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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN


    I moved to an ajoining state. When that didn't work, I moved a few more states over. Finally. Problem solved. .
  2. I used to use AVG, then it got all bloaty and crawly. I've been using Avast for some time, now and it's been great. I do also run Malwarebytes, HiJackThis, AVG Anti-root kit and Spyware blaster, as well during periodic cleanups.
  3. I've tried many different malt liquors and for most of my drinking life, has been one of my fav's. Why drink if not to get my buzz on? So, if it's not hard liquor (or the short wino phase I went thru), then it's gotta be malt liquor. Of course, I stopped drinking 4 or so years ago, so who knows, now. My thoughts on their ranked 9 malt liquors, but first: If you want to try a malt liquor, I suggest finding ones with Sell By dates or from a store you know sells it regularly. You can come across some skunky beer, otherwise. 9. Mickeys - Not a bad starter ML. At least, it seems to be for many people. Mostly white as per my experience. Not too bitter but not one of the higher alcohol contents, either. 8. Hurricane - Never had it. 7. Colt 45. Generally the super poor or those with no taste buds. Not even a high alcohol content. 6. Haffen Priv Stock - Never had it. 5. Magnum - Terrible. Little stronger than previous entries but tastes like shit. 4. Schlitz Malt Liquor - Eh as far as malt liquor, little lower on alcohol scale. However, it has a dark brother called Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Ice. I have only ever found this while living in Las Vegas. To this day it is the single, greatest malt liquor I've ever had to date. Not only in taste, but alcohol content. Given my vast ML xp, I've also learned the listed alcohol content on the cans/bottles is not always accurate, and more often than not, seem to even be a bit low. Not so with this stuff. If you ever find it (dark blue and black 22oz cans for barely over a buck), do yourself a favor, buy 2, man up, drink that shit down. 'Nuff said. Thank me by going back and buying me 2, now, as well. Actually, do that before you get drunk. 3. Old English - My all time favorite until discovering Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Ice. One of the better tasting malts and with a decent alcohol content. I have consumed many, many of these throughout the years. 2. King Cobra - Never really liked it. Had a roomate who would drink it when he wasn't getting sloshed on 32oz millers. 1. Schlitz Red Bull - Have not tried this. Kinda wanna, now. Some others I've tried that I can remember offhand: Steel Reserve - Holy shit it tastes like asshole. Um. Eh, that's all I can remember right now, I guess. lol I know there's quite a few others, though.
  4. You know, I was pretty excited threw the 1st half with much of the playcalling. Then, fuck me, right back to his super conservative style in the 2nd half, almost costing them the game. I wish he'd grow a pair sometimes. I've really been trying to become a fan (I do root for Illinois because of the gf) but it's kinda hard having been raised a PAC 10 child.
  5. Well, you guys really needed this one. For Cbus and for the Big 10. Gotta say, defintely had the football gods on your side a bit as well as the people who allowed Pryor and the other 4 play still.
  6. That's about what we're looking for, too. Same area; garage. Only a large, fenced yard is a must. $900'month or less, though. I've been looking off and on. I'll let you know if I come across something.
  7. I would've liked to have tried to receive delivery of the tv without the authorities knowing it so I would have a free tv and that thieving ass would be in for it all. Keep us updated.
  8. I enjoy watching the suspension work, as well. Hell, even now as an adult, I'll sit in a parking lot and watch cars go over a speedbump to see how they each act and handle. Things like that. Driving beside another car or following them. You rarely get to see your own working, though.
  9. Pretty sweet. Now, if I could get one that rolled a fattie and made a sandwich I'd be set. Oh wait. I have one already. It's called a girlfriend.
  10. Even if that were relevant/true, I've had that issue my entire life. Then again, my mom and step dad were smokers. lol
  11. I don't know what everyone else would like but I know what I would like. And that's cf front fenders and hood. Then work my way back. Door skins, etc. If I'm using cf it's not just for looks, I want it doing something. And losing weight from the front of a FR car is always good.
  12. You can get one of these. Not quite the same thing, though, but cheap and nifty. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85202
  13. There's some wheel articles right there on the first page, others with a search. Not sure if you've been to this website or not, yet. http://www.gtplanet.net/ Also, I noticed while on GT5 yesterday or the day before, they mention the two gt5 licensed wheels in the "news" section that's on the Home, Arcade, Options, etc page in-game.
  14. Thought the same thing. The chute would be xtra safety once you got up far enuf, too. My big ass woulda bent the antenna like a cartoon King Kong. That's the one thing I really questioned. I mean, you gotta figure, we all fuck up just walking or sitting at least once in our lives and some of quite a bit more often. One fuck up when you're climbing that high and that's it. Dead. Or wishing you were.
  15. I prefer plan #3. Kirk, bitching garage, man.
  16. Pretty cool. Not the first time I've seen it, but first time with that motor, anyway. I wouldn't be able to leave well enough alone and would have to run some red led's in the proper firing order to go on when you spin the table, at least.
  17. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, now. Maybe, he really did have to cross traffic. I mean, if you're gonna cross, you might as well make it a challenge/fun. Besides, he has 2 more lives.
  18. So, she's fine if it takes the gun only, then? No wonder you're still married. I never understood that about you, anyway.
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