm

    EVE Online

    Two accounts, TYVM. And yes, the new graphics engine is, well, sorta like going from FF1 sprites to FF7 animated jugglies
  6. Mr. T and the price of gold
  7. http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/srsly-40515.jpg
  8. I've got a brand new, supposedly 450W (I say 'supposedly' because it's awfully light) w/24pin motherboard connector you can have for free just for picking it up or meeting me somewhere. I've also got a used X-Connect 500W with a burned out resistor (that doesn't seem to actually affect the power output) that you could also have for free.
  9. This has got to be one of the first times in at least a year when I'm actually happy I clicked a Linn link
  10. Kucinich has always been something of a nut. That's what makes him so entertaining
  11. The yellow pod is a FLIR of some sort, probably a prototype since it's not painted to match. I don't think it's a photo-chop since the color does reflect off the lower pod, there aren't any harsh cut-paste lines around it, and that god-awful bracket is just the sort of thing we'd rig up during my days at Grumman. That lower pod just looks to be your standard, run of the mill, "reach out and ruin someone's day" rifle. Probably isn't particularly effective against a person at range, but plenty accurate enough for shots against light vehicles.
  12. Well, that took a bit of work, and a bit of luck. I won't be putting up those sorts of numbers again until next summer, since mpg drops the colder it gets. Lifetime, I'm sitting right around 53mpg right now. Full chart What's sad is there's a guy in California who puts this stuff up routinely. 'Course he does stuff that would get most people run off the road here in Cbus.
  13. You know all those dollars we keep sending the chinese for all that crap they make us cheap? They gotta do something with that stuff, especially to maintain the dollar/yuan exchange rate screwed up. That something is buying metric assloads of US bonds (aka, the national debt).
  14. http://users.myexcel.com/n7il/enlightenment/DOT_Sign.jpg http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/
  15. Dresser pics? I've got webspace if you need it.
  16. I've got an unopened 250ft box of 5e solid, $40. (10 off Microcenter, and 60 off what I paid 3 years ago)
  17. http://youtube.com/watch?v=mPnimlEYU2Y
  18. Can't speak for all 20's, but mine is 24.25" wide x 12.5" deep x 16.75" tall.
  19. You don't say whether it's a bow or a rectangular tank (and if it's bow, I'm gonna be fsckin' jealous), but either way, I'd suggest going over to Aquarium Adventure at Sawmill/161 and looking at the large tank they've got along the back wall. Your biggest "friend" in hiding both bubbles and lift tubes are plants, which also do a good job of eating up nitrates and giving the fish the hiding spots they want. Driftwood is also cool, but you've got to boil the hell out of it first to make sure nothing survived (like planaria worms... ewww).
  20. What video card do you have? I've got a DD 6800 block I've been trying to get rid of.
  21. Still a couple of years to go on my warranty... then we'll see what kind of numbers I can put up with mods. In the meanwhile, 60mpg summer / 45mpg winter isn't anything to complain about.
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