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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. lol I don't why, but this article cracks me the fuck up. So, basically, they're telling me "hey, it's just a nuclear bomb, no biggie! Hide under a desk." Isn't this basically the same shit they used to make us practice when I was in grade school during the Cold War or in Cali for earthquakes or in Texas for tornadoes? lol All I need is one of those school desks. Apparently, those things are pretty sturdy.
  2. Pretty cool, but I'm certain subliminal advertising was outlawed in the 50's. Of course, that hasn't stopped it in advertising and other venues.
  3. ImUrOBGYN

    Gun pulled

    Good for you. There's a difference between bravery and stupidity. I've failed that test a couple times. lol
  4. Eh, sometimes you just gotta let motherfuckers know wussup. Seriously though, someone shoulda speared his ass. He would've never got to my desk. I'm way to particular about the shit on my desk and how it's arranged. lol
  5. Looks like some good shows maybe coming to Speed in the future. "The Speed Channel is approaching the 15th anniversary of its original air date and apparently its going to get much more aggressive with its content in the coming years. Right now, Speed has 20 new shows in development and six of those are ready to show up in your DVR in 2011." http://www.autoblog.com/2010/12/16/speed-details-new-shows-with-adam-carolla-and-dan-neil/#continued
  6. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=40&stc=1&d=1292504784 December 26, 2010 "Santa Claus was arrested today after reports of spy cameras located within the homes of children. Police raided the Claus home today located at the North Pole and found a large child labor and pornography ring. Though no actual photos were found, several "naughty or nice" lists were found with various children names from abroad indicating a worldwide problem. Mrs. Claus could not be reached for statement at this time. More to come at 11."
  7. Holy shit, this is old. Did someone watch an old rerun of Tosh.0 yesterday? lol Cuz this vid was on it. You definitely expect a different outcome, but I guess when you think about it, they're both swinging for the fences and the little vato, is well, little.
  8. ImUrOBGYN

    new dog

    You totally gotta get the mini keg collar. You can teach it to dig people out during the winter and provide a little warming spirits (alcohol). Now, if you can just train a little monkey who rolls fatties and rides him it'd be the ultimate winter saviour.
  9. It's best to allow the puppy access to his mother until they are 8weeks of age. You can begin weaning them at 6wks. This time period can vary based on breed and diet. But I wouldn't really go younger.
  10. I'm not into time trials very much as I get bored too quickly (if I can't get it in 3 tries, fuck it, lol), however, I'm going to keep this in mind for when I get a bit bored later and possibly throw up some quick times.
  11. My PSN is ImUrOBGYN, as well. I've also created a track that is shared if anyone is interested.
  12. It only takes a single race/license test, etc to add cars to the used car lot. I'm betting it's like the old ones where you can even enter a race, quit out, and it will still count as a 'day' and the used cars will be added.
  13. lmao Ok, ok. You know what's funny, is that after I typed that and reread it, something about it seemed funny but I didn't put much thought into it. Personally, that's one of my fav moves. haha
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    new dog

    Pretty boy. He's gonna be a big one from the looks of it. Congrats.
  15. We just have a freezer outside. Never had a problem with it.
  16. Not nuts, stupid. I've driven my Supra and a WRX both with summer tires in this shit and they were almost impossible to control. One slip up, one need to make a fast manuever and I would be fucked. Driving with slicks and skinnies is just irresponsible unless it's an emergency, and even then, I hope its not bad emergency, cuz you're not getting there fast.
  17. I don't know why, but this youtube comment cracked me up for this song. "this is my grilled cheese making song"
  18. Kos thought his sloppy overhand would be enough if he worked on his takedown defense, which I must admit, he did a good damn job of keeping GSP from taking him down. I was really suprised how well he kept sticking his ass with that jab, though.
  19. Very nice. A buddy of mine is always telling me to throw a ls in mine, but he does it to drive me crazy since Im more of a purist. Of course, I love seeing someone else do something different. Good luck with the sale.
  20. That sucks, man. I thought Subie's venerable awd system is supposed to get you out of anything, though? You should sue Subaru. Good luck with your next purchase.
  21. Welcome. Post some pics. And I'm very envious of your quick access to some great driving roads.
  22. So, if you chase me after I back off, then I can defend myself. I guess the safest bet is for me to run all the way back to my house, just fast enough for the assailant not to lose me.
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