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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I'm always down do go into some creepy house/cave/barn, etc at night or whenever. I find myself in short supply of people who have the balls to join me. I missed out on exploring an excellent, abandoned, huge river side factory they recently tore down north of me. I didn't wanna go it alone in this case due to obvious safety reasons, but could never find anyone who would follow thru. Also, isn't the Goonie house on Swamp Rd? I've been meaning to check that out myself.
  2. Hope things go well for your daughter. I wish her the best.
  3. lol I'm not being over-zealous, for one. Assumptive? Maybe, but try not to bullshit me with semantics. There was a short time awhile back when there were some issues with 'callouts' and others were 'threatened' in this manner. No bans were issued, just a stern posting to. lol I don't recall exact specifics and it doesn't really matter to me. More suprised you felt the need to defend him when the comment was directed toward him (and his being a mod), not CR in general. Perhaps, you felt CR's integrity was being called into question by me. I don't know. That was not my intent.
  4. Amusing. Especially the part where the "responsible moderator" threatened violence for an internet remark that supposedly carried no weight for him. lol Is this strike two for the infamous mod?! Stay tuned for the excitement! Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.
  5. Ahh... What?! You don't like imagining getting a blowjob from someone's sweet ol' beareded grandpa?
  6. Norm and I will be there later in a silver auto Cobalt rental with unmatching tires.
  7. It definitely got funnier as it went along. :lolguy:
  8. I mentioned to my neighbor (I've seen his work and he's done my roof that was leaking, etc.) and he asked where you were located so he could take a look. I'll pm you from here.
  9. Meh. Couldn't get into him. At the risk of starting a war here between fans, I'll go on a limb and say Les from Survivorman was a better watch for me, though maybe not 'exciting' enough for some.
  10. That's too bad but don't f'n do it in someone else's carport. I feel bad for the family.
  11. That last one had a good tip to it.
  12. The link you use has changed a bit. Use this one but of course, change your vin # ONLY. And don't copy the . :-\ http://www.moonhonda.com/inventory/autocheck.aspx?vin=JT2MA71L0XXXXXX91 If this stops working, you can try what I did. I went to http://www.moonhonda.com/inventory, searched for used cars and clicked the link for the autoscore check for the first used car I saw. Stole the link and changed the vin. The old Supra scored 56. Similar vehicles scored 24-50.
  13. Yeah, I would be like, "Shit, that sucks." Then, move on. It's not so much I'm heartless, you just can't let yourself be affected by every damn thing that happens in this world or you'll lose your f'n mind. Some of us have been through and/or have seen some crazy shit in their lives and for many, part of learning to deal with things is to become 'inpenetrable', so to speak.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Israel and Iran

    We need to end the thread here. Feel free to delete this post in doing so. This man has summed it up right here. And, you can insert just about any country in the "1-7" above and it'd still hold true. People are people and for the most part could get along if they weren't led by the corrupt fucks we call politicians, religious figureheads and leaders throughout the world. And we all help them by falling for their shit and pointing the fingers at each other instead of them.
  15. My grandfather was over 13lbs when he was born. He ended up being 6'1" and well built. I was 10lb 9oz when I was born and they thought my mother was going to have twins. haha My exwife was a bit worried when she got pregnant, for obvious reasons. However, my daughter was a bit on the light side but just over 21in long. lol Pediatrician always said she'd be damn close to 6ft given her headsize and length but at this point, she may be average or just a bit above. Size at birth doesn't neccesarily mean size as an adult though I'm a decent size guy, I guess.
  16. Haha. Either way, wtf. Seems like an odd thing to fake. If real, the one thing many people arent going to realize is the amount of trouble he can get into for fucking up that mailbox.
  17. Shit. And I thought the huge fucki9n cramp in my calf was bad when I first woke up and stretched this morning. On second thought, it was pretty bad. It hurt far more than seeing someone do a shitty chandelier impression.
  18. Jeffro, I'd be down to join you if you do it. I don't watch the show but I used to do it occasionally when I lived in Cali and Nevada. Besides, whether there's any gold in Delaware or the surrounding areas, like Doc said, I truly enjoy the outdoors and can spend hours looking under rocks near a stream for things that wiggle, run or swim, anyway. I love checking out new areas and know this area well.
  19. Here's a card game that's also car people relevant. Been playing since I was kid and I've gotten many people addicted to it throughout the years; of all ages. Mille Bornes The premise of Mille Bornes is that the players are in a road race. Each race—or hand—is usually 700 miles (or kilometers) long, but the first player to complete that distance exactly has the option to declare an extension in which case the race becomes 1,000 miles. Mille Bornes is played with a special deck of cards. There are hazard, remedy, safety, and distance cards. Each hazard is corrected by a corresponding remedy, and is actually prevented from happening in the first place by a corresponding safety. The target distance is reached by playing distance cards. You can find it just about anywhere. Very fun game. Of course, there are the classic card games like UNO, Skip-Bo, Phase 10 (that's a good one), etc. We play alot of card and dice games rather than board games just due to space in the living room. 10,000 is a fun dice game not everyone is familiar with, too.
  20. Why does it have to be a copy? Why can't they just build their own version, so to speak. Probably be a bit cheaper that way, too.
  21. Good points but I can't help but keep expecting him to say "Shh, I'm huntin' wabbits." It's his lisp or what have you, of course.
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