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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Damn, hope nobody was in the passenger seat. And can you imagine being in that SUV that went thru the air? Just sitting on your phone about to get out and go into that bar/store/restaurant, whatever, then... BAM!!! Airborne.
  2. Yeah, right. Couldn't get half the people to show up to boxing last time. haha I'd take my old, fat ass to that, too, though. lol
  3. This. lol Awesome find, man.
  4. "Whether you love Top Gear USA or think it an affront to comedic decency, one thing's certain: the show seems to have helped spawn a new wave of car-themed programming. Adam Carolla's The Car Show has taken to the air as a result of The History Channel's move into fuel-soaked entertainment, and now The BBC is striking back. The Beeb has announced that Richard Hammond will be getting his own show on BBC America soon. Called Hard Drive with Richard Hammond, the program uses a similar format as the UK's World's Toughest Driving Tests. Hammond will travel around the United States, driving and competing in some of the toughest vehicles our country has to offer. We're sure he'll meet some genuine characters along the way as well. Hammond isn't the only Top Gear presenter being awarded an American show. James May will also take to BBC America with James May's Man Lab U.S. based on the UK version of his program." More at link: http://www.autoblog.com/2011/07/25/top-gear-host-hammond-to-get-own-car-show-in-america/
  5. Haha, that's like saying the Camry is 'nasty' while talking about an Evora... I get the connection, but it's a bit of a stretch.
  6. Sorry to see that, man. Good luck with the cleanup. Where at do you live again?
  7. You remember about how much the cushion cost then?
  8. Sounds like a great damn time. Glad you guys had a good time out there.
  9. Whatever. Life shoots from my penis. Big deal, ladies.
  10. ImUrOBGYN

    7/22 HOT!

    Dunno if I'll bother coming out tonight. I've been in the heat too much this week.
  11. Wow, I may be missing something, but that response seems disproportionate to the post. And what the hell with the eunuch story? lol
  12. That's what I've been thinking (titanium wheels). But have to sport the old pizza cutters for now. littleguy sent me this pics awhile back which I really liked, too. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Car/P5290115.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Car/IMG_3365.jpg
  13. When I was a just a wee boy, two of the 3 things I wanted to do when I grew up was be a racer (I mostly wanted to do rally) or a truck driver. (The 3rd was marine biologist like Jacques Cousteau.) Now, the first time I went and saw the semi truck races when I was 7... Holy shit! All I had to do, now was find a boat big enough to build a track on and all my dreams would come true. haha
  14. lol Im hoping for that weight to be at least 300lbs less. You know, 10yrs ago, this topic and that weight you listed would never go hand and hand. Im just saying , I rememeber when anything weighing near 3k was heavy as shit. Now, we think anything under 3k lbs is light. lol To me, for what they're going for, it needs to be 2500 or less. Sure, I'd like a 2000lb car, but with todays safety, entertainment, electric everything and need to keep the price down, ie; not building the car out of carbon fiber, I still feel that's a realistic weight.
  15. Im not sure if hell will be any better or worse with all of you in it with me.
  16. So some of you are aware, it wasn't the actual comedian who hit someone. (His standup is kinda funny, btw.) "The accident happened as a producer was driving the replica cab back to a storage facility after filming for the day had been completed..."
  17. Why does anyone care what they hell it's named? I could understand if it was called the faggotmobile or the KKK, but it's not. It's called Scion. Which is a Toyota. Just like Lexus. Same company. Imagine that. It's so trivial. lol
  18. Hmm, I think I need to check out the rest of the forum. I feel I'm missing part of the discussion here...
  19. Dammit. That was quick. I'm actually going tomorrow and buying the ticks online in just a moment.
  20. The punctuation thing is the only thing you got from it? Wow, your reading comprehension is atrocious. At first, I was joking. Now, I'm not. You're behaving like an idiot. Therefore, me trying to explain this to you is a waste of time. So, I'll just call it like I see it and leave it at that.
  21. I agree. With both your statements. lol Maybe she should try out for something she'd be good at. Like basketball... as the ball. Or perhaps the swimming team... as a safety buoy.
  22. So, are you saying your penis is smaller than his?
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