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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN


    Very sorry to hear.
  2. Watched this last night. Pretty funny.
  3. Damn, man, I already compromised with you! lol And yes, if you compare the two, of course, its a good price.
  4. Yes, that capped it for me. lol
  5. This. To your right as your sitting. Hell, even standing I may have to pee off center. I like a wide base. I'll be over later to test it all out for you and approve the changes later. Seriously, though. Very nice job.
  6. It's going to be flat, now. Corrugated molds ok, too. lol
  7. I would've probably done the same. Just said it was common practice to take many multiples to account for possible bad photos, angles, lighting, film issues or whatever so that you compile only those photos of the highest quality for your customers. However, I've never been a photographer, so I don't really know the best way to hanlde it.
  8. Yeah, I guess you gotta point but I don't know. Still seems a bit excessive but I guess it'll help with attendance by weeding out a bunch of ricers topping out at 120.
  9. Maybe his is chewed up? It used to be so easy to find large cardboard boxes. Last few times I've moved though, it's almost impossible due to all the recycling, now. I may be able to get a large box, but it probably wouldn't be in a timely manner, ie; not in the next few days. I'll see what I can do in the meantime, though.
  10. Very nice, man. My only complaint would be how close the toilet seems to be to the wall. I get very claustrophobic feeling on toilets that are too close to a wall or 'crammed' into a spot and it makes my poop a chore.
  11. Sounds like everyone had a good time. Ima jump on the Jones bandwagon and offer my approval for his times, too. I'll offer to it everyone since anyone who showed up posted a faster time than I.
  12. I think I'm going to offer my protection service to the Amish. Maybe I'll drive out there today. Could even get lucky and show up during Rumspringa.
  13. Those are pretty funny. Couple Halloweens ago, we went to a real popular one here in Cbus. After going thru what was supposed to be a particularly scary section, a young homosexual gentleman from the group ahead of us became scared and latched himself to my arm like a frightened child. Did I mention it was just my gf and I? lol After coming out into the open, he looked at me, realised what he'd done, let go and apologized profusely. Everyone around basically laughed and teased the guy the rest of the time. It was pretty funny.
  14. Haha, holy shit. The guy's a walking stereotype.
  15. lol @ thread. Anyway, Forza looks and sounds pretty good this time around. I'm waiting until I actually play it to pass any judgement. I had no idea there was that much a 'wheel' problem for the 360, especially considering it's pc compatible. Can't it use any windows compatible joysticks, wheels, etc? Or does that only work the other way around? I do love GT5 still and still play it occasionally. They is a steady, albeit slow, stream of updates and pretty cool events, including actual big contest events and other cool shit. The game itself still evolves, if only at the actual pace of natural evolution.
  16. Seems like a lot of money if you're just wanting a fun run a couple times a year...
  17. lol True. Perspective's a funny thing.
  18. There's always that asshole. I don't play CoD much anymore, but assholes on World of Tanks... They exist in every game. http://www.funnymotivationalposters.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/TeamKillers.jpg
  19. Woohoo, excited about the possibility of a new season.
  20. Have a few ps3 games I could bring up, too, as long as people don't start using them as coasters. lol Yeah, right, like any of you use coasters...
  21. I need to give them a call for some advice. I'm hesitant, though as some shops don't like giving out advice (even if it's possible) without bringing the car in and charging for inspection.
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