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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN


    I have no idea what's going on right, now.
  2. I tried to sell my hole maker on CL and was arrested.
  3. Couple things... People get cut off by assholes all the time. However, some of you cannot complain about the inherent dangers, ie; how the perp almost rear ended your children, your pets, your loved ones and the wine collection you had in the trunk and then proceed to chase them down and do the same thing. Discalimer: Not that I haven't done it before, myself. lol But at least I'll admit to doing it because I'm just fuckin angry. On a more personal level, you must have one of the only dogs in existence that cannot swim. Not saying it can't, just pointing out the rareity.
  4. Didn't see a strip club but I saw some titty! Holy fuckin awesome! If I still had my train set, etc, I'd go upstairs and fucking wreck it. lol
  5. How dare you, sir?! I have never even driven, let alone defended, such a thing!
  6. ImUrOBGYN


    Ha! You see that one awhile back with the female HP officer pulling over a local cop and giving him a piece of her mind... and a ticket?
  7. Doesn't end for anybody, just for you, or the other person betting? Need to be sure I understand the exact limits of this bet.
  8. I bet they don't tell us what it is, either. China will develop it, too.
  9. lol Holy shit, who can pick out the whiny haters? What do you expect people to call it? Supra is by far the best reference; far better than calling it a GTO or Skyline or "Hey, take a look at Titan's new 'tube frame chassis, 2j powered, its not a streetcar but it reminds me of a Supra with a Supra motor' racecar, guys!". Besides, nobody said anything about it being a stock Supra or about it being equivalent to a street car or saying how much magical it is thus making it better than a Fbody or Audi, etc. or whatever. This is about Titan's amazing accomplishment using a 2JZ motor and their build and tuning abilities.
  10. Here are a couple from a recent drive. lol Taken with a 'dumb phone' with no-flash and stock settings. Samsung Reclaim. Don't have any recent up close photos. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/383641621381.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/376331067525.jpg
  11. Yeah, I don't believe it's either company's policy to treat our stuff like shit. This, as is usually the case, comes down to the individual employee who's the irresponsible piece of shit.
  12. Might as well quit this diet...
  13. I posted a photochop pic of her I made a long time ago in a thread on CR about how people keep their tools warm... Hang on... Ha! Here's the pic I made. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/FatLadyToolbox.jpg
  14. My UPS and my USPS workers are very attentive. My FedEx guy I'm lucky if he even knocks before dumping my shit and running. I'm serious, he must launch it from his truck on the move. At least he plastic bagged this last box...
  15. Take it from someone who's been shot. It sucks. However, I will say due to the adrenaline of the given situation at the time, I hardly felt it and if I'd been anywhere near the person who'd shot me (it was a .22) I would've ripped them limb to limb. I'd say the majority of a time just having a firearm is good enough. No matter the caliber. But, nothing is the best answer for everything/every situation.
  16. Guess I better stop throwing up the peace sign since it looks like the twin towers. Guess I was making fun of the destruction of one of the towers when my penor 'exploded' and went limp. Guess we better quit wearing cotton because you can make muslin out of it and that sounds too close to muslim, so... Does anyone see where I'm going here? Anyone see how it's getting more and more ridiculous? Here's a little analogy: When I was a kid and would go hunting for lizards and the like (haha, or even now), sometimes I would swear I saw a little lizard run by. But after a second look, no lizard. I was just looking so hard for the lizard or maybe I had lizard on the brain so much, that they seemed to be there when they really weren't. Think about it.
  17. lol I like the name change. And yes, it can get pretty messy back there. Flybye adds to that point a bit below. I pm'd Bahnstoermer about trying to setup a time when we both have a chance if you guys want to continue discussing a meetup time. I'm open during the day this week and then just about anytime of the day/night starting Fri until the 2nd.
  18. lol Now, that shit's funny.
  19. There's speculation that the father has been dead for at least a couple years, now. If that's truly the case, that probably won't happen; if the little man truly even wields real power and it's not their cabinet that's actually in control.
  20. Quite the illogical one we have here? This may be too deep for you, so hold on... When you're playing video games, you're also playing them in real life. You see, everything you do, including how you react in society; in whatever form of expression it maybe, is "real life". So, yes. You can deduce quite a bit from how a person reacts online, in video games, etc. lol This wasn't really meant to be an in-depth discussion. I simply didn't find it as amusing as some of you. I had a feeling it would lead to this.
  21. Actually, no. I hardly play any online games and again, I refuse to give someone the satisfaction by getting upset like that when I do. I know why they're doing it. And if you do it, you know why, too. And you know what I say is true and what kind of person you are. You can tell yourself whatever you like to be ok with it; whatever excuses you need to make to feel good about yourself being a pos, but you know when you're full of it. lol Honestly, I've rarely had any issues with griefers on any game. When I have, they really haven't had much impact on the game as I can always switch servers, etc. Not that they aren't annoying. No. Why should I be mad that you are doing something that gives me valuable insight into what kind of person you are?
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