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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. http://www.tune86.com/ft-86-video/18623-brz-370z-gymkhana Not too bad given the power differences and setups. They should compete in the same class once it's all underway.
  2. Looks pretty funny. Reminds me of a show I started watching this past season called Wilfred.
  3. How are they that bad?! How do you compete in something like that knowing you suck?! Woman or man. I'm even trying to watch the vid and give them the benefit of the doubt or assume it's taken out of context, but watching them ride... there just seems to be an absence of proper skill there. Some show a complete lack of fundementals. Are these amatuers?
  4. haha Hilarious. WTF?! I'd love to see the scene that played out in. What the hell led up to that in a wrestling ring?
  5. Ahhh. haha Got ya. Thank god for another level head in here. As far as Im concerned, they were both in the wrong. You don't get to be less wrong just because someone escalates a situation further than you would've liked. lol
  6. South of Morse Rd. isn't really north Columbus. And I'm not a chief. I'm the fucking boss.
  7. Because of my "da bullshit". wtf is that, anyway? lol Reread my post until you understand simple English. Not everyone read the damn article and as I stated, given the only evidence presented in this thread article, my statements are perfectly acceptable and understandable. BTW, just because someone initiates being a dick does it make you right escalating to such an extent. Being they were both adults, someone should've taken 'the high ground' before it got that out of hand. Im guessing you're not the type to think logically in a situation like that.
  8. ??? All that money and it's actually worse as a daily than it started out.
  9. I'm not saying she doesn't overreact, however, maybe next time he won't act out physically and JUST SIMPLY MOVE. He is on a motorcycle, after all. Also, it can't be ruled out, at that point the woman may've been hysterical and frightened. A man just kicked her car and then approached her in anger and with unknown intentions. I'm just saying, don't be fuckin suprised when someone kicks up a level. lol On the same token, I bet she doesn't get aggressive with her car again or run her mouth, if that was the case. haha
  10. It's all random. It doesn't make a difference.
  11. Where are you talking about? There's next to nothing north (unless you mean NE near Morse Rd and that's shit) that'll match his criteria. We have been looking for a 3 bedroom with a yard and at least a 1car garage for 950 or less and it's been almost impossible. If you wanna crank that up to over a 1k a month it's not so much a problem, but at that point, it's almost cheaper to buy. Shitloads of places for rent in east, se, and sw cbus. All those are far too much of a commute to for her and I or are in shit areas.
  12. Guess I'll play devil's advocate here. He clearly kicks her car before she tries to run him down. Now, I don't know what was said beforehand, but if you kick and damage someone's car, you should be prepared for however that person retaliates. Given only the evidence seen here in the video, that guy was a pussy for kicking the car in the first place, especially a woman's.
  13. This post should end the thread and thus, this inanity.
  14. Parasites as was mentioned above. Echinococosis. (sp?)
  15. Nobody's gonna say it? ... Fine. You can add yeast but it'll only make some shitty bread. :gabe:
  16. Ah, dammit. I don't any more time wasting shit...
  17. Well, if I were here grandchild I'd be rooting for her... But, I'm not. So, fuck that ol' bitch.
  18. Very nice. Your friend obviously still takes much pride in his work.
  19. I'm not gonna be that guy... Someone else here will enjoy it more.
  20. Loved those books, too. I would intentionally try to pick the shortest paths/quickest endings/wrong answer , then work my way back, saving the last 'path' (the one I believed would ultimately be the correct choice), as my final choice and then move on from there. I would do this for each "branch" of the story resulting in a fully read CYOA book, yet still allowing me to enjoy it for what it was.
  21. Me, too. Doc, I goto Blue Limestone frequently and love the 'back area' for fishing and just being alone from the normal park visitors. I've found many people have no idea there's a whole other side to that park, basically. I'd love to visit your home, Doc. I got a bit excited just reading about it. I'm not one for the whole ghost thing (though, I have about the most open mind you'd meet about various things), but I love some exploring and excitement. Inside, outside. Day, night.
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