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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I'm voting Thorne. Anyone ever receive a text message from him? If I hadn't purged my phone texts, etc the other day, I'd post some up. Makes his post here seem downright understandable. lol@UThorne. Meaningless randomness. lol
  2. This is how I would view it... "Sweet, that's a 1/3 less fencing I have to build, now!" Of course, if it truly bothered me and I was actually concerned with how my neighbors felt (like I do on one side of me), I would ask them about it (I did see you said you hadn't had the chance, yet). Tell them I was genuinely concerned and I just wanted to know if there was any problem with us, etc. Then again, I get along with my neighbors and they're not weird, so even if they had put up a privacy fence, I would've never questioned it or would've already known why. Maybe, she thought she was helping you in the process, as well, by indirectly rebuilding your section of fence but with nicer wood instead of chain link? Just shooting out idears.
  3. ImUrOBGYN

    Mods = Bitches

  4. That's alot work, man. Good job. Looks good.
  5. No, I said there was misinformation in the thread. That if anyone was interested in what had been working for us, I would discuss it in a pm. THe thread was already falling apart. You took it personally. I said it wasn't meant to be personal. Again, I agree with what you just said completely. However, some people in here were quick dismiss certain things that I know can work. If you know what you say is right, then why would you assume I was attacking you in the first place? Even now, when I keep telling you I wasn't "belittling anyone with my wealth of knowledge", (and I still think you're reading way too much into my first post), even saying that was not my intent if that's how you took it, and restated in different words my first post, you still make comments like your last one to me all while scolding me about disrespect... I'm not going to continue to argue about it. I feel I've made myself clear. If you'd like to continue to somehow take offense, then continue on. I don't feel like getting pissed off over this. And you're right, it should've only been about the paleo comments. After reading some of the other comments, I got derailed, as well. lol
  6. Again, you're taking offense where none was offered. I never debated your personal knowledge and I also agree with your 1st paragraph here 100%. I felt I was pretty specific about the only thing you said that bothered me in my last post. What else would you like me to say before you finally stop "reading into my comments" and taking things so personally? haha
  7. Jesus Christ... I'm not saying that you know nothing. I'm saying that you don't know me, what I know, or how my personal weight loss is going, yet you still make a specific comment about me. That's what I was refering to. Now, please try to stop taking everything so personally. (You can take this next comment personally, however.) It's like dealing with a sensitive little girl.
  8. Haha, I'm actually on your side for much of what you said. I will say this, however, if you're sure in what you're doing, why are you so defensive and immediately assume I was attacking you? Also, I freely offered my opinions to anyone who was truly interested through pm's. I don't have all day to argue in a thread with people who "guess" at things. And I'm not going to come in here and start calling people out or replying to be specifically rude to someone. That's all. Another big mouth who speaks without knowledge. Exactly the kind of thing I don't want to waste my time with. I'd like to add something real quick. I hardly pay attention to who posts what. Only what they post. Generally, when I make a comment, there's zero regard to who made it depending on the subject. In this thread, it wasnt important to me who made some of the comments, only the comments themselves. As I said, I didn't want to single people out, etc, that wasn't the point of the thread.
  9. Did that get added later? I swear that wasn't up when I posted yesterday. lol
  10. That's only because they were frequenting the touristy areas. You gotta head down that back alley off the strip...
  11. Fucking holy shit! HAHAHA Some of you need to learn what you're talking about before coming in here and spouting your ignorant shit. Seriously, so many of you in here are spouting shit you know ZERO about. Many of you are right about some things and not about others. I would try to sift through the shit for the gems, but there's just too much mixed and misinformation here for me to know where to begin. (Plus, I should be doing a ton of other shit right now.) However, if you're serious about a change in diet and you would like a little knowledge and wisdom from a couple who've lost over 100lbs since Oct 30 2011 (I've personally lost just over 70lbs) and whos doctors are saying "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.", then feel free to pm me. I haven't felt better in years. Many of my serious digestive problems are gone, now, too. It's amazing how much of an impact it's had on everything in our lives, especially our relationship. Now, that I've spent some time as a fat man, I know I'll never go back. haha PS - I havent increased my activity level one bit and I'm not using drugs. lol
  12. I say send Seacrest out to sea and just prop Dick up in a corner with a mic in his hand. He'll hold up for another year or two.
  13. A properly built motor should be able to slam off its redline all day long with no problems. That's why the cutoff is there. Good way to test the setup's durability. lol
  14. Ohh. 'Favorite hole in the wall Chinese restaraunt' not my favorite hold in the wall at the chinese restaraunt cuz I don't stick dead animals in that hole. Also, it's $10 for the hole I'm referring to. Anyway, simple misunderstanding. As for the coons, there are services who will come and take them for foster home and/or relocation. I don't know what places will do it around here, but I'm betting animal control or the humane society will have info. As far as the people worried about spreading disease, I understand the ODNRs concern, however, THEY ARE WILD ANIMALS WHO LIVE WHERE THEY WANT ALREADY. That includes a park. Of course, the ODNR can't say to observe the animals, cant make sure you know how to diagnose, cant be sure that you are going to relocate them to a suitable area or an area out of that animal's particular area increasing the chance of spreading any infections that are currently localized so they apply a blanket rule. As far as I'm concerned, taking the animals and dropping them off somewhere safe and nearby would be my choice. Not for everyone, but there's always an alternative to killing them. Honestly, it would take alot for me to want to relocate them anyway. I'd rather wait for the babies to get old enough and leave with their mother then fix anything and clean up afterward. I enjoy that kinda shit, though.
  15. I see in your thread title you've only addressed a very select few here on CR. Though I am damn handsome, perhaps a new intro thread that addresses those less gifted, as well. We don't want to leave anyone out.
  16. Everyone has their little 'house rules' for monopoly, uno, etc. I'm a huge stickler for going by the rules when it comes to playing games such as these, but I've learned to accept it. I got the new Monopoly board game for xmas. Its modeled after that online one they had for awhile but I haven't had time to play it, yet. I like me some Life, as well, though I always thought the ending was a little funky.
  17. Many keep mentioning a sonic boom, but it didn't seem like one to me. What it sounded like exactly was the biggest fucking jet in existence hauling ass right overhead even though you couldn't see a damn thing. Like this thing: (If you can't see anything it's because it's an invisible jet, dumbass. Like Wonder Woman's.)
  18. About 5:55-6pm for me since I was feeding the dogs. It sounded like it was heading NNW.
  19. Sweet. Just give me a "disposable" cooler for my drinks that I can eat.
  20. As long as they put cheese with the hotdog, then it's just like one long pig-in-the-blanket.
  21. Huge and prolonged here in Delaware. Everyone who wasn't outside came outside on the whole block. I was upstairs and at first, dismissed it as a low flying jet. But then, it just got louder and louder. The whole house and everything within began trembling. I ran down the stairs since whatever it was now sounded MASSIVE and almost right above. Once outside, I found I was too late to see what it could've been. Asking a couple who had been outside was futile as they didn't seem to know what it was either. I found this strange since it was partly cloudy and anything crossing the sky should've been clearly visible at different parts. Any links to where others are talking about it?
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