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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. smashing pumpkins new album > nin new album thats all there is to it.
  2. who cares how old he is. his show is hillarious. especially ralphie.
  3. 1. john ivanic 2. scotty pippen 3. tony kucoch
  4. a lot of people listen to this crap because its the only modern rock they play on columbus radio. can someone actually look me in the eye and tell me they like that "lips of an angel" song.
  5. sounds just like my max. great cars.
  6. oook. was she just kinda chewin on that or what.
  7. nu-rock= horrible. the music industry is complete shit right now.
  8. beavis and butthead is the best. what about the incredible tick? eek the cat was my all time favorite kids cartoon.
  9. id rather have that then getting my dick cut off for adultery.
  10. BuckeyeGT

    Wow... I

    dat shit make my dick be hard.
  11. i garauntee they had some guy in the backseat.
  12. id need a dick extension to stick it in her ass. perhaps some sort of inspector gadget apperatus.
  13. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/vic.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/max1.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/GTrearcenter.jpg all the cars ive owned at one point in time. (not pictured: 93 geo metro)
  14. ok.. u post two pix of decent vehicles you own, but then ur sig is a piece of shit pulling a boat.
  15. Chevys Are Wayy Cooler!!! My Ls1 With A 750 Shot Would Rape That Shit!!1
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