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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This is for something fantasy baseball related, right?
  2. Gotcha. I actually caught the "but seriously" part after the fact.
  3. Had a good one summer before last... it may've been last sumer. Queen came thorough with some followers and holed up for a short bit at my back porch light. Drove them out, though, with minimal death rate. Even the ones in my house were redirected back out the door. It was pandemonium. lol
  4. Those things are awesome. Good luck with it. I'd love to check it out if you pick one up.
  5. Wasn't any worse than the officiating sham during the Giants game. Fuck all, they were terrible. I think it's pretty dumb, too, but I guess it'll make for some big plays.
  6. Not the point he's making, really. I think someone already mentioned it, but the smell from the exhaust is distinct enough. Not really the same to me.
  7. Thought about doing this, too. However, I wasn't sure there was anyone I could sit next to that long without dumping them on the side of the road.
  8. Definitely Youtube issue. And that didn't start until Google bought them out.
  9. The whole package, Doc. The whole package.
  10. Must be from this alien race... http://www.aquateencentral.com/images/characters/WrenchAliens.jpg
  11. Being swingers, we're pretty excited. :thumbup:
  12. bwhahahahaha Holy shit. I just had a root canal today and I'm still laughing my ass off right, now. Fuck me, it hurts. lol
  13. I completely agree! I tried telling CPS this when they came and took my children but it didn't fly!
  14. Excellent article. I've said so many of those things at various times to different people. Just because someone does something you wouldn't choose to do doesn't mean I can't appreciate it and/or respect it. To each their own. One of my biggest pet peeves are the "know it alls" who sit around bashing "noobs" because apparently they were born with every piece of automobile knowledge already crammed into their little, judgemental heads. We all started somewhere and not everyone has a good example to follow. Instead of bashing someone to make up for your low self esteem, why don't you try helping them? It'll feel better in the end.
  15. You two fucksticks try not fucking this up like everything else. You couldn't mod your cocks if; 1. It were full of holes and you got a Mr. Potato Head for Xmas and 2. If you had cocks in the first place. :gabe:
  16. There are many, many types of parasitic larvae, molds etc that affect many differenct species of insects. They all involve a type of mind/body control. Very freaky shit. I know I've mentioned it in other threads and even wrote out a situation in a zombie thread here that detailed an actual possible and even realistic situation.
  17. And triple to help explain it to some of you. For some people, there doesn't have to be a tangible, physical reward at the end of a struggle or hard journey to make it rewarding. It's the challenge itself and within yourself to push harder than you would, to strive further than you thought possible and to conquer something so grand you've set your mind and body to. Some of us thrive on testing ourselves.
  18. You, when you get there. Look, if you wanna make it worth it, befriend your worst enemy. Then, take them on the trip and when you get to the top, push them off. Trick them into wearing a bell so you can still hear them once you lose sight. Try turning it into a game! How many jingles does it take to get to the bottom or try to guess how far he has to go by the sound!
  19. Yes and simply for the challenge. Would it be the first choice on my 'bucket list'? No.
  20. Here's my suggestion from last year. This will keep your tools warm, too. It looks to be definitely over 250, though. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/FatLadyToolbox.jpg
  21. Were you doing a barrel roll? Volvo XC60 http://gallery.carreview.com/data/car/646/medium/2010_volvo_xc60_09.jpg Any more info on the car or at least a bit of scale on the size of those lights? They do remind me of something but I cant place it...
  22. Trust me, he knows. Those are the tires that came with the car. Brand new when he got it so he might as well waste them. I saw one pic where there may've been a bit of feathering or something but hard to say if it's just the pic or not.
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