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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I'm waiting to see the Lancia and Alfas to start coming in.
  2. I actually quit smoking about a month ago. I used being sick as a jumping off point and just haven't gone back. I do miss it immensely but I don't really enjoy the actual smoking part anymore. My cigs taste like shit. And that almost depresses me more. Hard to explain in short on here. My smoking was at it's worst and I never thought I'd be able to do it. Especially, since my gf smokes. For those who've got some insurance or whatever, talk to you doctor about Zyban. It was originally a very mild anti-depressant and they realized it was incredible at stopping the urge to smoke. I went cold turkey in less than 2 weeks with NO urge to smoke at all. I was leaving the house wtih no cigs within a week. It made the metal side of quittting FAR easier than this time and my mood never got shitty. I only had a few doses that were given to me by a friend, too, so I can only imagine how great a full prescription would do.
  3. That's why everyone thought you were gay and not cool.
  4. Usually, if it's that obvious, I simply say, "What the fuck do you think?" Yes, I know. Not that witty.
  5. Let me know what ya got, Santa sluts.
  6. I have an OE aux port I use for my xm that works great. However, when I plug my phone in, the audio is too low for my happiness.
  7. I see how they're hung up, just makes me uncomforable, I guess. I'm still old fashion in that I like an e-center.
  8. Haha! I know what you're saying. I had a gold (of all colors for this car) Chrysler Cordoba at one time with bigass curb feelers.
  9. My 1st car. MKII Honda Civic. 80, maybe 81. Not actual pic. Just imagine it gold. It was a manual, but had no reverse and no first. Also, it had to be held in gear half the time, but that thing was like roach and would not die. I actually bought two of these for 200 bucks and used one as a part car. It's still sitting on my property in Lake Limestone with trees and shit growing out of it. http://www.hondaempire.com/images/Civic_003.jpg 2nd car. Pimpin'. Again, not an actual pic. Imagine it maroon + stock wire wheels and mulitply the pimp. Was lost due to my step fathers irresponsible drunk driving accident after borrowing the car. http://static.racingjunk.com/63/ui/0/51/0511957717170-1985-Olds-Delta-88.jpg
  10. Fine. I don't have to 'hand handle' it. Less cleanup for me, anyway. Feel free to pm. haha
  11. Ok, guys. Who dropped the fucking banana?
  12. Agreed, but I finally gave up and decided to watch standard def. Still wasn't bad, though. Any of you heard about these new shows, as well? Top Gear Apocalypse Top Gear Very Special Christmas
  13. I'm contacting CPS. It's obviously causing brain damage. I thought I heard those things were a bit bogus? Not sure if my memory serves me correct, though.
  14. I just cannot hang my tv's on the wall. Absolutely, cannot bring myself to even consider it. Maybe, it's the being born and raised in earthquake country or something...
  15. Funny and mostly true read.
  16. Been waiting for this. I was pissed when they had it in other countries before. I wondered if they'd do it for here, too. They finally did.
  17. Whether this was the case or not, excellent advice and a problem/solution many businesses can follow.
  18. ImUrOBGYN

    Free Stuff

    Gave it a shot. Thanks. YOu'd be amazed at what you can get for free by just calling companies and asking. Even better, tell them you're doing some research for some magazine or online site or school or some shit.
  19. I'm not getting my hopes up. Also, I always thought we'd get more snow when i moved here. So far, it hasnt' been too bad each year since moving here and there's at least been some pretty fun days, especially for someone coming from down south and out west.
  20. What should I do? Should I shit in this thread because people need to get over it? What should I do? Should I turn on some football instead? What should I do? Should I stop this joke as it's becoming overplayed? What should I do?
  21. I have unlimited access to dog, cattle, deer, and human poop. I'll perform this same service for half the price and in certain situations hand deliver it.
  22. It can be a bit linty like Charmin, though. Wait, I'm thinking of regular Cottonelle tp. Fresh wipes the wet ones?
  23. 2012 and the fact that I'll probably be disappointed.
  24. I am not interested in your ex-girlfriends old parts. :thumbdown
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