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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. You could've bought a cheap foam sheet, glued in back into the headliner and then painted/rubberized over it. At least it would have a little give when you hit your head or hand. Plus, it'd feel cool.
  2. Nice. Wasn't there a similar vid posted some time back? It wasn't the same vid, just another one of a guy saving his own ass like this one. It was pretty impressive, as well.
  3. ImUrOBGYN

    Diablo 3

    I'm looking forward to playing it but I'll be stopping by somewhere else to play it as I'm not sure it'll play to my satisfaction on this laptop. (Probably will, but I dunno.) If nothing else, they're supposed to release a demo in the future...
  4. Deepstaria enigmatica - Very little known about them and not even the craziest thing down there. haha It's amazing to me how many people are quick to dismiss it as fake in the comments of the posted vid. It's ok and one thing to be ignorant, but to be a close-minded dumbass must be severely limiting. I'll be more specific. It's one thing to wonder if it's real or not, that shows some intellgience and a thought process, but it's cracks me up to see people vehemently argue that it's fake and then put down others for believing it's real. lol
  5. Someone post an address that works. I only tried my own home address and, though it was available as a selection, it was "cloaked" and not working. Probably the same thing that happened to Michael/Panduh above.
  6. It may not be as common as it once was since more balls are domestically raised as opposed to wild caught and/or imported.
  7. Yes, awesome little spider and you even spelled it right instead of like the car. Though, she's just as fast. Many of them are spider eaters, though. They have the strength, intelligence and speed. I have a 'battledome' where any roaming spiders, centipedes and the like that I find in the home are placed in to battle it out for supremacy. Last summer, a large female jumping spider like the one pictured, ruled the roost for months. One of the coolest things was watching her dive bomb a fly in mid air and tumble to the ground with it in her jaws still. You watch closely and you can also see how different her approach was with something dangerous and/or bigger than her.
  8. He should be fine unless he has some weird allergic reaction.
  9. Ah, ok. You're familiar with this stuff, then. PM'd for realz this time.
  10. Shit, it wasn't nearly as gory/creepy as I'd hoped. Maybe, growing up in the 70's during the craziest run of horror movies every produced ruined me. lol Seriously, it was way overblown to me. Perhaps this one will be more fucked up and gorier since we know it's not going to be effort in quality movie watching and story. lol
  11. Not sure what you're leaning at here... Well, I have an idea but I hope that's not logic you think you're using.
  12. It's all been said. Harmless jumping spider. It's also been proven they're smarter than some of your kids. Seriously, they have the ability to make concious, multi-step plans and decisions. One of my favorite spiders and incredible hunters. Many of them you can even feed by hand if you knock a fly out for them. Try not to jump when it leaps for the fly.
  13. Shit, I think that thing makes a new Camry look like a concept car.
  14. We ran up to the Delaware Dam last night. Decent high ground right near the house.
  15. That f'n sucks, man. Don't feel so bad about the rear of the RAV being tagged, now. Not nearly as much damage.
  16. BWhahahaha I forgot all about that picture. We drug that pos Cobalt down the triple nickel. We wore the fuckin tires off that thing. lol
  17. Don't bother with the ball pythons. They are notoriously bad/finicky eaters. Keep in mind the Burmese will eventually be big enough to eat kids and that you'll have to feed it rabbits and chickens. I once had a Burmese. She was awesome but it made finding a roomate very hard. If you want a largish, but beautiful, hardy, easy to care for snake, try some of the red tail boas and the like. Just a suggestion. Oh, and the reptile show once a month in columbus is a good place to start looking. Far more selection and better prices than any you'll probably find at a pet store. I think yoiu'll be amazed and the massive selection of color phases/varieties of various species of snakes available. Im going to pm you for some more details.
  18. What a bunch of pussies. No shit a 3wheeler is unsafe, but then so is a fucking motorcycle?! lol I had a 3 wheeler that I rode the shit out of for years and years. Did I wreck it? Yes. Did I do it more than once? Yes. Did every fucking friend of mine with a motorcycle or 4 wheeler do the same? Yes. Was I every severely injured? No. Was one of my friends? Yes. And I could go on and on. It's dangerous because its fun. Its dangerous because you're on it being a dumbass. It's dangerous when you let a girl ride and I'm not talking about ATV's. You should stop that, too. lol Please, explain to me why it's anymore dangerous because it has 3 wheels instead of 4 or, holy shit, 2. Back on topic, that trike looks insane. Dont know if it's the angle or what, but the rear track looks like it could be a little wider.
  19. Welcome. Nice diverse group of autos.
  20. There should be a meteor shower occurring tonight and tomorrow night, as well. Given the Supermoon and approach of the Aquarid shower, it maybe hard to see as much. The best time to look is during the hours before sunrise on Sunday. Also, I believe one month from now venus should pass between us and the sun. Super rare and a once in a lifetime viewing experience. Should be around Jun 5-6th.
  21. "If I stay too long, I'll probably break down and cryyyy!!!!
  22. Norm (Littleguy) and I are both "half-breeds" and joke claiming one side or the other depending on the situation. lol Warning: Blanketed statement coming in 3, 2, 1... Why in the hell does every white person claim they have native american descent or something similar? lol I mean holy shit, I can understand how many would have some NA blood in them given this country's history, but come on. My gf and I were somewhere last week and were discussing this same thing after overhearing a group of white people competing with each other about who has more native american or whatever. She's white and brought it up herself. lol
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