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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Hmm. 16th is my bday. Maybe by then, two freaking emanage harness pins will be appear in my garage.
  2. So many gross comments. lol Seriously, there is nothing that grosses me out in this world; no matter what I'm doing or eating. But puss shit has always got to me a bit. I watched the whole vid. I even watched a few others while I was there, but holy fuckin' grossness! Bleh!!!
  3. That's too bad, man. Nice shot, though and better luck next time.
  4. You know, it's one thing to humanely behead someone quickly (and I hesitate to use the words 'humanely' and behead' within the same sentece), but to sit there and fucking hack away with a knife like some fucking noob who's carving his first Thanksgiving turkey is ridiculous and says alot about these people. I can't think of too many in this world who deserve a death like that.
  5. Dunno if it's a repost or not. However, after the above statement, I'm going to err on the side of 'not a repost'. Cool vid, btw.
  6. lol It's stressful. My daughter drove out from St Louis by herself to see me for the first time at the end of August. She turned 17 Aug 2. She's always flown or I've driven out there. Getting old, man. haha
  7. It's all about the Hot Wheels. When I was younger, I had a incredible collection of Hot Wheels, some Matchbox, as well. Even had a Matchbox car city thing that was also a carrying case. I kept immaculate care of my toys; not even playing with them in the dirt, etc. My fav cars I would even graphite lube. We had a awesome banister in the gym that was a perfect fit for two cars to race down for about two stories along the stands. We had many, many races there where many, many lunch monies were won and lost. Later, I gave it all away to my cousin who promptly fucked them all up. (He was only a year younger, too. ) Wish Id saved all that stuff, now.
  8. Good. lol Maybe, if that happened more often, people would less likely behave like an asshole internet warrior. That's the problem these days, people have no fear of reprecussion. You should still be able to punch a man in the face without going to jail if he deserved it. Can't do that anymore, either, since nobody can take a responsible and deserved ass whipping without drawing a weapon or calling the cops. Disclaimer: Of course this guy is fucking crazy for actually going to the guy's house and assaulting him. I just wanted to go off on a small tangent.
  9. This. It's beautiful. I don't really have anything to donate, though I have no problem connecting and setting up your entertainment center. I have a very complicated and integrated et center myself with a ps3 fully integrated with tv, pc, etc. all connected together and have even done such things for an old job. I may even have some xtra wiring/hdmi, etc. Wish I could offer more.
  10. Fav drinking spot = my mouth. I've heard you can do it anally, too, though I haven't tried. It would seem much harder to taste that way and I don't want to take the chance of pissing or shitting out my mouth especially after seeing a repeat of a South Park episode last night.
  11. I took some pics of that last waterfall when I was there the last time. Don't wanna muck your thread with my pics, tho.
  12. The people were actually funneled and trapped by police leading upto the arrests. They were basically waiting for a reason...
  13. That's because here they spend so much time drilling in no speeding and having a fucking front license plate, everyone get away with everything else, I guess. I dunno, but I cannot leave the house without having at least one altercation though no fault of my own.
  14. Haven't talked to Hal much for awhile. No real reason other than I suck at keeping in touch with people. Had no idea he was 'let go'. Maybe, I'll give him a call and see how he's handling a life without CR. haha
  15. http://bjays.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/one-billion-dollars-austin-powers-above-the-law-blog.jpg
  16. He still may have a case against "Sam", though he's sol on the car. As someone said above, bank gets to trump everything. As far as this Sam goes, how do people have fucking friends like this and not know them better?
  17. Looks good, man. Glad the pickup went smoothly and you're back home enjoying your car.
  18. Im erecting my own bronze statue right now. Though not quite as big, it has cost me dearly throughout my life.
  19. If they're the only ones doing it, how can you tell if they're trying too hard?
  20. Somehow I knew you'd be the one to know this shit. lol To the OP - This is a pretty cool song. Can't believe I still haven't gotten around to watching Drive.
  21. I have to deal with this often with as much as I move. It just means you need to get out there and build a base just like you did here. New friends, new hookups, etc. It's a new life and adventure! I will say it gets harder as you get older to start anew. Nah, not harder, I think you just have less of an inclination to do it. lol
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