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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Is it racists I was already picturing a white guy before I watched the vids? lol haha Sounds like you and I are about the same age.
  2. Anyone doing anything tonight?
  3. Yes. I've known about this for quite sometime. I've also worked with and dealt with quite a few used car lots, especially those who do their own in-house financing. Technically, that's not the ladies car anymore than your new car you make payments on is yours. It's the banks. And at an in-house fincance lot, it's the lots car until you finish paying it off. As far as the legality of it, I'm not sure what it'd be in Ohio. I would assume that it would have to be made known to the customer in writing, verbal, or something but who knows. Was this what was actually causing the issue in the car you were working on? And you 'fixed' it? How did they find out? Did the lady actually call them and ask about it or did you guys contact them? You didn't tell the end of the story very well. You left out pertinent information I need to make a definitive judgement on either the lady or the car lot.
  4. Many "healthy substitutes" aren't really much healthier than their counterparts. The best you thing you could do is just stop eating out.
  5. Shhh... Whatch need? A leg? Some eyes? A brain? If I wasn't a little loaded right now, I'd say you're uh.. lookin' for a.. Lookin' for a brain.. is that right? You don't have to lie to me. 'Cause if it's a brain you want.. I'll get ya a brain. Does it need to be smart? Cuz those are kind of hard to come by. You gotta be smarter than them to get it.
  6. Again, it's football not wrestling. For those who watched it or saw the replay, it's obvious he was tackled. To tackle him anymore would've involved quite a bit of physical wrestling and body positining change. An unreal amount that would've probably lead to a unsportsman call or roughing or something equally ridiculous.
  7. Most supra owners (and most everyone else, it seems) either aren't aware, dont care or do not know how to properly setup a suspension for such a thing. Not to mention, many of them just don't know how to drive. Couldn't even finish watchin the vid. Chock full of gay.
  8. Still there. You can also go to just about any dam and find a good spot, too.
  9. Speaking of skipping the last few... This touches on what I was just thinking about. How in the hell are they funded? Granted, it's been quite some time since looking into the assholes lives, so maybe I've forgotten. But how in the hell are they able to afford to constantly travel to all thse places and protest? The church is supposedly all family, so somebody's toting some cash.
  10. If you want a light track car, probably the FC. For any other reason; the Supra, though heavier, to me rides much nicer, gobbles the miles up and still pulls thru the curves with plenty of verve. Get rid of the GT shocks and springs and holy shit, night and day. It does have fully independent double wishbone suspension. Do plan on at least a stock rebuild. Like any old turbo car, it's gonna need it to be reliable and prepared. This will also solve the head gasket issue the 7m has from the factory due the headbolts not being torqued enough. There's a ton of aftermarket, a ton of well documented swaps for the 7m, 1j, 2j, and the a couple for the Toyota v8's and GM v8's. I've continually watched parts get cheaper and cheaper for this car, though the price of the cars themselves seem to be going up. I have plents of websites and forums if you'd like to check them out. Just let me know. If you can wait till march, my car will be back together by then. Otherwise, I'd let you ride as soon as the snow melted. However, you're more than welcome to stop by and shoot the shit, look it over, etc. It'll be out of here in a week, though and at a buddy's shop while it gets a workover from us.
  11. I need to find a good place near my house in Delaware. We gotta shitload of snow yesterday and its snowing now, too.
  12. Finally started snowing in Delaware a short bit ago. Seems to be sticking pretty well. Small flakes but alot of them.
  13. We can turn this into an ineffecient, lack of logic, US court of law and dance around the obvious with semantics but the point is, when you look at that, he's been tackled. Damned the 'loophole' details. Supposedly, there's no whistle, either, yet I distinctly heard one as he was tackling him in the replay. Of course, it doesn't mean it was an officials, I guess.
  14. Tigers don't even live in Auburn. :bs:
  15. Shut up, Cam Newton. Shouldn't even have gotten to play and still needed that BS call at the end to seal it. And don't tell me God is an Auburn fan, either. I will rape your skull's fuck socket...
  16. ImUrOBGYN

    Kia KV7

    I really like the direction they're moving in with the interior layout. http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/12/2011/01/500x_kiaint_01.jpg http://jalopnik.com/5730015/kia-kv7-thats-a-van-baby
  17. Motherfucker... They're gonna review the touchdown, now. WHy bother? After the review, the ruling will stand, "touchdown", and theyll give them 43 points.
  18. BULL FUCKING SHIT! He was fufcking down! They call people down for a lot fucking less. Since when do you hvae to hold them down for the 3count fucking professional wrestling style?! It's obvious you've been pulled off your f'n feet.
  19. YYEEESSSSS!!!! Tied that shit up.
  20. Uh, you know you can mod the suspension on a Supra, too, not just the motors?
  21. Fuck me, c'mon Oregon. They just haven't had as much fire. Also, they've been getting their ass kicked up front. I expected this to be a higher scoring game. I'm not suprised that Auburn's leading a bit, though. However, GO DUCKS!
  22. This touches a bit on what he's talking about. You'd like to. We'd all like to, but if we all did, then we'd still be able to. Think about it. Your statements, like so many others, would have us believe that nobody here buys foreign. Guess what, somebody is or companies wouldn't sell/use foreign shit. So, thanks partly to shitty unions and/or union workers, in the free market that everyone who lives in the USA agrees to, gave their jobs up to cheaper more effecient labor. Combine this with "budget" cutbacks on product manufacuturing and supplies and quality suffers. Then you have overpaid CEO's, miappropriated funds, etc etc etc etc. Every facet of the system is flawed and things are the way they are. Also, I know you buy foreign. IT's not your fault. As I said, things 'so are the way they are', you can't help it. They're too far gone, so embrace the future. And our future maybe better spent on what he's mentioned in his post above. I may've tried to jam way too much info in too short of a post so, I apologize if Im not entirely clear with my thoughts.
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