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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Nice. Looks good without the wing. Will look better without the rain guards but I generally like the rear sunshades. What exactly do they do to the fenders? Are you just using metal washer spacers on the fender bolts or what?
  2. I agree with what you say for the most part but will add this. I've never had a 7m motor that ate oil. If anything, I've been suprised at how little oil I've always had to add. Also, of course a stock 7m is not reliable! Many of them are OVER 20YRS OLD! You deserve to have your motor give if you're trying to run a 20yr old turbo motor like it has 500mi on it that along with the undertorqued heads and you get a lot of problems. And this powerband the other 'retard' (idiot, glad your gf has more tact than you) is talking about it, makes no sense. So many things affect powerband for one thing. For the other, please explain to me why the powerband is so bad in the 7m? Are we even talking stock for stock or what here? Fubar, I told you were in trouble before you ever got your car back form that shop. Again, not the motor's fault, but those who built it. Again, learn to build and maintain it properly and it's a great motor. Simple as that. It's been done far too many times to deny it.
  3. Nobody asked your opinion on the motor's design. Please reread the original post. You'll see the 7m qualifies. Your statements are shit and full of assumption. Ride that 1J bandwagon some more. Oh, and I don't deny the 1J isn't a decent motor I just don't need to be jdmtyte, yo.
  4. ImUrOBGYN


    I agree. I stayed home all day. Sun's going down so a nice little drive along the river will be nice. I'm off!
  5. ImUrOBGYN


    Pussy. Westerville isn't that far.
  6. ImUrOBGYN


    Anyone doing anything this evening/tonight car related? And/or would anyone be interested in a little cruise from Delaware? It was just too damn hot to do anything today and now I'm getting antsy and wanna kill a bit of time outside the house. I'll keep checking back here for a bit. You may also pm me.
  7. Way to half-ass it. Try reading a whole conversation before making a comment. You wouldn't half ass other things before putting yourself on the line, would you? This has already been hashed over within this thread. Though, I did word it in a way that can be taken harshly, I felt I explained myself thoroughly and standby everything I said as a whole in this thread.
  8. Go hump your 1J some more and then get back to me when you learn how to properly care for and build a 7M.
  9. Actually, just for that, you'll be the one I call and harass if nobody's there when I get there. Edit for idle threat: I don't have your number on this phone... Bastard.
  10. I was hoping it was 'till "?". You know what that means. Who knows?! haha
  11. 7M-GTE, 2JZ-GTE, 2GR-FE Most know of the 2J, however, the 7M and now the 2GR are both proving capable of handling in excess of 600hp on stock bottoms. The 2GR is an N/A motor stock but is being boosted by quite a few, now, with impressive results. Of course, there a quite a few other motors, but I'm sure others with more xp will chime in on those.
  12. It's called The Car Show. Starts 7/13/11. Date's above, as well.
  13. Current Activity: Viewing Thread http://girlsinyogapants.com


    Caught you.

  14. Any idea of about how late everyone will be there?
  15. Okie dokie. I'll bring my best lurking face... :lurk: <-- I just mugged that guy on the other side.
  16. I don't doubt that which is why I don't shoot it around the house. But you better believe I wouldn't go down without trying. I have quite a nasty pellet rifle. And it's fed me alot of rabbit. lol At 10 pumps, that fucker is loud! I miss my old .22 pellet rifle. I wish I could remember the name of it. Wood stock. I feel like it was single pump, too, but that memory's pretty shady. Fuck all, that thing was powerful and accurate, though.
  17. lol It's all good, man. I wasn't taking it seriously. However, I still feel it's the polite thing to do for me to ask.
  18. Im completely lost as to where there's going to be a central group of us like normal Fridays, tonight. Or will there be? I've been outside in the sun enough today. Im not coming out till dark.
  19. ahhahaha, holy shit. For once, I actually wasn't being a pervert and my statement was completely innocent! Nobody's going to believe that... I am getting pretty soft in my old age. And that's not clove. lol Seriously, though, I don't smoke cigarettes anymore. Quit 9months ago. Well, what do you expect when my little buddy moves back to Texas? I thought you left because we weren't taking enough trips? Who knew? lol
  20. Guess I wasn't thinking selfishly or about the safety of others. :finger: (Or, maybe you didn't catch the fact it was a rhetorical statement and meant as a joke.)
  21. First sentence from OP. "We did this last year and had a big turnout of a lot of LSX cars and other cars as well." I still currently stand by what previously I said: And it's not my fault you didn't come to my Supra meet which "had a big turnout of a lot of Supra cars and other cars as well." :gabe:
  22. Anyone meeting up on the northside anywhere tonight?
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