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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. lol Nice story, Brian. Squirters get old quick. Back on topic: Start calling glass places around town with measurements. Also, Lowe's and Home Depot will cut glass to size. They have many different kinds to choose from to suit your needs. That'll probably be the best bet.
  2. Anything for tonight? If I'd have thought about it, I would've stopped by last night.
  3. Synthetic. Don't bother with blends. You might as well get dino if you're gonna.
  4. Hmm, that is an interesting take. Never trusted that big, crazy bird, anyway. So, what you're saying is that Big Bird may actually be the pedophile and when we're seeing Snuffaluffagus, we're actually seeing the world through Big Bird's convulted and twisted view. I think I'll grab some lotion and look up some old episodes to investigate.
  5. Both of these comments made me lol.
  6. Is this NE Mexico? Is says northeast in the description. Yeah, that's probably why it looks like the US so much. No donkey drags, though. Must be too far NE.
  7. "I'm a Paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points. I can use my Helm of Disintegration and do one D4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his +5 Holy Avenger."
  8. I considered him but just because he's dirty and homeless doesn't make him a pedo. Note that grabbing the occasional errant hand and giving yourself a quick feel with it does not count. He's far too grumpy and smelly to attract the children close enough. (I've always kinda liked Oscar, too. lol Dunno why. People just need to leave him and his trashcan the fuck alone.)
  9. I thought for sure it would be Snuffaluffagus. I mean, why else would a hairy, depressed, single male hang around a bunch of little kids... and that trunk is the perfect molester's tool!
  10. Interesting read. Makes me feel like it's a placeholder for future add-ons/mods?
  11. Eat my ass, damn you. I do wish I had a computer that could play it maxed out. I would do it over the ps3, however... I believe they made this version with the consoles in mind. Why they don't offer a higher res on the pc??? is beyond me. Having said that, Ive seen it run full on PC and it wasn't that much of a difference from the ps3 version. Im very pleased.
  12. :thumbup: It's hard for me to understand how people can make such broad generalizations about people that they have to know can't be right. Especially, such negative ones. Actually, I do understand why they do it, it just saddens me to think so.
  13. Actually, smoking does a few things for you. Not all negative. Secondly, it makes you no more or less weak than any other craving or habit. Of course, I'm sure you have zero craving or habits that you ever give into. I mean, you wouldn't generalize and disrespect an entire group of people out of ignorance and bigotry would you? Think before you speak. BTW, I don't smoke.
  14. New engine, I believe, but very similar. I haven't had any heating issues. Fan's dont even kick on high unlike when playing COD MW2 for example. I have a ps3, however. Looking back at your post, now, Im assuming you have an xbox. Damn, I figured the xbox would have less problems than the ps3. That sucks.
  15. lol Can't remember if anyone posted that in the other Skyrim thread or not. There are so many cool and/or silly things like that in here. Many of them unscripted that 'naturally' occur. It's great.
  16. I like it. I like listening to it much better than watching her bounce around weirdly smiling playing it, though.
  17. ESPN keeps running this currently on their ticker. Shit, it changed and I just missed part of it. Give me a min... Here we go. This is basically all they're putting across. Excerpts from this article: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/7254564/ohio-state-buckeyes-talking-urban-meyer-job-sources-say
  18. Yeah, it kinda sucks you can't reset your points, however, your argument for it isn't justified. I have no need to reset my points and I was given the same amount of information as you were on how to use them. Sorry, bustin' balls here. That sucks about the xbox. Makes me wonder if it's something only with the xbox copies and not shared software between the 3 platforms as I haven't had any issues with the ps3 version and the few pc players I know havent had an issue that I know of. Anyone else have issues?
  19. It's more efficient to turn it off when you leave and back on later when you get home. Of course, there's level of comfort you lose having to wait for it warm back up a bit. If it's possible, you could setup a timer to turn on 30min before you get home. That would be the best compromise. Some of these things were probably mentioned as I stopped reading the thread part way thru. Still, my educated vote is clear.
  20. Yes!! Holy shit, yes. haha Been saying all season USC's job is simply to ruin everyone else's season. At the same time, my PAC 12 pride is a bit hurt because now there is no strong pac 12 bowl presence. Well, as strong, anyway. But shit yeah, USC! Lotta big upsets tonight and may still be some more.
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