No idea. I was a pretty short tempered kid and quick to swing. I don't recall getting in a fight in Kindergarten, but I know I attacked a teacher because I thought the strawberries my mother sent with me were for my lunch. Shoulda known that bitch would never make me lunch. I really loved strawberries. Still do, just not enough to attack someone for it. I know I was constantly in trouble for fighting even in elementary right thru high school. Many of my fights were against older kids simply because I was never one to be pushed around, no matter the "rank". I won some, I loss some. But I will never fear a man. A woman, on the other hand... Whew, can't live with 'em... What? That's it. Can't live with 'em.
I started teaching my daughter to fight before she ever went to school. Of course, this caused some problems when she finally went to a day care. Let's just say, you didn't piss her off if you were another kid and it cost me a couple daycares. I had to teach her to dial it back and not to be physical unless she had no choice and was being physically assaulted. It worked, but that's another story.