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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I think he mentioned he did already. Edit: My bad. Getting this thread confused with another. Vacuum is a good one.
  2. Ended up staying home. Not long after this post, I started getting severe pains in my jaw. Went to the dentist and a previously filled tooth was infected. Fuck me I'm still in serious pain. Damn antibiotics need to kick in.
  3. Still, it's hard to beat Nike Air Force One's song by f'n Nelly for ridiculous product placement.
  4. ImUrOBGYN

    Tonight 2/25

    Anything going tonight? Some good snow up here in Delaware. Well over 3in, now. If nothing's going on, it looks like I'll be forging my way thru the snow up river road and the like tonight for shits and giggles.
  5. You gotta break a few eggs to make an omolette. Here's an idea, maybe had various governments not hidden everything from the f'n beginning, this wouldn't be a problem, now. With the way things are, how far they've gone in various parts of the world including here, there is no easy fix anymore. The systems are broken and change wont' happen from a tweaking of these broken systems but from full rebellion and restructure. Now or later; it makes no difference, it's going to happen. Might as well be now.
  6. Good idea. I just saw '90'. I see now it's a late 90. Definitely should be obd2. Run those codes!
  7. Not getting out of his house before he reloads.
  8. I've had it happen to me and I was always very careful with dropping my butts. No, it doesn't bounce everywhere and no, I haven't gotten someone's car with it, because I always made sure nobody was following closely. My cigs were generally 'cherryless', as well. Especially, depending on the season. It was important to me not to hit osmeone else because it pisses me off so much. Not saying it was right, since it's still littering which I've always been REALLY against. I even pick others trash up if I see it at a river or hiking and the like. However, that's why I forced myself into not throwing them out at all anymore. Besides, as I said, I no longer smoke anyway.
  9. Seen them already when they came out on the other side of the pond. Thanks looking out, though.
  10. We download all of our shows and watch at our discretion. We have quite a few we keep track of. Some of them are fav's, some of them are just filler when there's nothing else to watch/do. Here's my updated tv show list I currently follow for downloading and watching. I'm sure you can figure out how the list is built by taking a moment to look it over. All the CSI/Law&Order, etc are shows she watches. I'm not into them. MON The Event - 2/28/11 - Dan For Mayor - TBA Men Of A Certain Age - Summer 2011 Neighbors From Hell - TBA Weeds - TBA TUE Raising Hope SportsDome Tosh.0 Traffic Light V - Deadliest Warrior - April 2011? Eureka - July 2011? Lost Tapes - TBA Louie - TBA Nick Swardsons Pretend Time - TBA Running Wilde - TBA Top Gear Australia - TBA Warehouse 13 - July 2011? WED Criminal Minds Law and Order: SVU Modern Family The Middle - Mythbusters - TBA South Park - 4/27/11 Ugly Americans - TBA Ultimate Fighter - 3/30/11 THU Archer Bully Beatdown s03e08 Community Outsourced Parks and Recreation $h*! My Dad Says The Office - Ancient Aliens - TBA Destination Truth - 3/17/11 Futurama - 6/23/11 It's Always Sunny In Philly - 9/2011? Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - TBD Psychoville - Spring2011 The League - 9/2011? FRI Beyond Survival s01e10 CSI: NY Fringe Inside MMA Onion News Network Portlandia The Ricky Gervais Show Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Bullrun - TBA Fifth Gear - 4/2011 Haven - Summer 2011 Sanctuary - 4/2011 The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret - TBA Whitest Kids U Know (& Movie) - Early 2011 SAT - Primeval - 5/2011 SUN American Dad Being Human Bobs Burgers CSI: Miami Family Guy Robot Chicken Shameless The Cleveland Show The Simpsons Top Gear - Aqua Teen - 5/2011 Delocated - TBA Eastbound & Down - TBA Frankenhole s01e10 Metalocalypse - TBA Squidbillies - 9/2011 The Boondocks - TBA The Venture Brothers - TBA The Walking Dead - 10/2011 Top Gear US - TBA True Blood - 6/12/11 ======================= TEST SHOWS UPCOMING SERIES Speed Of Life Life's Too Short Terra Nova - May SPECIALS/MOVIES Avatar Louie CK - Hilarious Daniel Tosh - March 6 Boondock Saints II
  11. I was going deny this but you already did. I had a some mcd's chicken sandwich I let sit for a bit. FIgured I'd heat it up later and eat it. What was there when I came back was not FUCKING CHICKEN. Seriously, one of my dogs actually shunned. That's a fuckin wake up call. lol I get sick everytime I eat there anyway and it taste like shit to me, anyway. haha Nice find. I always put my arm all the way out and down so it drops right onto the street. However, I did eventually buy an ashtray and got myself into the habit of not throwing them out at all. I quit smoking cold turkey 3months ago, now, anyway.
  12. Women. Can't live with them... That's it. Can't live with them. In addition, those fucking old dolls. Especially, the old porcelain ones. I just wanna smash the damn things to pieces when I see them. Tiny little pieces that can't get up and get me when I'm not looking.
  13. I agree with everything this guy says.
  14. My first thought. I thought he would've entered the bathroom, as well. I don't think I could've waited.
  15. haha Other than what you've listed, I'd also check the IAC and TPS. You can test them using an voltmeter/ohm meter dealy.
  16. Christ, you gonna try to steal his girlfriends later in life, too? Nice find and congrats.
  17. I agree. Especially considering that the second largest reserve after the middle east lies in Canada. Also, we have, I believe, the largest shale oil deposit in the world. Canada has some serious reserves, as well. They've also come up with some incredible ways of retrieving that oil now that's much more effecient, cost and otherwise, than previously thought up. Supposedly, ability to retrieve that oil effeciently has been an issue. Hell, I thing the gubberment is purposely using up all the oil elsewhere first. One, they can pretend its running out and charge more, lol, and two, once everyone else's is gone, we can go, "Woohoo, who has all the fucking oil now?!" haha ANd that's how they fucking get you. Keep slowly raising, then drop it a bit. But never as low as it was before. Then wait awhile and start the fucking process again. This way we're trained up and we're fucking happy little sheep when it drops a bit.
  18. Wait... Are you sure she wasn't asking if it was more entertaining for you to watch Top Gear or to rape her? If you ask me, I would've immediately after she asked me the first question, you know, to help answer it for her. You can always pause Top Gear.
  19. :wtf:Terrible choice of words. Also, Id just like to say that it takes two to rape. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight.
  20. Looks like Cleveland Brown, Jr.
  21. Wow, some of you are idiots. The girl's obviously been pranked ALOT by her boyfriend/fiance. As far as the stupid little dance at the end, NEWSFLASH, most women are like that. Just not all of them do stupid dances where you can see them.
  22. But I'd imagine (and hope) that they have plenty to do once they are out. That inactivity without enough of an outlet can lead to some serious personality disorders and a need for destruction. I'm, of course, directing that last sentence to the OP since I figure you're already well aware of that.
  23. I used to live in Centerville... Texas. It was a shitty little town, too. Just found out I may not have togoto Dayton. Though, if I did, where I'm going wouldn't be too far from Centerville. Of course, dont hold it for me, since it seems I may not be in town and can't see driving that far for the heli. Maybe, you can fly it to me?
  24. Been having a good time here in Delaware and just north of here tonight. We gotta decent amount of snow here tonight.
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