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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I finally watched that vid today.
  2. Seems "new" GM isn't responsible for anything "old GM" did. I think today, I'll go out to a bank, get a loan, and then default on all my promises and bills. Why not? That was old ImUrOBGYN's stuff, not the 'new' one! "The Detroit News’s David Shepardson reports that GM has requested the dismissal of a lawsuit alleging rear-suspension problems on 2007-8 model-year Impalas, on the grounds that “New GM did not assume liability for old GM’s design choices, conduct or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty, and its terms expressly preclude money damages,” the response says. The suit “is trying to saddle new GM with the alleged liability and conduct of old GM.” More... http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2011/08/gm-impala-suspension-problems-are-old-gms-liability/
  3. Now, we're getting somewhere. What do I have that could use a good exploding?
  4. Way to ruin some Johnny Cash.
  5. We may not have to worry about it. China, at it's present rate and path, will collapse on it's own. It also won't call in all we owe, or it makes those little pieces of paper they own worthless, too. They'll conitnue to play little games to keep us down and them up, but you're playing our game and you're going to lose. However, in all actuality, the super rich will win; the rest will lose. No matter their nationality.
  6. My gf has one or two huge bags she's been wondering what to do with. I just dont know if she'd be willing to give them up for this. lol
  7. Yes, he passed away Dec. 30, 2010. It's been one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with and I've dealt with some shit. Im still having a bit of a problem with it and think moving would help. Ive never been with another living thing, including my own mother, for as long as I was with that dog. I still have that pic from that Cbus meet 5 or so yrs ago on my fridge.
  8. Damn, that sucks. It's good they got the bear responsible as opposed to killing every bear in a couple hundred mile radius.
  9. Either way, I still have to put up with someone else's bullshit. This is only solved with my very own self-sustaining island.
  10. What are you fucking Catholic? Congrats, I guess.
  11. Homeschooling's good for that. What if they're deaf? I'd kick their ass for not listenting to me.
  12. That's freakin awesome, man. I've never won anything that expensive before though I did buy a brand new Yamaha scooter for $200 that had been driven 2 blocks from the old lady's house who won it in a raffle. haha
  13. Thank you. Finally, someone with an intelligent question. I wish I'd known about these when Titan was still alive. He could destroy a black, heavy duty Kong in 10min if he was feeling extra frisky. Tiny little $25 pieces in a nice little pile.
  14. I want this car. Setup is similar to what I would like. Good luck with the sale.
  15. That's so sweet. On a sidenote, at first glance, I thought the title of the thread was racist.
  16. No idea. I was a pretty short tempered kid and quick to swing. I don't recall getting in a fight in Kindergarten, but I know I attacked a teacher because I thought the strawberries my mother sent with me were for my lunch. Shoulda known that bitch would never make me lunch. I really loved strawberries. Still do, just not enough to attack someone for it. I know I was constantly in trouble for fighting even in elementary right thru high school. Many of my fights were against older kids simply because I was never one to be pushed around, no matter the "rank". I won some, I loss some. But I will never fear a man. A woman, on the other hand... Whew, can't live with 'em... What? That's it. Can't live with 'em. I started teaching my daughter to fight before she ever went to school. Of course, this caused some problems when she finally went to a day care. Let's just say, you didn't piss her off if you were another kid and it cost me a couple daycares. I had to teach her to dial it back and not to be physical unless she had no choice and was being physically assaulted. It worked, but that's another story.
  17. I use the 2nd link to perform the diagnostic code reading on my Supra. Fuckin easy, peasy. When I'm done and want to reset the ecu/codes, I just pull the EFI fuse for half a minute. Actually, it probably says that in the link, too.
  18. Those are not real, man. The drugs you are taking, however, are very real.
  19. ImUrOBGYN


    I think I can take them... I am better than your kids.
  20. If you're going 60mph, so is the fan. Then, you turn on the fan and it blows air at 20mph. So, now the sail has 80mph of air going into the sail and only 60mph pushing against it. :gabe:
  21. Awesome. Whatever. Columbians don't under sciences except chemistry.
  22. Some of those are pretty sweet rides.
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