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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This. Read about these about a week ago. Been wondering how well they'd work. It'll only be a matter of time before those of us who can't afford to risk, find out.
  2. Sadly, this was the last thing he saw and ever photographed...
  3. Wow. Suprising given the suspension. To me, anwyay.
  4. Think I'll just stay home and alternate between arguing and sitting silently with the gf, then.. No point in ruining anyone else's mood...
  5. ImUrOBGYN


    If you have the time and money, drive. Drive.
  6. Are the redwood chairs kitchen chair size or a taller barstool size? Do the umbrellas have stands or do they need to be inserted into a table, etc? Do you have any pictures of the Crab Shack tables? Thanks.
  7. You sonofabitch, now you're gonna get it. First of all... lol I didn't go looking for a car that was already broken. Secondly, let's talk about your last 3 cars, including that GTO... Hmm? lol You can both use the same damn spoon to eat my ass with!
  8. He said it was plowed into not parked near a fire hydrant. Just arguing semantics here.
  9. Do yourselves a favor and look him up on Youtube. Guy was funny as shit. I rewatched his special last night on Comedy Central, too.
  10. Haha That's ok, man. I remember the first time I tried to listen to heavy metal (this was when I was much younger) and it took a bit for my ear to 'learn'. Another slightly related example: A Japanese man comes into a store I managed and began speaking to me. I truly expected a Japanese accent or maybe not much of one at all like my buddy's dad. It took me a few sentences to understand him, not because his accent was so thick, but because I expected a cerain kind of accent and his was a very thick English accent. Completely threw me off until I recognized it. Then it was like "Oh, 2+2=4", and everything was right in my brain. Suddenly, I could understand everything he said. lol Even slightly less related: My mother used to rinse out milk jugs back in the day and fill one with water for the fridge. One night, half asleep I walked into the kitchen and decided to take a swig out of the water jug. Without realizing it, I had grabbed the milk jug and took a big 'ol swig. Now, I fuckin love milk, but when you think you're getting a mouthful of water, that's the shittiest water you've ever had. Of course, I promptly spit that shit out everywhere. Once I realized it was milk, well, let's say I wish I would've swallowed it, instead.
  11. So, wait. You want to buy an automobile that's only redeeming quality is it's engine... And that's already broken.
  12. I just heard about this in another CR thread; indirectly. There was a quick RIP shoutout at the end of a unrelated youtube vid someone else here posted. Then, the next thread I see is this one. Too bad for the guy. He was mad funny.
  13. haha He hits pretty hard at 1:25. Holy shit, just saw the end of the vid with the R.I.P. Patrice O'Neal. Hadnt heard he'd passed away. Man was crazy funny.
  14. Vanessa Ann Aldridge you guys r ate up August 4 at 10:36am. And here's the girl who left that message: :no: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/186429_100001611545420_55615825_n.jpg
  15. I will say my experience with TKO was that he was a COMPLETE f'n tool. 'Nuff said.
  16. Even weirdos get old. And hell, by that age, if you can't do whatever the fuck you want then what's the point? lol That's someone's grandpa and he probably fought for your freedoms! If he wants to be a fag then goddamit, you will dress up for him and be a fag, too! One more thing, your avatar is very befitting for this thread. If I were to go by your avatar, I'd say you were the mistress he was talking about.
  17. The relevant part is within the first 25sec. http://tosh.comedycentral.com/video-clips/terrell-owens-apologizes
  18. Tempted to take that Oscar as I'm currently tired of the small fish in one of my tanks. lol Good luck with them. Bumpy.
  19. Here's a random, epic battle that simply began with me exiting an area, casting my flame atronach, and preparing to jump on my horse when a dragon goes overhead. My horse wants to help me fight, so I move him to a safe spot. He seems pissed, but stuck. lol I move up a tight valley where I see the dragon attack 4 stormcloak soldiers and 4 Imperial soldiers who were already engaged in battle. My flame atro helps attack the dragon and the soldiers attention turns toward the dragon, as well. Dragon weakens the party with some flying flame action, lands, crunches a soldier in its jaws and proceeds to finish the rest off with some more flame action. As the dragon lifts again, I run into the dead, mis-time my RItual spell and only raise two of the dead. By now, my flame atro is back down the hill after the dragon with me and my 'newly risen' in chase. Here's where it gets real crazy. Basically, the dragon makes a huge circle around the area I just exited. In the process, it pisses off quite a few things culminating in a full-on free-for-all involving quite the list of characters: Myself - arrows, fire bolts, chain lightning flying; amongst a couple Shouts for the dragon and my Flame Atronach Plus, 2 cave bears 1 ice bear 1 witch 1 wild flame atronach (nobody casted it) 1 blood dragon and 1 innocent mountain goat in the wrong place and the wrong time (17 total creatures/humanoids fighting in this battle.) These are just the things I know of. There may've been, and probably were, a couple other things that the dragon may've killed on his way the 'final battle' or things I missed. The bears and dragon (I do believe one of the bears ran off after incurring mass damage) did most of the damage to everything and each other. The last bear and I helped to finish off the dragon. Afterward, I promptly finished the blood crazed bear and went to absorb a new dragon soul. There can be only one. For those who don't play Skryim, all of this was completely random, as well. NO scripting.
  20. Not wild tigers. Also, at around 2:07, it looks they're in a field of marijuana. However, much like the tigers, it only looks like the real thing.
  21. Forgot all about this. Gonna have to keep it in mind for next weekend.
  22. Actually, it's easy because it's our right.
  23. Is this a vote for or against racial diversity in Delaware?
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