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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. The child should be punished. No questions. And yes, I've raised kids. No time to get into the detail of the 'why fors', but I will later if need be. One more thing, if the parents are splitting up over this, they're fuckin idiots. Really?! This is what splits them up? If that's the case, they should go their separate ways before they fuck that kid up. Oh, and if this hypothetical couple is yours, then I apologize for being so harsh, however, I stand by what I said.
  2. ImUrOBGYN

    spider ID?

    Common orb weaver of which there are many, many species and variations. Though, it is related to the Garden spider that I believe a few of you are thinking of, it is not considered one. Like all spiders, it is poisonous but not a threat. Some species to get quite a bit larger and are capable of building webs that cross a small road. Ask me how I know. I thought the fucker was trying to catch a bicyclist or something. Usually, they build their webs in the late evening and pull it down in the morning. They are generally nocturnal and unagressive towards humans. These guys eat shitloads of mosquitoes and moths, etc. Some of them will even eat their webs while taking them down to resupply nutrients. One of the reasons they close shop in the mornings and hide is that they are a favored food supply of many species of wasps. Wasps actively hunt for these guys, as well as other spiders, fighting them, stinging them, and paralyzing them. Afteward, they return to their nest or hole, lay a single egg upon the paralyzed spider and cover it up. Fresh food when the larvae's born. nom nom
  3. Better than up. I really watch my shit when my hood's up. Tampering with people's shit is worthy of a beatdown.
  4. Are any of these large enough for me, yet, stylish enough to be kept in the living room beside the couch?
  5. Could've been coincidence, but notice how everyone moves away from the area when the idiot starts revving.
  6. Well, hard water tends to leave mineral stains if you're not careful and it doesn't sud easily. You want the suds to pick up and hold the dirt away from the car's surface. I'm no 'detailer' persay, so maybe someone else will have some more infos.
  7. This ^, otherwise, welcome.
  8. It's nice to see people talk shit and down about her to make themselves feel bettter. Nice example of humanity. What I see is that this woman is possibly trying to do something else with her life and going to college. People are shit.
  9. Hillbillies don't light their livestock on fire. They have sex with them. Jeez.
  10. ImUrOBGYN


    Ive been meaning to go here 40.244943, -83.148994 (put those coordinates in google map). It's right near my house and even has a tiny, little boat dock. Looking at the location on the map, Im sure you can see why I think it may be a good spot. I lost a couple good spots lately, so I've been looking for some new ones, too.
  11. Seems pretty silly, but I gotta say, I dont believe that would've happened to me. You just dont run out into an intersection stop sign or otherwise. Also, was this the first time this woman ever crossed that intersection? Im not defending these kids in anyway, Im just pointing out that a lack of judgement (by the teens) plus an ignorant driver contributed to it all.
  12. Nobody said it wasn't a scary ride. And the final gear is probably super freakin high to help with highway milage and the like.
  13. ImUrOBGYN

    Friday 8-26

    Ditto. Minus the surgery thing. GL to him, btw.
  14. So, where's this thread that got him heated?
  15. I like feinting goats. They make me feel manly when I whip it out and suprise them with it. :masturboy:
  16. The whole thing was funny.
  17. Nice eyes. Then she started talking so I closed the page.
  18. I wouldn't mind throwing the Supra's up here before the rebuild or the RAV's, but I dont have the slips anymore.
  19. Top Gear US - I also agree it's gotten better this year and the hosts are clicking a bit better, too. I'm almost looking forward to each episode. The Car Show - I watch it. And just fyi for everyone, Top Gear Australia starts a new season on the 30th, I believe.
  20. Holy shit, I want to move San Francisco, find a place, and then have this guy as my roomate.
  21. This kinda. It's true, I went to many different schools growing up. It was very prevalent, especially in the small schools. If your family was rich, and especially if they contributed to the school, then those kids got special treatment. Personally, being on the other side of that, its complete BS. Coming from a poor family, I had to work many times harder to earn my position and nothing pissed me off more than to have to compete for a position and/or the good equipment with someone who had half the skill I did. Im not saying that's the case here and if he's only being used in practice and is actually busting his ass and being given no other special treatment, then more power to him. Gotta say though, that story makes it seem otherwise.
  22. We take shitloads of drives all over the place. We've found so many cool, little places. Many arent' worth driving out to see exclusively, but the drive itself around east and southeast Ohio is almost always enjoyable. I've decided to list this one since I haven't seen it within any of the posts here, yet. Serpent Mound http://www.greatserpentmound.com/#Strange http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpent_Mound
  23. Is that a time share kinda thing or something? If not, give me the address. I'm your new caretaker. Love the pics. It's almost impossible to take a bad pic of the NW it seems. haha I've lived and traveled all over the US, but the NW, though it's always been at the top of my list (almost, almost moved to Humboldt years ago) I've never had the oppurtunity to visit or live there. It IS still on the top of my list and I WILL go there. Hell, I've moved half way across the country more than once on a whim and a night's sleep. haha Now, I have two very good friends from different times of my life living a couple hours from each other in Washington.
  24. Those two tests are irrelevant in so many ways. There are so many factors to consider here I don't even know where to start.
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