Here's a card game that's also car people relevant. Been playing since I was kid and I've gotten many people addicted to it throughout the years; of all ages.
Mille Bornes
The premise of Mille Bornes is that the players are in a road race. Each race—or hand—is usually 700 miles (or kilometers) long, but the first player to complete that distance exactly has the option to declare an extension in which case the race becomes 1,000 miles. Mille Bornes is played with a special deck of cards. There are hazard, remedy, safety, and distance cards. Each hazard is corrected by a corresponding remedy, and is actually prevented from happening in the first place by a corresponding safety. The target distance is reached by playing distance cards.
You can find it just about anywhere. Very fun game.
Of course, there are the classic card games like UNO, Skip-Bo, Phase 10 (that's a good one), etc. We play alot of card and dice games rather than board games just due to space in the living room.
10,000 is a fun dice game not everyone is familiar with, too.