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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Nice. Where'd you take them? There's an eagle's nest north of my house off of River Rd. I like to stop by and take a look everytime I drive by there.
  2. This thread had it all. Anger, arguing, shit talking, trolls, gifs, bench racing, then finally understanding and some slightly homo-erotic making up. I feel satisfied that all is right in the world. I think I'll go take a shower.
  3. Fuckin' Jones. Quit instigating. lol
  4. I've been wanting a pair pretty badly myself. Some nice hip waders as I like to get all down in the creeks/rivers. I had the opportunity to get some as a bday present this month, but I opted for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim in November. lol Still, I'll be watching this thread, as well.
  5. +1 Back to you, sir. I'm still watching the thread, but for me to delve any further would get my all riled and would only be a waste of energy.
  6. I dont read Borrowitz, so I wouldn't know. Blame the OP. lol My joke still stands.
  7. Ok, well... They were both in goddamn car accident before they died. Really not the huge of a stretch in this particular story. Dammit, do I have to be this guy? Ah well. Fine, Im the one to ruin a 'feel good' story. lol
  8. ImUrOBGYN

    Got weed!!!?

    haha I assumed everybody knew.
  9. Pain it a green camouflage? Cover it in a nice astroturf? Tell people it's weird grass or that the old owners used a chemical and you can't grow grass there anymore. lol
  10. Yes. Girlfriend's employee was sick, got 3everyone at work sick. I got sick last Friday or Sat. Sore throat, then on into the head with snot and occasional coughing, sneezing. Body achey. It's weird. We both noticed it doesnt seem to go full blown flu/cold, but just enough to slowly wear you down and it is persistent.
  11. I have a kit sitting in the garage but I need the proper housings still. My 'bulb' is the whole headlight. However, I may just go hook them up with no housing and just follow you around tonight. Where you at, dog?
  12. Someone should call him Daniel and send him to the lions. I mean, if he's not gay his god will save him, right?
  13. I actually know someone up there. You guys are falling for the bullshit. There are shitloads of 'regular' people there. The media, as usual, is cherry picking people to interview and film because people are willing to believe whatever the hell they air. They'd love for you to believe that the only protesters are jobless hippies and that's just not the truth.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Got weed!!!?

    Ah, to swim in a sea of green...
  15. Well, it peels out in the wet with mud on it's tires. That's good, isn't it?
  16. I would love to but I just don't have the room even if I had the money. Ive actually given away some big tanks simply due to no room. It was painful for me. It takes so much self control when I goto the damn show.
  17. I feel like I'm missing an integral part of this story/thread.
  18. I get what you're saying, but fuck me. I was also good friends with a guy named Cruz many years ago. He was a killer and a drug dealer. Sure, he was more than extra cool with me, but he was a piece of shit and I made/make no excuses for him. There is a line to be drawn, and you sir, need to pick up a damn marker. And some point, your 'acceptance' is irresponsible and selfish. (Im not saying you still deal with him and Im not attacking you, just another way to look at it.) I generally would agree with most of what you said, but certain situations dictate a different reaction. This is too far; too much. Of course, that's a matter of opinion, as well.
  19. It's sad. Fucking idiot of a man letting those animals out. Of course, you're going to get a bunch of gung ho fucks killing way more than they need to along with any other domestic or otherwise, animal they see. I wonder if the zoo staff managed to tranq any of them before the rest of the assholes unnecessarily kill them.
  20. "We researched the segment's major players, models such as the Honda Pilot and Chevrolet Traverse, and priced midlevel trims with family-friendly features. That brought us to roughly $37,000, so we asked automakers to give us models below the price that would best serve a family of four. Ford officials said they were unable to lend us an Explorer because they were in the midst of their model-year changeover, but it's such a large player in the segment that we secured a brand-new 2012 Explorer from a broker. A Hyundai spokesman said the 2012 Veracruz was getting several updates and would not be available in time for our Shootout. Subaru said it did not have a suitable Tribeca available in its fleet." BTW, this was technically a Cars.com test.
  21. This, however... ...this answer has more win.
  22. Love the panther. I really miss my male veiled. I also love those leaf tails. One of my fav's and they're generally so mellow. I'll be back at the reptile show this month, I'm sure. Where'd you pick yours up?
  23. That's the coolest way to fog for mosquitoes I've seen, yet.
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