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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. What? Are you sure? And I thought Chili was probably the better looking one of the group. To the OP, I find myself liking this damn song, too. No idea why. Not fully proud of it. lol
  2. One of the posted comments: "Did I just get pregnant?" I was thinking of a comment about how he was staring when I read it. Cracked me up.
  3. Does a bear shit in the bathtub? Not when it's enjoying scented candles.
  4. With ground beef and worcestershire sauce. That's right. Say it. Worcestershire. Say it right, you bastard! Say it again!
  5. Self-edited for not being festive.
  6. What game are you playing? haha Yeah! lol Not if you enjoy it responsibly. Triple quote, beeches.
  7. I was there from 1030-11. Then went and got some late dinner and cruised around for a bit. Seemed pretty boring at HD.
  8. I may roll by at some point. Depends on a couple factors.
  9. I enjoyed that music video. Anyone else notice (or know) Alistair Overeem in the video?
  10. WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............................................
  11. It has definitely improved. So has Top Gear US and Australia. However, TG Australia has been cancelled, now.
  12. That would be awesome. They don't need to do away with the dunk contest, they just need to add Horse to it all.
  13. I've believed this since day fuckin one with OnStar. I've hesitated about new cars just because of the whole 'black box' bullshit, too. I feel I'm being baby sitted and watched more now, then I did 30+yrs ago as a child. When I buy something, it's fucking mine. Stay out of it. We're all living a Nanny Nation. And if I want to jump the railroad tracks I don't need some bitch speaking thru my speakers questioning if I've wrecked, I've already got one beside me in the passenger seat asking me the same thing.
  14. Did I type down the wrong prices or did you change your original ones? lol I didn't mean to change them. Either way, ME2 for 20 is good. I think I'll probably pick that one up. I was thinking of Borderlands, but I would only get that if the gf likes it. I guess I'll see about that one on Friday. ME2 for sure, though. Think I'll hold off on Fallout since November 11th is getting close. Noticed you've been playing some Oblivion lately? It'd probably be around the same time I came by last time. Night. I'll give you a text or something before I come by, of course. Not sure I remember what apt number, anyway.
  15. Dont fucking change my posts. Edit: Why hasn't this been deleted? Damn you, mods...
  16. I caught that, too. I'm thinking I have an excellent chance of finding a piece if I just stand outside and keep my eyes peeled. lol
  17. How was Bioshock 2? As good as the 1st one? Im interested in these: 15 Fallout 3 GOTY 10 Bioshock 2 15 Mass Effect 2 10 Borderlands and possibbly LBP2. I need to narrow it down. lol Would you be willing to do any trading? I have too many to list atm (on my way out the door) but I do have all my games listed on the spreadsheet stickied somewhere. Otherwise, Ill be back on later and will list the games I currently have. If I do buy something, I'll probably stop by Fri night. I'm sure I'll pick something up from you.
  18. If anyone wants some some live traps, I've been building them with common household items since I was a little kid.
  19. What a turnaround for you! lol I laughed considerably.
  20. It's fwd. That's how they feel about it. That's how everyone will always feel about it. What good is it if I'm the fastest sprinter in the world if someone takes my feet? Answer: None good, dammit. None good at all.
  21. Do Not Care. As to the rest of you flipping out about this, STOP IT. This is not unusual, this is not unheard of and I can guarantee you've already signed up to something somewhere that used the exact same wording. You see, unlike many of you, I actually peruse through this shit myself instead of reading what some glamor fag online types up for you to freak you out about. Sign up, shut up and start playing online again. Weenies.
  22. This is simply an exception to the rule. A uniquely, solitary example pulled from the endless list of failed and unhappy marriages.
  23. I've been there and done that. Won't do it again. Simply put, I see zero reason for marriage if there isn't any religious beliefs involved. Done and done.
  24. I can tell you if LittleRocket did the swap and work on this car (barring any destruction by the OP ) then this thing is rock fucking solid. LittleGuy on here (Norm) used to own a 2zz+ Spyder, as well. He lives in Texas and not too far from Littlerocket and had all his work done by him, too. The guy knows what he's doing. If you haven't driven a 2zz spyder, dont assume to know what it's like. It is an adult go kart with far more room than a miata. It fits my bigass no problems. Absolute freakin blast and more fun than you can imagine. This is basically a poor man's Elise (same engine, even) but with an interior that shouldn't fall apart or stop working nearly as fast. lol Anyway, man, good luck with the sale.
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