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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. That's weird. I dont' have any real experience with salting but I know my neighbors salt every year for the past 10-15yrs on their concrete driveway and it's no worse for wear. I'm guessing it depends on the concrete. They're not all created equally.
  2. Thought so, too. However, why would you start with such a pos to begin with? Nevermind. Answered my own question immediately. Large, cheap convertible.
  3. The only thing I found remotely funny was how pissed people get. I won't give someone the satisfaction online for doing stupid shit like that. Let's not even talk about how pathetic a human being has to be to get their rocks off that way, either.
  4. ImUrOBGYN


    If that were to happen, I may stop by. Though, I'm tempted to take a drive up Klondike/River Rd.
  5. So, shrimp-stuffed shrimp. What's the problem? The only thing they don't do is produce their own melted butter.
  6. Where's your wallet, dammit? I'm broke and I have a boner.
  7. I guess the perfect way to blow me up is to leave a bomb in the woods, then. I mean, I would've had that thing in my hands and opening it up within the minute.
  8. Inside Line ripped this car a new one recently on it's 100 worst cars list. Personally, I don't think it deserves that. I kinda like the cars though I've never driven one. Here's the link. http://www.insideline.com/features/100-worst-cars-of-all-time.html
  9. I'd give you rep, but I have to spread it around more, first.
  10. What gets me, is that more than half of the assholes who voted for this, could be taken in using the same law.
  11. Pursue it. Camera evidence and everything else. Some people on here are saying he will deny it. So what. It would seem pretty coincidental if it were a employee of the gym at a gas station who just so happened to have a wallet that disappeared from the gym he works at that is owned by someone who he's had beef with who lost it at the gym. :megusta: Fuck the theif's life up, if possible. Theft on your record follows you around like herpes for the rest of your life and an asshole like that needs to be labeled.
  12. Any of you been to Blackreach? I'm sure some of you have. Very surreal. Pretty cool place. Huge.
  13. I just saw him play a bit part on some half hour comedy sitcom last week or so. Wasn't even sure it was him at first. He's gotten so much older and fatter. Like many of us. lol
  14. I dropped my keys in that thing. No way I'm getting them back, now... Onto another thought: What if at that point of breaking though cosmic purgatory, we lose track of the satellite only to have it reappear on the other side of our solar system?
  15. ImUrOBGYN


    Guy lived. Kept his lower jaw. Nope. Wrong, again. This guy.
  16. All apt descriptions. It was like an big truck hit the house. That's how everyone pretty much felt on our block. I cannot rule out the mine, currently. However, the last real big shock wave that come thru like that was not from the mine. Again, it could've been the mine this time as I don't have the info I did last time. Still, I find it hard to believe they are using charges that big so close to residential.
  17. Another huge boom that shook people's houses in Delaware, OH. Nobody seems to know what it was but all seem to agree it wasn't the closest mine. May not have anything to do with it, but I heard a jet scream by overhead about 5-10min later. Not something you hear often over here being how small the airport is, etc. Something similar has happened on a couple of other occasions since I've lived here. Anyone else hear/feel this one?
  18. Those aren't generally spiders. To the OP: You're far too late. This community spiders have already been found in South America, Central America and now within the good 'ol USofA. Here's another thought: Quite a few species of ants, most notably the Argentine, have evolved into the development of multi-queen mounds encompassing hundres and hundreds of sq miles. Im talking literally large enough to be in two countries. A single, multi queen colony! (Yes, it is possible to test ants to see if they are from the same mound.) If you want to be amazed, look up the argentine ant and the locations of their super colonies and marvel at their size. BTW, they're in the US, now, too. As a matter of fact, I found a HUGE location near my house in Texas and had to report it. I won't get into all that here, though. No time, man.
  19. This. ^ Read that article this morning. This is what I've been trying to tell people. I have a car with power, anyway. This car is for driving like I used to enjoy. Also: You cannot even begin to compare it to a damn Genesis. Say it again, so I know what an uneducated retard sounds like.
  20. What are you doing back with her? I thought she cheated on you.
  21. F'n christ... Can't tell what flavor of car people like around here. I guess I'll be the one to give props to the civic. Both are all motor, both put 500 up for the race. Civic won. From a dig. Looked like a fun race. Had it been from a roll, everyone would've whined about the Civic not going from a dig.
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